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[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019 - Printable Version

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[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-25-2018

You walk upon a field of black sand.
You don't remember how you got here.
The grim oppression a red sun glowers upon as you walk upon the ebony dunes. Grim determination to reach some uncertain goal shaded by the callous fogs of the mind.
You don't know where these thoughts come from.
Suddenly then you see, evidently what you were looking.
[Image: GLX_Panel_001.gif?dl=1]
A strange bird sitting imperiously upon a forlorn skull. Satisfied with this, you sit upon the dunes waiting for something. You're uncertain what it is, but you wait for what seems to be ages. The red sun passes on and over and on and over and on. You lose count of the number of times it does this.
[Image: GLX_Panel_002.gif?dl=1]
Then suddenly, on what you surmise, through an uncertain whim, was the ninetieth passing of the sun, the bird let lose a sound. You don't recall hearing it, but you covered your ears all the same, and then...
You woke up.

it's a brand new day

[Image: GLX_Panel_003.png?dl=1]
Your name is Karla, and you awaken in your plainly appointed apartment bedroom. "What a peculiar dream" you think to yourself, before you crane your head to gaze at your bedside clock...
6:01 a.m. That's decidedly too early for you, you think. There is nothing you'd like more than to slip back into the cozy embrace of your entirely plainly appointed bed. Even in spite of the odd dream you just had... but alas the realities of your situation dawn on you as the haze of sleep gradually lifts from your mind and that peculiar dream drifts into the demesne of your subconscious.
You have work in a hour.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_01.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - Clockwork Dragon - 05-25-2018

>Coffee and breakfast time. Where are you working, anyway?

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - eerr - 05-25-2018

>What do bed-heads eat?

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-25-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_01.png?dl=1]

>Coffee and breakfast time.

You get up and out of the bed. Breakfast, you think. That's what you should be doing right about now. But first you elect to get dressed because after... the closet is right there. You take a quick scan over your available outfits in search of your work clothes, an experience made all the more depressing by the reminder that you do in, fact, only have five sets of clothes, one of which is the cheap polyester assemblage of your uniform. You quickly get undressed, sparing a moment to consider if you should take a shower first... its closer than the kitchen.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 4.

Ultimately you decide to not bother because you're kinda [Lazy] and elect to just spray yourself with a slightly not entirely off-putting spray-deorderant. It'll be fine, you assure yourself. You press yourself into what passes itself off as a shirt, its chafes slightly, as you've learned its wont to do.
There you are, you think, a "hard-working" employee of Galaxy Burger, "Home of the Galaxy Burger", you mumble to nobody, insistant marketing having compromised your subconcious impulses.
You spare a moment to look a your clock, a sudden nonspecific feeling of dread suddenly washing upon you.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 4.

...Its going to have to be a quick breakfast.

You hustle on over to the kitchen, passing by the door of what you've been calling a "spare bedroom"... You used to have a roommate, but then they just... left... and never came back. It bothered you at the time, but well, they've still been paying their half of the rent so, you've sorta just stopped fussing about it.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 14.

You reach the kitchen with little difficulty, seeing as it's your apartment and everything. There's a novelty cat clock above the (At the moment non-functional) stove. You don't remember where you got it, you have the vague notion that your roomate got it as a housewarming gift. It say 6:42.
Thankfully you bought groceries this month so you won't have to deal with the leftover food you've stolen from work. You swear that stuff has, what's the term, "Designed Obsolesence". You think that's right. It seems right. You have a "balanced" breakfast of soem coffee and toast, which should keep you level for at the least the rest of the morning.

You head to the door, noting the small pile of letters on the floor. You briefl boggle at the notion of people sending letters, I mean it's like what the 57th century?? People are still sending letters... You're still sending letters.
You pick up the pile of letters giving them a glance over, several are clearly junk mail, and you toss them to the "conveniantly" located bin right next to the door. There are three others, Which you stow away to look at later.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 5

You walk outside, and are swifly met with what the worst option you could have at this junctior.
"H-Hey, Karls." Slithers out a voice from your left, it's that guy, the one who stares at you when he thinks you're not looking. You glance at him, his slimy, pathetic countenence impressing itself upon you even at that much. It's rather pitiful to look at really, and you briefly feel bad for the intrinsic sense of revulsion you have at his character, you can't help he just... rubs you wrong.
"Hey there, Jay, I'm just... getting to work." You say, attempting to de-rail whatever he had in mind. Not so sublty edging towards the elevator.
"O-oh, that's okay, we can walk together i-i-i-t's, I think we're going the same direction an..anyway so it'll be alright, r-right."
Shoot. You were hoping he wouldn't have such a reasonable request... you really don't dislike the guy, but he just... he's just really...
"Yeah, okay, I guess that's fine"

The two of you walk the elevator sharing a inconsequential conversation. You mostly spend it trying to puzzle out what he even is. You haven't seen one of him before... you might've seen a news article about it. That they found a whole planet of people all just as a pitiable as Jay is... of course you might be mistaking him for the other species that fits that description... Whats a universe do to make these people.

