RE: Lucidstuck II
09-05-2018, 01:54 AM
I agree with Pan. Any 'lips' kiss-command is un-seconded by moi, thrusting such commands into such negative acceptance numbers that they may never be seen again.
Seriously though, forehead or hand, with a preference for forehead. Forehead kisses are a hybrid of intimate and platonic. Could go either way. It's chaste for any on-looker, and between two people who share feelings it can be more fuzzy and romantically-entangled. Likewise, between two people who don't openly share any feelings it can simply just be a friendly smooch between friends of the friendliness variety.
Seriously though, forehead or hand, with a preference for forehead. Forehead kisses are a hybrid of intimate and platonic. Could go either way. It's chaste for any on-looker, and between two people who share feelings it can be more fuzzy and romantically-entangled. Likewise, between two people who don't openly share any feelings it can simply just be a friendly smooch between friends of the friendliness variety.