[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_07.png?dl=1]

You try re-situating yourself, to get a better handle on your...self. You don't accomplish much before a pain jolts through your side, and then another in the back of your head. They really did a number on you didn't they. You suppose it can't be helped.
You're ashamed to admit it, but you've never been really good at the whole "Fleshwarping" thing. You've never been as good as others, especially not... Anyway, most quelan just need to concentrate on what they want to do when it comes to their bodies.
You on the other hand, never really got the hand of that. You always needed to be more direct about it. In this case you'll need something with more precision than your clumsy tentacles, something with a little more direction.
[Image: GLX_Panel_008.png?dl=1]
This should do.
You open a hole in your side and begin rooting around in there, feeling around for anything that seems bruised or broken. Attempting what is essentially surgery in what you're still hoping isn't a garbage can is probably not high in the list of ideal conditions, but you're not in a position to complain

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 7

You're... you're not certain you've got this. You fumble around your bits, trying but nothing feels right about this. You re-arrange the bits in your side until the pain subsides into a dull throbbing... you don't feel like you actually accomplished anything of substance there, but hopefully it will at least hurt less.
Next you decide to deal with this head-wound of yours. You read somewhere that a serious headwound like this could have severe long-term consequences for your mental health. You don't remember though, possibly on account of the headwound.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls 13

Messing around the back of your skull is an enlightening experience, there was in fact a substantial crack, and what you --by no means an expert-- would consider severe bleeding. Fixing the surface injuries is a fairly trivial task, even for someone like you. You make no attempt to do anything about anything that might be wrong with your brain. A mistake there could have severe consequences and you're not confident enough in your abilities to risk that.
You take a deep breath in, and out. Your side still hurts, and this place still smells terrible but you're better than you started out.
You suppose you should get out of this, whatever it is, probably a garbage can. You wiggle around the cramped space, if it is a garbage can, then the opening is on the top, so theoretically all you have to do Is kick up and you'll hit a lid.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 15

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You're suddenly cast from your thoughts of escape by the sensation of something squishy against your rear. You involuntarily yelp at the sensation. It's next to impossible to see in the dark, but you feel it squishing up between your legs, it slightly stings where it touches your bare legs. It makes a bubbling sort of sound that perplexes and alarms you.
It makes a sudden leap onto your chest, the thin polyester of your shirt doing little to insulate against its fluids which seep through, irritating your skin. It gets closer to your face and you prepare for the worse, but then you finally get a good look at when its only a few inches from your face.

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]
[Image: GLX_Panel_009.png?dl=1]

You're uncertain what this thing is. But its... kinda cute actually. "Blehp" it utters in a bubbling tone. You stare at it for a few moments, uncertain of what to do next. It then suddenly springs forwards and rubs itself against your face, begins making an affectionate cooing noise. It burns a little where it touches you, but aside from that its not a particularly unpleasant experience. "Ha, you're not scary at all aren't you, I'm gonna call you Blehpie, how do you like that."
"Blehp! <3"

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 2

[Image: MARG_Radio_A.gif?dl=1]

You figure its time to get out of this garbage. You tuck little blehpie into the crook of your arm and give a strong shove to the roof of this can. You shove and shove and after several solid minutes of shoving all you manage to accomplish is hurting your foot. Blehpie glubs against you to comfort your obvious consternation, you're honestly starting to get used to the burning.
After a few more tentative attempts opening, you give up, and settle into the trash-heap. You're getting really tired, and apparently being knocked out doesn't count as a "restful sleep" You're gradually getting resigned to the notion that you're going to be spending the rest of the day in a  garbage can.
You try to situate yourself as comfortably as you can in this pile of garbage, little blehpie snuggles comfortably next to your cheek, the sensation is actually starting to be alright. You gradually drift off and surrender to sleep.

[Image: GLX_Panel_010.png?dl=1]

And thus ends a strange and stressful day

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_08.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

Messages In This Thread
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RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by DudebroV1 - 06-06-2018, 07:33 PM
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RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by LoverIan - 06-11-2018, 12:13 AM
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by Kenshiago - 06-11-2018, 03:15 AM
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019 - by LoverIan - 06-15-2018, 04:14 AM