You exit the lobby, looking around it trying to tune out Jay. There's a vending machine right next to the elevator that sells all kinds of stuff. And there's the front desk manned ever faithfully by the kindest little aftik who's name unfortunately escapes you... and notails. There are actually a lot of notails about... none of them seem like locals, they're all too intense, and... aggro. Especially the one interrogating the receptionist, they're giving you a real bad vibe.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_02.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LammarWesley - 05-25-2018

>Go at the vending machine and wait a bit so you don't need to walk with Jay, even if you're getting a bit late.
>Try to hear the interrogation for a bit, why not?

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - eerr - 05-25-2018

>Outrun him!

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-26-2018

>[SELFLESS]: Try and help get things to calm down :)

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-26-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_02.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 4

You glance over between the vending machine and the intense notail, contemplating which one to go to first. Unfortunate your decision is made for you, as the notail notices you and seems to take interest, they strut up to you hands clasped behind their back.
"Ah yes, you, maybe you'll be more helpful ,;v;," He practically hisses at you. He's shorter than you, and not very much stronger looking than you... and yet he emits this aura that gives you pause. Jay quickly slinks back into the elevator. "Ah-ah-I-I'll seeyoulaterbai" He squeaks out before closing the elevator behind him.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 19

Despite the tension you feel and the fearsome aura the notail projects, you manage to muster your resolve. "Yes, what can I help you with." You ask. The notail cocks his head, and his antenna twitch.
The Wolves proceed to close in
"Well, quelan, I'll have you know I'm looking for a very particular sort of monster that's been sighted in the area ,;v;," The other notails have formed a circle around the two of you, seemingly on the presumption that you would attempt to run.
But you don't.
"It's a little taller than you... about a head taller I'd say, with tremendous claws and monstrous fangs, yesss ,;v;," He's peering at your face as he says this, you can't tell if he thinking, but he's very intent on it.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 15

Just then one of the bigger notails rushes at you, and you narrowly avoid them. It seems like the others are going to rush at you as well but then they suddenly don't. "N...No. I'm sorry I don't think I've seen anything like that here, I don't think I've even hear of such a thing, maybe you're... mistaken." You try to sound a lot bolder than you really are when you say that...you're not certain it.
"Well... I don't think so ,;v;," He say, and with only the slightest twitching of his antenna to signify anything, He and the other notails begin to file out. "I'd keep a eye out though, It can do nasty things to a quaint little town like this one ,;v;," As he leaves the big one glances back at you, and you get a better look at him. All the other notails are dressed the same, black turtleneck, gray slack and a white wolf mask. This one's dressed differently though, His mask is black, He does that "watching you" gesture with his hands, and then walks away.
After a few moments you collapse on the ground. That was a little bit too much for you. You really feel like you'll need that snack now.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 7.

You insert 200p into the machine. Unfortunately all the buttons are sorta busted so you don't really know what you're gonna get. The machine cranks for a minute or two, before finally depositing something out.
It's a small plastic container with holes on the side. On the front there's a little cartoon picture of an aftik, and on the back... some suggestions on how to prepare. You think you feel something rustle inside there. Now you're no vegetarian or anything... but... well... You'll deal with this later you guess.

You exit your apartment complex onto the mainstreet. Thankfully for your nerves the notails seem to have moved on fairly quickly after they left. The street itself is fairly empty, not uncommon, you picked this apartment precisely because it was fairly quiet. You turn to head in the direction of the Galaxy Burger Home of the Galaxy burger". You spot a curious looking figure crouched in the street.
You say curious of course because you can't tell what they are... not like the way you couldn't tell what Jay was, but rather in a entirely different way that you can't put your finger on. You reflect on the circumstances that likely led to his present state. This planet has a reputation, you'd suppose, for attracting vagrants, the misbegotten, outcasts you supposes.
A place for people with nowhere else to go.
A twinge of guilt over gawking compels you to approach them, They're a ragged thing, in a coat that's far too large for them, impressive as they seem rather large themselves. Being decidely [selfless], you place 200p in the little jar they've set in front of them.
"Well prize myne eyes, what is this" They say in a low, whispy tone that nearly escapes your hearing. They look up at you, with these large gleaming yellow eyes.
Like waxing moons gazing upon the sun
[Image: GLX_Panel_004.gif?dl=1]
Immediately they clasp their hands around one of your arms. "Such generosyty mein dear, is not a common thing."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 5

You eyes lock in a strange moment, where everything seems to still around you. "Oh I-I don't know it was nothing really." The being rises up in a jolt, now towering over you. "Oh no no no no, mein enjelus, most would bare contempt than mind a vagrant soul, bereft of home." They bend down bringing their face near to yours, and you think you can see... feathers. "No m'dear, in four and three days hence, shall I repay this, generosity, whence I return to this hamlet." And in a sudden burst of motion, you spin together, before you're just left spinning.
You're left once agains aghast by this strange turn of events... and then you notice, stuck to one of your tentacles, is a slip of paper... a tick, red on one side and blue on the other.
You're not really certain what to think about all of this. It all happened so suddenly and you feel a bit light headed in the aftermath of it. You hear a clock chime in the distance. One... Two... Three... ... ... ...Seven. Well, you're definitely late.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_03.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LammarWesley - 05-26-2018

>Just guard the paper and *DASH* to your work, cmon, your boss might say anything!

