[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls an 8 sided die, and rolls a 1

You take a deep breath and sigh, and then you attempt to just walk right past the notail into your own godsdamned apartment.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 12

Unfortunately the notail at the door doesn't let you pass, Despite being shorter than you, they are stronger than you and you can't just push past them, no matter how hard you try. Now that you're at your door you can see two more notails rooting around your apartment.
You groan in consternation. "We-We're really s-ss-sorry ab-b-b-about th-this, b-but, we need t-t-to search your ap-p-partment for ab-b-ominations ^v^." He says in a disarmingly sincere way. You sigh, "How did you people even know this was my apartment."
"W-We just asked th-the recep-p-tionist. ^v^" He replies so matter-of-factly. That honestly was pretty obvious. "Well, how did you get in, I doubt He just gave you the key." You know for a fact actually that aside from your key the only other key that would open your apartment is the landlord's master key. "It-t w-wasn't... locked. ^v^."
You stand flabbergasted for about a solid minute. That's... you... You didn't lock your apartment. You honestly can't believe you did that. You slump down in defeat. "Listen I-I kn-now th-that this all s-seems b-bad and a-all, b-b-ut I p-p-promise you th-this is a-all for your s-s-safety. ^v^." He says in an entirely genuine manner while patting you on the shoulder. "Can't you just leave me alone... I just had a really shitty night." He just responds by patting you on the shoulder again.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls two 8 sided dice, and rolls a 7, and a 5

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

After a few minutes the other two notails file out of your apartment, one of them relatively burly and the other comparatively scrawnier. "Oh hey, they're back. >>vvv<<" says the larger one, in a way that suggests they actually already knew that. "Yo blue, iz convenient that you show'd up right now. C=<" Says the smaller one while pushing past the first notail to get into your space. "Is there something I can-"

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice and rolls a 4

They hit you square in the face, you're pretty sure they broke your nose. "Whad was dat for" Even behind the wolf mask of their face you can make out that they are extremely aggravated. "That was for wasting my time, ya noodley headed nid. C=<" She says shaking her fist in your direction... or wait, maybe she's shaking her fist in to hide how she hurt her hand.
On your face.
"Not that I don't like pummeling peeps, but this was your idea Fives. >>vvv<<." Says the big one walking up to "Fives" "Shhhhhhut up, C=<" They begin stamping on the ground "I was sure that they's had to be hiding something, I jus...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided dice and rolls a 15

Fives swings another punch in your direction, but it's stopped by the fact that their larger friend, has picked them up by the scruff of their neck. "Ey, let me go C=<". They begin squirming innefectually in their grip as their friend laughs. "Yeah we're going now, see ya later bluebie. >>vvv<<" They walk past you, but make to do so in such a way that they clip your shoulder with their foot, they chuckle audibly over that.
"S-s-sorry about th-them... s-sorry again. ^v^." He says, before joining the two of them. You can still hear the big one laughing, and still see Fives struggle in their grip a while before they eventually stop.
You get up and brush yourself off, before finally entering your apartment. It's a mess but thankfully you didn't have all that much to mess up in the first place. That which you did have is scattered about the area, and you can see that the door to both yours and the spare bedroom were just left hanging ajar. You sigh and put down Blehpie, they let out a series of excited blehping noises as they explore the space of your apartment.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls three 256 sided dice, and rolls a 205, 21, and 13

You also elect to let out the little aftik chick you picked up yesterday, They're a fluffy little red thing, so you think for the moment you're going to call them something evocative like... Red. Red lets a series of even more excited wooping noises, as they also explore your apartment. So it looks like you have pets now... or wait, can an aftik be a pet? You're going to have to check the laws on that, they can be snack-food so you imagine the law won't be too cross at you just deciding to adopt one but you need to be sure.
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_11.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

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RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by DudebroV1 - 06-06-2018, 07:33 PM
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RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by LoverIan - 06-11-2018, 12:13 AM
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by Kenshiago - 06-11-2018, 03:15 AM
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by LoverIan - 06-15-2018, 04:14 AM