[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_03.png?dl=1]

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13.

You consider dashing to the Galaxy Burger, "Home of the Galaxy Burger". But as you are, as noted before, somwhat [Lazy] you instead decide to jaunt there very casually, as though you were going to be there perfectly on time, or even maybe early, as opposed to several minutes late.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 5.

[Image: GLX_Panel_005.png?dl=1]
You begin walking down the road, your street goes down a little ways before exiting onto the high street. The high street is very crowded. hundreds of people congregating up and down along the foot-lanes, and travel through is very slow, so thankfully you're already late or else you'd probably be a little concerned about it.
You pass by some shops on the way, making note of things you couldn't possibly afford. You're not what you'd call a "materialistic" sort of person, but the all these nice things you can't buy definitely bum you out a little bit. Especially once you start passing clothes. Again you're not a super materialistic person, but you only have five outfits, including the one you're wearing, and seeing so many nice sets of clothes is just giving you a case of envy. Especially when you spot a really nice, and very expensive dress that you just adore and makes your heart sink...

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 12.

You're lost in your thoughts when someone bumps into you. It's a little notail kid. This has been a notail heavy day, you think. Then you also think, notails hardly come up here, and that one was definitely a local, you hear bad stories about what notails elsewhere do to their kids. You come to a realization and quickly check your purse... You're missing 100p. That jerk. You think about chasing him down, but you've already lost sight of him in the crowd.
You silently curse your misfortune. You decide to take your mind off the issue by reading one of your letters.

It's a letter with an official Galaxy Burger, "Home of-" You bite your tongue... Letter heading. You only know three things who would use that sort of letter heading, one of them wouldn't send you letters, the second probablywouldn't, and the third is your superior, Dave. The post notes its been sent to all employees except Dave.

Dear; [Senior Cashier, Karla Amelya]

We are writing to announce that tomorrow's work-day will be delayed to no later than 9 o'clock in the morning due to an all-hands meeting. The items discussed will announced during the meeting, but are confirmed to comply with company policies of being a "Fiscally Relevant interruption of labor."
Attendance of this meeting is mandatory except for specifically noted exception, and those that fail to attend will receive a performance citation, and possibly immediate employment termination. You, [Senior Cashier, Karla Amelya], will NOT be compensated for any lost work-hours, and will be paid in accordance to the previously agreed upon hourly rate for the remaining hours of the day.

-Professionally; Dave, Junior Manager.

Reading that letter took up most of the remainder of your commute. You passed through the High-street, the... you're place of employment is on the last street to the left before you reach to government district, which is, you think, a strangely ritzy location for a fast-food joint. You often wonder how the your boss was able to afford that.
As you step up to the join, you note it is, as the letter suggested, closed far later than usual. You glance over in the direction of city hall, the clocktower blazes 7:45:42, in big friendly L.E.D.s.

[Image: GLX_Panel_006.gif?dl=1]
You slam through the main entrance dabbing, head firmly pressed against the crook of your arm without regard. The whole establishment, such that it is, gasps, and "ahhhhs" nobody expected this happening at all, but here you are doing.
Except not really, because that would be very silly.

You head through the usual employee entrance, around the back, walking through the hall into the staff-room.
Just about everyone is here, even some of the night staff. You see Rico, the surly pagepoh who does... a lot, He's a jerk but he's basically indispensable; C.B, an apidee who mostly handles stock when she isn't helping Rico with whatever he needs doing; An Apollo and Artemis, you're not entirely certain why you bought a robot-waiter to do general labor, but you don't make these decisions; Then there's Meeri, a gigne, who mainly mans the drive-through register, She has a lot of free-time because not a lot of people own cars here.
Finally there is, Dave, the "Junior" Manager, a metaparxi, you don't know why he's the Junior Manager when he's A) The only manager, and B) The only person in this establishment with more authority than him is the owner, who's hardly here during work-hours so Dave is always the most in-charge person here. Now that you're looking at you notice another person who you don't recognize... another notail, it really has been a notail heavy day.
"Okay it seems like everyone's here." Dave begins in his typical tone of meekness and authority. "Right, so the first thing I have to announce is..."

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 13

Dave, and everyone else, looks towards Rico, who, doesn't appear to be doing anything of note. "Alright ya' I'm not smooking, don't have to get on my case for smooking yer staff room Davey."
"That sort of antagonism does nothing but create a hostile-work-environment Rico, this will be going on your employee review... again." Rico scoffs and Dave makes a note on his clipboard. This is indeed not the first time those two have butted heads on an issue, or the first time Rico's butted heads with anyone over any issue.
"Anyway, like I was saying, the first announcement, is, at the end of the month, Mr. Valkrest will be coming in as part of our monthly inspection." There's a general murmur amongst your co-workers, indeed Mr. Valkrest rarely comes in, he's usually too busy hobnobbing it up with the the other Franchisee's up on the station above to bother dealing with the day-to-day of operations. "That means you especially Rico, don't think I haven't been telling Mr. Valkrest about your many infractions." Dave says waggling a pen in Rico's direction. "And I haven't been fired have I Davey" Rico retorts in a smug tone.
Dave grumbles as he goes down his list. He goes down few inconsequential item, they've finally fixed the fire alarm in the bathroom, to which Rico groans, that they've switched to a new provider of salt, which of course means they'll need to replace all of their advertising which features the old salt, Meeri excitedly claps at this, as she is the one in charge of making all advertising.
"And our final bit of business, you may have noticed the notail standing behind me, yes, everyone say hello." Everyone does, except you, who are a little tired of notails at the moment. "Yes, this is Alex... I think, I think that's her name, right... yeah, I have a lot of "names" on my sheet, most of them are crossed out... right." Dave pecks at his clipboard with his pen a few times. "Right yeah, She will be our new Frycook, yes I know what you'll say, but It's fine, she will be wearing a hairnet. As soon as we get one." He says, swiftly skipping across the obvious.
"Karla" He says, suddenly bringing you to attention. "Yes, you, as the most... ... ... ...as the least irresponsible employee, excluding me, you will be put in charge of her training, it shouldn't be super complicated, you just have to check off every item on this list, and make sure she knows how to use the fryer." He hands you a piece of paper with several tasks and items listed on it. "Anyway, that should be everything... oh, except Karla, before the day ends I want to see you in my office. But aside from that." He clears his throat and breaths in EVERYBODY GET BACK TO WORK Everyone begins to disperse to their respective positions, and he leaves shortly after, leaving just you and Alex in the staff room. Alex is, and it's admittedly hard to tell past her mask, looking at you expectantly.
You look over the list.

1. Give Employee their uniform and Badge (Employee must pay for uniform, but we have badges)
2. Familiarize Employee with Establishment (New employees are not allowed in the rooms marked with a blue "X" on the establishment map We lost the map, just don't show them the boiler room unless they are in fact, being hired as a handyperson.)
3. Introduce other staff to Employees (Obviously Mr. Valkrest is not included)
4. Familiarize Employee with work station

Straightforward enough.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_04.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

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