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - eerr - 05-26-2018

>Dash but not an excessive dash!

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-26-2018

>Walk into work dabbing

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-27-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_03.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13.

You consider dashing to the Galaxy Burger, "Home of the Galaxy Burger". But as you are, as noted before, somwhat [Lazy] you instead decide to jaunt there very casually, as though you were going to be there perfectly on time, or even maybe early, as opposed to several minutes late.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 5.

[Image: GLX_Panel_005.png?dl=1]
You begin walking down the road, your street goes down a little ways before exiting onto the high street. The high street is very crowded. hundreds of people congregating up and down along the foot-lanes, and travel through is very slow, so thankfully you're already late or else you'd probably be a little concerned about it.
You pass by some shops on the way, making note of things you couldn't possibly afford. You're not what you'd call a "materialistic" sort of person, but the all these nice things you can't buy definitely bum you out a little bit. Especially once you start passing clothes. Again you're not a super materialistic person, but you only have five outfits, including the one you're wearing, and seeing so many nice sets of clothes is just giving you a case of envy. Especially when you spot a really nice, and very expensive dress that you just adore and makes your heart sink...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 12.

You're lost in your thoughts when someone bumps into you. It's a little notail kid. This has been a notail heavy day, you think. Then you also think, notails hardly come up here, and that one was definitely a local, you hear bad stories about what notails elsewhere do to their kids. You come to a realization and quickly check your purse... You're missing 100p. That jerk. You think about chasing him down, but you've already lost sight of him in the crowd.
You silently curse your misfortune. You decide to take your mind off the issue by reading one of your letters.

It's a letter with an official Galaxy Burger, "Home of-" You bite your tongue... Letter heading. You only know three things who would use that sort of letter heading, one of them wouldn't send you letters, the second probablywouldn't, and the third is your superior, Dave. The post notes its been sent to all employees except Dave.

Dear; [Senior Cashier, Karla Amelya]

We are writing to announce that tomorrow's work-day will be delayed to no later than 9 o'clock in the morning due to an all-hands meeting. The items discussed will announced during the meeting, but are confirmed to comply with company policies of being a "Fiscally Relevant interruption of labor."
Attendance of this meeting is mandatory except for specifically noted exception, and those that fail to attend will receive a performance citation, and possibly immediate employment termination. You, [Senior Cashier, Karla Amelya], will NOT be compensated for any lost work-hours, and will be paid in accordance to the previously agreed upon hourly rate for the remaining hours of the day.

-Professionally; Dave, Junior Manager.

Reading that letter took up most of the remainder of your commute. You passed through the High-street, the... you're place of employment is on the last street to the left before you reach to government district, which is, you think, a strangely ritzy location for a fast-food joint. You often wonder how the your boss was able to afford that.
As you step up to the join, you note it is, as the letter suggested, closed far later than usual. You glance over in the direction of city hall, the clocktower blazes 7:45:42, in big friendly L.E.D.s.

[Image: GLX_Panel_006.gif?dl=1]
You slam through the main entrance dabbing, head firmly pressed against the crook of your arm without regard. The whole establishment, such that it is, gasps, and "ahhhhs" nobody expected this happening at all, but here you are doing.
Except not really, because that would be very silly.

You head through the usual employee entrance, around the back, walking through the hall into the staff-room.
Just about everyone is here, even some of the night staff. You see Rico, the surly pagepoh who does... a lot, He's a jerk but he's basically indispensable; C.B, an apidee who mostly handles stock when she isn't helping Rico with whatever he needs doing; An Apollo and Artemis, you're not entirely certain why you bought a robot-waiter to do general labor, but you don't make these decisions; Then there's Meeri, a gigne, who mainly mans the drive-through register, She has a lot of free-time because not a lot of people own cars here.
Finally there is, Dave, the "Junior" Manager, a metaparxi, you don't know why he's the Junior Manager when he's A) The only manager, and B) The only person in this establishment with more authority than him is the owner, who's hardly here during work-hours so Dave is always the most in-charge person here. Now that you're looking at you notice another person who you don't recognize... another notail, it really has been a notail heavy day.
"Okay it seems like everyone's here." Dave begins in his typical tone of meekness and authority. "Right, so the first thing I have to announce is..."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13

