Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition]
A name for a planet. Makes sense. Nash-Marr's to name, though? Odd. His stories always had their protagonists and villains earmarked in advance; he'd only ever been there to map. Narrate. Catalogue. His role was passive. Self-insertion? Blasphemous. Unspeakable. No good story would have it, no Circle would share it.

It's what got you into this mess, Nash-Marr. It likely as won't help you find your way back, nor ease matters if you did.

"N-no. Someone else can name it."

He creeps back to the scene of his crime, nonetheless, one good eye probing the stone marble's surface. The briefest flicker of its existence, his clumsy claws the ones to pull it from nothingness, then oblivion itself. Nash-Marr shudders, squeezes his good eye - the past eye - shut.

He's alone, isn't he? He can shape this world how he pleases and not tell its story when he wanders home. The thought emboldens Nash-Marr (or maybe it's just Lord Rack's libations) enough to add to his planet a blazing core, godly magic providing energy enough to sustain it despite the planet's tiny size.

2 Acts to give the Unnamed Planet an unnaturally lively molten core.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition] - by Schazer - 03-21-2013, 04:31 AM