[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_15.gif?dl=1]

You look over at Blehpie and Red... Blehpie is just waking up and beginning to blehp happily... presumbly over the fact that you aren't dead. You chose to believe that's why they're doing it anyway. Blehpie is hovering around Red... You'd like to believe they learned their lesson and won't try to eat Red again...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 7

Naturally your concerns are validated, as you are swiftly in the middle of pulling Red out of Blehpie. Yeah you're not fully certain Blehpie can be trusted to be alone with Red at the moment, so you're gonna have to get someone reliable.
You definitely have neighbors besides Jay who you could ask... Jay would definitely say yes, but you're not super interested in being indebted to him for anything. You walk outside the hallway, to search for a neighbor you can rely on.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 20

Thankfully for you, you find the the perfect candidate. Your next door neighbor, a kindly old crawler lady that you've heard really good things about. You used to be kinda freaked out by them because they were a rotting corpse and all, but you've pretty much gotten over that as you realized what a nice lady they were.
You carefully explain to them the particulars of taking care of your two pet/babies. Putting particular emphasis on the fact that Blehpie cannot be fully trusted to be alone with Red. You alternating used to the term "baby" and "pet" because you're not certain you're fully comfortable yet with the idea of being a mom... again.
That aside you say goodbye to your babies, and leave them in the care of the kindly old spider-lady... You're coming back but that doesn't make you feel less sad about it.
You retrieve your work-clothes... unfortunately since you were... nearly murdered... you didn't get the chance to wash them, and they still smell like garbage...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 14

While the part of you that's [Lazy] would like to say "Fuck it" and walk into work in garbage clothes, you headlock that part of yourself and firmly decide "NO". Unfortunately this is one of those places with a communal laundromat, so you're gonna have to go downstairs... And now that you're thinking on it, your clothes are still covered in your own blood... You had to explain several times to that nice old spider lady that you were fine that she didn't need to call the hospital or anything.
You don't really want to have that conversation with dozens of other people.
So you're just gonna go down there nude. You're not above doing that. Lots of people do that. You remember you've seen them. You mean, you're obviously going to wear your underwear, you're not a savage after all.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 14

You leave your apartment again, making certain that you've locked it this time. Your journey to the elevator is uneventful, even Jay isn't there to bother you. The elvator is fairly full, some of them give you odd looks, others don't... Now that you think about lots of people in this universe don't even wear clothes do they. That's weird, you think, as the elvator goes down.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13

You exit into the lobby, It's a fairly mundane day today. There's someone talking to the receptionist, you think they're one of those mummy people you heard about... you can't recall the name. There's some people just sort of milling about, and there's the janitor, a drakon, just napping in the corner. Being a drakon they're no less capable of doing their job while napping, as you're presented with the amusing sight of a mop-and-bucket seemingly operating all by themselves.
Some people stare at you as you make your way to the laundromat. Which is increasingly making you a little self-concious. Mostly on account of the fact that several people in this very lobby aren't wearing clothes. Why are they judging you about it!? You woudn't say you're a self-concious person, but that's really because historically you've been too plain to receive much scrutiny, positive or negative.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 6

Unfortunately when you enter the laundromat, most of the machines are in use, and the ones that aren't are out-of-order. You glance at the clock. It's 6:01. You got here at 6:01 and it's still full. Early bird your ass.
You spend a few minutes waiting, when you notice that notail child has been staring at you from across the laundromat, very intently. What is it with this week. Before the start of this week you'd only met like what, 2 notails in your entire life. And now suddenly notails are everywhere. And children. Children and notails, what's up with that.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_15.gif?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

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