Dave, and everyone else, looks towards Rico, who, doesn't appear to be doing anything of note. "Alright ya' I'm not smooking, don't have to get on my case for smooking yer staff room Davey."
"That sort of antagonism does nothing but create a hostile-work-environment Rico, this will be going on your employee review... again." Rico scoffs and Dave makes a note on his clipboard. This is indeed not the first time those two have butted heads on an issue, or the first time Rico's butted heads with anyone over any issue.
"Anyway, like I was saying, the first announcement, is, at the end of the month, Mr. Valkrest will be coming in as part of our monthly inspection." There's a general murmur amongst your co-workers, indeed Mr. Valkrest rarely comes in, he's usually too busy hobnobbing it up with the the other Franchisee's up on the station above to bother dealing with the day-to-day of operations. "That means you especially Rico, don't think I haven't been telling Mr. Valkrest about your many infractions." Dave says waggling a pen in Rico's direction. "And I haven't been fired have I Davey" Rico retorts in a smug tone.
Dave grumbles as he goes down his list. He goes down few inconsequential item, they've finally fixed the fire alarm in the bathroom, to which Rico groans, that they've switched to a new provider of salt, which of course means they'll need to replace all of their advertising which features the old salt, Meeri excitedly claps at this, as she is the one in charge of making all advertising.
"And our final bit of business, you may have noticed the notail standing behind me, yes, everyone say hello." Everyone does, except you, who are a little tired of notails at the moment. "Yes, this is Alex... I think, I think that's her name, right... yeah, I have a lot of "names" on my sheet, most of them are crossed out... right." Dave pecks at his clipboard with his pen a few times. "Right yeah, She will be our new Frycook, yes I know what you'll say, but It's fine, she will be wearing a hairnet. As soon as we get one." He says, swiftly skipping across the obvious.
"Karla" He says, suddenly bringing you to attention. "Yes, you, as the most... ... ... ...as the least irresponsible employee, excluding me, you will be put in charge of her training, it shouldn't be super complicated, you just have to check off every item on this list, and make sure she knows how to use the fryer." He hands you a piece of paper with several tasks and items listed on it. "Anyway, that should be everything... oh, except Karla, before the day ends I want to see you in my office. But aside from that." He clears his throat and breaths in EVERYBODY GET BACK TO WORK Everyone begins to disperse to their respective positions, and he leaves shortly after, leaving just you and Alex in the staff room. Alex is, and it's admittedly hard to tell past her mask, looking at you expectantly.
You look over the list.

1. Give Employee their uniform and Badge (Employee must pay for uniform, but we have badges)
2. Familiarize Employee with Establishment (New employees are not allowed in the rooms marked with a blue "X" on the establishment map We lost the map, just don't show them the boiler room unless they are in fact, being hired as a handyperson.)
3. Introduce other staff to Employees (Obviously Mr. Valkrest is not included)
4. Familiarize Employee with work station

Straightforward enough.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_04.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-27-2018

>Start with the uniform and introducing them to anyone who isn't outright busy.

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LammarWesley - 05-27-2018

>Small talk with her, maybe tell a few jokes.
>Show them the place, including the Boiler room, but for a few minutes.

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-27-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_04.png?dl=1]

The simplest order of business to take care of would be the uniform. Now unfortunately due to a combination of incredibly cheapness and the variable body-types of potential employees, Galaxy Burger, mmm...mmm...mm.mmmm...] --You're pretty sure alex is making a face over that weird thing you did with your face-- Does not keep uniforms on hand, so you'll have to order one, a simple thing.
You walk through to storage, where basically everythin is stored, passing by C.B. who is... not doing their job, "I got distracted." She says when she notices you looking at her. You follow her gaze up to look at what she's distracted by.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls 15

There appears to be a mold, growing on the ceiling. You're no medical expert, but you're fairly certain its not a dangerous mold or anything. Some of your favorite people qualify as mold. "What'cha looking at C'bs." You ask in a nonchalant tone. "You wouldn't get it." She replies in a atypically somber and serious tone. "It's beautiful" She whispers, you notice her antenna bobbing up and down. "Ooookay, C'bs, I'll let you... get back to that."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls three 20 sided dice, rolling a 15, a 12, and a 5

You make your way over to the filing cabinet in the back "So that was C.B, our resident Stock-bee ha-ha." Alex tilts her head quizically, "'Cause uh, she's a bee... yannow."
"Oh, ha. Yes, that's funny. Xv(X)" Right. You pull the uniform order forms out of the cabinet. "Okay, so, just take one of these and fill in all the info... Oh but first, you should give me the fee, 500p." Alex shuffles her foot around awkwardly, "Oh I... don't have that. Xv(X)"
"Well that's fine, you can pay part of it, and we'll just deduct the rest from your first paycheck." She looks down, as far as you can discern, sheepishly. "I... don't have any... Xv(X)
You stare at here for a minute... you're gonna have to aren't you. "That's okay... I'll cover for you that's... no problem." You say, that'll be the last of your funds for the month. You'll have to be creative. You hand her the forms and a pen, while she fills that in, you pick up a name-tag, and fill in her name. She returns to you shortly after, and you review the form.

AppariCO Mail-Order Form
Recipient: K-137M-137A L E X
Employer/Benefactor: GALAXY BURGER Co.
Recipient Adress: 52525 Desolation Rowe, Apt. 119
Items to Order
[X] Soft Bill Baseball-style Cap; Scarlet + Red; w/ Galaxy Burger Logo -- Number Ordered: 1
[X] Polyester Bowling Shirt; Scarlet + Red -- Number Ordered: 1
[_] Polyester Slacks; Red -- Number Ordered:
[_] Unpressed
[_] Capris-Style
[X] Polyester Skirt ; Red -- Number Ordered: 1
[X] Knife-Pleat
[_] Box-Pleat
[_] Sneaks, 1pair, Black -- Number Ordered:

Everything looks in order... She lives in the Rowe, It makes sense that she's so poor then. "Well that handles that then, I'll make sure to get this mailed out, and that should take... a week, maybe less." You look her over a few times... there is something weird about her, well weirder than usual. "You still need something for this week though." You think for a moment.
Ah yes.
You plop your hat on her head, she flinches more violently than you expected. "There we go, now Dave can't complain about you being out of uniform and I don't have to deal with haticles. Ha" You gesture at your tentacles for emphasis and she seems to get it. She only laughs a little bit.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_05.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LammarWesley - 05-27-2018

>Done and done, now time to show Alex the others workers, also, make a few jokes too.
>Show her the work station, that's a good play.

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-28-2018

>Get the badge, and introduce her to Meeri

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-28-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_05.png?dl=1]

You spend the next hour or two introducing Alex to the rest of your co-workers. On the way out of the office, you run into Rico, who's carrying a largish box. "Oh Hey, Rico, how convenient seeing you... doing your job."
"Oh yeah, no this is my reddin' box, yeah I'm gonna prop it up and read my little gentleman's mags." He says in a tone that betrays nothing... you think.
"Of course I'm fucking working ya' ideeot, not everyone is a lackadaisy layabout like you Karla." You gasp in mock offense, but honestly he's pretty right, you have a bad work-ethic. You're pretty sure the only reason Rico doesn't get a better review than you every month is because of his poor attitude, which may-or-may-not be due to the fact that you are rated so much more highly than him.
You notice Alex begin sniffing about in a manner not unlike some sort of animal. "Whats... in the box? Xv(X)" She asks in that way that says she already has a very strong idea. "Its... *Hem* Its the Friday lunch special."
"Isn't it Monday. Xv(X)"
"Well yeh, but they only uh... "sell" the Friday lunch special on Monday, *wink*" To clarify He did, in fact, audibly say the word 'wink' as he winked.
"Well anyway, Alex, this is Ricico Squall, or just Rico to his friends. He's our resident 'Bus-Bird' Ha, ya get it becau-" "Because I'm a bird yah, you're not clever Karls." You scoff in entirely genuine offense at that remark... you thinks your jokes are pretty good. "You think I'm clever right... resident Frytail Alex?" You say.. Alex does not seem to register the remark. "What does a Busbird do Mr. Rico? Xv(X)"
"Oh a little bit of dis-n-dat, here-n-dere, mainly I take out the trash and bring in deliveries yannow." He hefts up the box he's holding.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 16.

Rico coarsely insists he "Betta get back to work, or else Dave might Infract me again." He has a hearty chuckle about that one, but you worry that one of these days He's actually going to get fired. If the boss doesn't just kill him first. You've heard that's a thing he does.

You bring Alex along to the Drive-through window, which takes you through the kitchen... You never realized how filthy this place was. "You... don't mind a... ... ..." You trail off as you begin wondering 'Do notails care about that sort of thing.' You've heard conflicting reports. Alex takes glances around "This is fine. Xv(X)" You look around a bit more. "Are you sure, I mean you could get siii.... right."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 15

You decide to move swiftly along, and encounter Meeri, who, rather than manning her station at the drive through, is crouched over a laptop, giggling about something. "And this is Meeri, she mans the Drive through window." Alex tilts her head "I haven't seen a car since I got here... Xv(X)"
"Yeah, I don't have a lot to do in that department." Meeri retorts in a rather indifferent tone. "So I have a lot of time to work on my real passions, like check out my latest project."
[Image: GLX_Panel_007.gif?dl=1]
You're not really certain if this is supposed to drive up sales or not... You don't really get it. "Yeah, you're impressed, I can tell, you don't need to shower me with praise, I got it." She is giggling incessantly at her art as though it was the funniest thing in the world.
Meeri's also our "head of marketing"" You say doing the best attempt at air quotes you can without fingers. "My fake marketing title is more prestigious than your real title, Senior Cashier Karla" She says and sticks her tongue out at you. "Well I'm a Senior something, Junior Cashier Meeri", after a moment, the two of you laugh about it. Alex is left feeling very confused, as far you can reasonably tell.
All that would leave are Dave and the Robots... do the robots count as employees. They aren't paid, because they're robots, you check one of the many clocks, 8:54, you should probably get Alex to work sooner rather than later. "There's also Polly and Arty, who are around, Polly usually helps out Rico or C.B, and Arty..." You think, not entirely sure what the Artemis unit actually does around here. "Provides emotional support to Polly?" You're pretty sure that's a thing Artemises do.
As Alex has certainly met Dave then, you decide to get her situated at her station. "So Frytail Alex, here we finally are in the kitchen, your home for Twelve whole hours a day, except for today." You gesture at the myriad of equipment in the kitchen that Alex will be using. "Thankfully for you, I;ve had to sub in when the cook was away more than once, so I can get you on your feet sooner than If you had a crummy manual, (Which we had lost anyway)."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna Rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 12

Things go fairly well in showing Alex how to operate the equipment, you enlighten her with useful anecdotes of peculiarities with the cheap-when-they-were-new second-hand equipment you're operating here. "Frier 2, has a tendency to seize up do to a magnetic fluctuation, don't ask why a frier requires electromagnets."[/color], And generally Alex seems fairly receptive to your instruction. After a little over 20 minutes of instruction you feel, Alex is sufficiently instructed. "If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask... me, Dave would have a fit if you asked him anything."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls three 20 sided dice, and rolls a 15, a 12, and a 17

The first few hours of your shift go rather well, there are no obnoxious customers and nobody is confused by the menu --well except for literally being confused by the menu because its full of weird animated Gifs and whatnot-- The hours pass fairly comfortably by the standards of the food industry.
The next few hours after that are not as good, but still rather acceptable, some people come back ornery that they didn't get what they ordered, but other than that you would say the hours pass fairly unnotably.
The last few hours of your shift something rather odd happens. A well-to-do man from the government district show up, they're klannec, and clearly high-class. You think you might've seen them, but you don't know you see all sorts of government people on the news. He orders a single Galaxy Burger --You don't say the phrase because you can mentally distinguish the sandwich from the restaurant-- and a small drink, and then leaves. At which point you notice another spectacular thing, He left a tip, hardly anyone gives you a tip. 300p, its not much, but its better than the nothing you had before.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 10
Fortuna then rolls 4 20 sided dice, and rolls a 10, a 3, a1, and a 12
Fortuna finally rolls 2 20 sided dice, and rolls a 3, and a 4

The minutes click down to 7 o'clock closing time, Dave announces that anyone's who still inside and not an employee will be shot, which you've never seen him do, but then noone stays in after 7.
That doesn't really change tonight either, and the building is mostly empty, you decide to see Dave at this point, as you'd nearly forgotten about it. Dave's office is right across from the rather underused office of Mr Valkrest, the owner and your actual "Boss". You've never been in his office because it's always locked, and with some heavy duty locks as well. Dave's office though is never locked, because Dave is always here and usually awake. You're pretty sure he actually lives here, but you don't have the heart to ask.
Dave's office is for the most part, plainly decorated in company colors, the only divergence being the blue plant in one corner, and a grandiose portrait of Dave, dressed in a business suit, and looking rather imperious. Dave is sitting at his desk "Thank you for coming in Karla." He says, his tail-hand beckoning you to take a seat, which you do without comment.
"I bet you're wondering why I've called you in here Karla" Truth be told you forgot about this meeting up until the last minute. "Yep."
"It's a quite simple thing, but its very important, and its something that I was told couldn't leave this room." Dave says with a noncommittal flourish, and admittedly you are now piqued. "Essentially the gist is this, you, Karla Amelya, have been selected for a Special Employee evaluation, for this month." Your eyes go wide at this, you know you've been kinda [Lazy] but you didn't think it would... "Now don't flip out, it's not a bad thing, its actually a GREAT thing." You are now very confused.
"Basically Mr. Valkrest is taking interest in you so We expect you to perform better than usual Karla... but also, you have been given a special task." Dave pulls out a manila folder, who even uses those anymore... okay you do. "Mr Valkrest, wants, as a special task for your Special Employee evaluation, for you to, assist our new employee in integrating in the Galaxy Burger, Home of the Galaxy Burger, family." Oh what. "We want you to make sure Ms. Alex is as productive and emotionally satisfied an employee as possible."
You blink several times. "Are you... saying you want me to be friends with her."
"If that is how you choose to approach these duties that's your call."
"There isn't any sort of catch?" You're very incredulous.
Dave reviews the file he has. "...Nope." He closes it very suddenly. "If there's nothing else, than you are dismissed Karla."

You are rather flabbergasted as you leave the room, suspicious, perplexed, mildly amused. You're really not certain how to feel about this. Its not like this is a task you don't want to do, after all you felt fairly cordial with her after your interactions today, but its such an odd thing to ask of an employee, you feel.
You decide to put it out of your mind, if the company wants you to make friends with someone, well it'd be best to do so in a natural way with no ulterior motives.
You think about the usual things you do after the end of a workday,
-You could go to that club you like that doesn't have an entry fee, you'd have to go back home to get your nice clothes, and you don't have a lot of money... you could probably get some lovesicks to buy you drinks, but you don't know.
-There's the woods outside of town, they have a reputation for being dangerous, especially as it gets dark, but it's still a nice place to clear your head that doesn't expect much fiscal commitment of you.
-Then there's the arcade, you might not be a juvenile anymore but man you love the arcade anyway.

As you're thinking this over you notice Alex walking down the way. The way she's going is the opposite of where most of your co-workers, and yourself, go, because it leads through Desolation Rowe, the bad part of town. She apparently lives there so you guess it makes sense. Thinking about it, you've literally never gone down there, you're pretty sure you can get to your apartment that way as well...

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_06.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-28-2018

>Ask if Alex is new to town, and what her hobbies are

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-29-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_06.png?dl=1]
[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]
You sidle casually in Alex's direction. You're gonna start this friendship thing right, and get to know her. You sidle in and crook a tentacle around her. "Heyo, Newbie."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls an 8.

She does not react particularly well, she wriggles violently out of your light emrace and twists away from you... for a moment you feel a strange spike of fear, you don't know why, there was something subtle there, about the way she moved that terrified you in a way you can't describe.
"Ah-ah... sorry I..." She does in fact forget to do her sign off, you didn't realize she would react so badly. "No, I'm sorry,I shouldn't have just assumed you'd be okay with that." You place your tentacles behind your head, "We've barely known each-other for a day after all."
There's a moment of weighty silence between you, The encounter's a bit de-railed and you don't know what to do... "Oh! You want your hat back. Xv(X)" You let out a confused yelp. "I was wondering why you were talking to me, that makes since. Xv(X)" She says, taking off your hat
"What, no, that's not, look you can keep it, that's not why I wanted to talk to you." Alex seems incredibly baffled by this encounter, and you can't blame her. "I've really messed this up...lets start over." You physically re-orient yourself to mentally re-set yourself. "So are you new in town, I don't think I've seen you around before today, but it's admittedly a pretty big town." Alex seems suspicious of your interest, and begins to walk away. This is not good.
"That's fine, we can walk and talk." You begin casually sauntering along-side, careful to not get too close out of concern for her personal space. The two of you walk in silence for a few minutes. She seems to be debating something within herself... not that, you're staring at her or anything. "Two Weeks. Xv(X)." You're taken aback by her sudden piping up. "I... moved in... two weeks, ago. Xv(X)." She was very deliberate with what how she phrased that.
"Really, hope you've been settling in well, I remember when I first moved here, it was pretty tough, but eh..." You say very concious about where she's chosen to live. You approach the corner to Desolation Rowe. "Hey, ya' got, any hobbies, anything planned now that you're off work." She seems a bit surprised by the notion, like she never really thought about it. "Uh, no... I don't... I was... Xv(X)"
"Really, that's a little... weird."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice, and rolls an 18.

She stops and looks at you, even with the whole mask issue you can plainly tell she is, very upset, "R-Really...uh.." She starts shifting nervously. "Uh, I mean, If you need any suggestions, I know this great place, it's kinda loud though I guess, maybe you won't like that... but I know this other place, that's not as loud." You start trailing off when she starts walking again. "I'll... think about it. Xv(X)" Well that was much better than you feared that going.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice, and rolls a 16.

The two of you enter "Desolation Rowe" with the scenery immediately turning to mark the occassion. Boarded up windows, degraded streets, hobos, and a general air that you would perhaps describe as "accute despair". As you walk down you can't help but notice a band of thugs meandering down the way in your direction. -A Noxis, a Drakon, and oddest looking arma you've seen. You're pretty sure they're members of a local gang, but you can't remember.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice, and rolls a 7.

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

They notice you, and position themselves in front of you. "Well well, what we' got 'ere." slurs the noxis, "It looks like the neet went outside and brought a friend." Replies the Drakon. "And what a comely looking friend it is eh?" The noxis continues. "We don't want any trouble."
"That's a sweet thought, blue, but ya' gotta understand, Trouble's our business." the noxis says this with a smug satisfaction "You walk into our turf, fresh-n-blue-faced, and you clearly aint got no clue how things is here."
"Way things is, yasee, we break something, and ya' don't come here again." He then proceeds to get way closer to you than you're comfortable with. "I mean unless a little somewhat like you knows any way to change my mind" Did he just seriousl-

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice, and rolls an 8.

For a second you feel a sharp pain in the back of your head, and then the sensation of falling, and then that noxis' voice again. "Aw c'mon Mackie you didn't even give her the chance to say "no"". You then hear the drakon chortle back a reply "Or maybe this'd be the day ya' get lucky Decon!" It's all so infuriating, and yet you can't bring yourself to get back up. Why is that?

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice, and rolls a 4.

Before you can give it another thought you feel a sharp pain in your side, you think the drakon kicked you but you can't be sure, you can see the sky. "Careful there Drax, you don't want another murder charge d'ya?" The noxis, Decon you assume, wheezes out, "And as for you."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13.

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

"Stop it. >...Xv(X)" You think that was Alex... you don't know though. You try to get up but you feel a heavy foot press on your chest. Damnit. "What's that pinkie?" You don't even know who said that, things are starting to go all funny. "You should just leave. >:..xVx"
"You seem to be getting your signals crossed pinkie."
"Hey Decon, there's something... I'm getting a vibe."
You think you heard someone shoving someone else... you feel like you should do something.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 2.

You try to muster some strength to shove this foot off you... It's no good, you're totally out of it... damnit. One hit to the head and that's it... you're worthless. You're... tired.
You guess there's nothing to it... you guess...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 3.

You don't remember much of what happened as you finally slipped out of conciousness.
You remember something falling near you.
You remember the sound of screaming.
You remember... blood

When you came to again it was dark and cramped and smelled like shit.
Like seriously where are you, in the garbage or something.
Oh please whatever gods exist don't let this be the garbage.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_07.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-29-2018

>Is it the garbage?
>Probably time to put [Jack] to use and clean yourself up?

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LammarWesley - 05-29-2018

>Calm yourself, at least they didn't rip all of you organs out....
>ok, they could do it but everything in that part of the city smells like garbage.
>Quelan Super-Power: Warp your own flesh so you get a better status.

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - DudebroV1 - 05-29-2018

Put that [Jack] to good use and clean yourself up before getting yourself into a stable enough condition to not die. Dying is bad.

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - SirBlizz98 - 05-31-2018

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_07.png?dl=1]

You try re-situating yourself, to get a better handle on your...self. You don't accomplish much before a pain jolts through your side, and then another in the back of your head. They really did a number on you didn't they. You suppose it can't be helped.
You're ashamed to admit it, but you've never been really good at the whole "Fleshwarping" thing. You've never been as good as others, especially not... Anyway, most quelan just need to concentrate on what they want to do when it comes to their bodies.
You on the other hand, never really got the hand of that. You always needed to be more direct about it. In this case you'll need something with more precision than your clumsy tentacles, something with a little more direction.
[Image: GLX_Panel_008.png?dl=1]
This should do.
You open a hole in your side and begin rooting around in there, feeling around for anything that seems bruised or broken. Attempting what is essentially surgery in what you're still hoping isn't a garbage can is probably not high in the list of ideal conditions, but you're not in a position to complain

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 7

You're... you're not certain you've got this. You fumble around your bits, trying but nothing feels right about this. You re-arrange the bits in your side until the pain subsides into a dull throbbing... you don't feel like you actually accomplished anything of substance there, but hopefully it will at least hurt less.
Next you decide to deal with this head-wound of yours. You read somewhere that a serious headwound like this could have severe long-term consequences for your mental health. You don't remember though, possibly on account of the headwound.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls 13

Messing around the back of your skull is an enlightening experience, there was in fact a substantial crack, and what you --by no means an expert-- would consider severe bleeding. Fixing the surface injuries is a fairly trivial task, even for someone like you. You make no attempt to do anything about anything that might be wrong with your brain. A mistake there could have severe consequences and you're not confident enough in your abilities to risk that.
You take a deep breath in, and out. Your side still hurts, and this place still smells terrible but you're better than you started out.
You suppose you should get out of this, whatever it is, probably a garbage can. You wiggle around the cramped space, if it is a garbage can, then the opening is on the top, so theoretically all you have to do Is kick up and you'll hit a lid.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 15

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You're suddenly cast from your thoughts of escape by the sensation of something squishy against your rear. You involuntarily yelp at the sensation. It's next to impossible to see in the dark, but you feel it squishing up between your legs, it slightly stings where it touches your bare legs. It makes a bubbling sort of sound that perplexes and alarms you.
It makes a sudden leap onto your chest, the thin polyester of your shirt doing little to insulate against its fluids which seep through, irritating your skin. It gets closer to your face and you prepare for the worse, but then you finally get a good look at when its only a few inches from your face.

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]
[Image: GLX_Panel_009.png?dl=1]

You're uncertain what this thing is. But its... kinda cute actually. "Blehp" it utters in a bubbling tone. You stare at it for a few moments, uncertain of what to do next. It then suddenly springs forwards and rubs itself against your face, begins making an affectionate cooing noise. It burns a little where it touches you, but aside from that its not a particularly unpleasant experience. "Ha, you're not scary at all aren't you, I'm gonna call you Blehpie, how do you like that."
"Blehp! <3"

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 2

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You figure its time to get out of this garbage. You tuck little blehpie into the crook of your arm and give a strong shove to the roof of this can. You shove and shove and after several solid minutes of shoving all you manage to accomplish is hurting your foot. Blehpie glubs against you to comfort your obvious consternation, you're honestly starting to get used to the burning.
After a few more tentative attempts opening, you give up, and settle into the trash-heap. You're getting really tired, and apparently being knocked out doesn't count as a "restful sleep" You're gradually getting resigned to the notion that you're going to be spending the rest of the day in a  garbage can.
You try to situate yourself as comfortably as you can in this pile of garbage, little blehpie snuggles comfortably next to your cheek, the sensation is actually starting to be alright. You gradually drift off and surrender to sleep.

[Image: GLX_Panel_010.png?dl=1]

And thus ends a strange and stressful day

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_08.png?dl=1]

RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - LoverIan - 05-31-2018

>If you're not in a garbage dump try and wash off at the work sinks?