[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019

[銀河の物語] - Or Squibsim 2019
RE: [GalaxyQst] - Or Squibsim 2019
[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_01.png?dl=1]

>Coffee and breakfast time.

You get up and out of the bed. Breakfast, you think. That's what you should be doing right about now. But first you elect to get dressed because after... the closet is right there. You take a quick scan over your available outfits in search of your work clothes, an experience made all the more depressing by the reminder that you do in, fact, only have five sets of clothes, one of which is the cheap polyester assemblage of your uniform. You quickly get undressed, sparing a moment to consider if you should take a shower first... its closer than the kitchen.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 4.

Ultimately you decide to not bother because you're kinda [Lazy] and elect to just spray yourself with a slightly not entirely off-putting spray-deorderant. It'll be fine, you assure yourself. You press yourself into what passes itself off as a shirt, its chafes slightly, as you've learned its wont to do.
There you are, you think, a "hard-working" employee of Galaxy Burger, "Home of the Galaxy Burger", you mumble to nobody, insistant marketing having compromised your subconcious impulses.
You spare a moment to look a your clock, a sudden nonspecific feeling of dread suddenly washing upon you.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 4.

...Its going to have to be a quick breakfast.

You hustle on over to the kitchen, passing by the door of what you've been calling a "spare bedroom"... You used to have a roommate, but then they just... left... and never came back. It bothered you at the time, but well, they've still been paying their half of the rent so, you've sorta just stopped fussing about it.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 14.

You reach the kitchen with little difficulty, seeing as it's your apartment and everything. There's a novelty cat clock above the (At the moment non-functional) stove. You don't remember where you got it, you have the vague notion that your roomate got it as a housewarming gift. It say 6:42.
Thankfully you bought groceries this month so you won't have to deal with the leftover food you've stolen from work. You swear that stuff has, what's the term, "Designed Obsolesence". You think that's right. It seems right. You have a "balanced" breakfast of soem coffee and toast, which should keep you level for at the least the rest of the morning.

You head to the door, noting the small pile of letters on the floor. You briefl boggle at the notion of people sending letters, I mean it's like what the 57th century?? People are still sending letters... You're still sending letters.
You pick up the pile of letters giving them a glance over, several are clearly junk mail, and you toss them to the "conveniantly" located bin right next to the door. There are three others, Which you stow away to look at later.

[Image: %5BLOST%5D_FortunaDiceRoll.gif?dl=1]
Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die, and rolls a 5

You walk outside, and are swifly met with what the worst option you could have at this junctior.
"H-Hey, Karls." Slithers out a voice from your left, it's that guy, the one who stares at you when he thinks you're not looking. You glance at him, his slimy, pathetic countenence impressing itself upon you even at that much. It's rather pitiful to look at really, and you briefly feel bad for the intrinsic sense of revulsion you have at his character, you can't help he just... rubs you wrong.
"Hey there, Jay, I'm just... getting to work." You say, attempting to de-rail whatever he had in mind. Not so sublty edging towards the elevator.
"O-oh, that's okay, we can walk together i-i-i-t's, I think we're going the same direction an..anyway so it'll be alright, r-right."
Shoot. You were hoping he wouldn't have such a reasonable request... you really don't dislike the guy, but he just... he's just really...
"Yeah, okay, I guess that's fine"

The two of you walk the elevator sharing a inconsequential conversation. You mostly spend it trying to puzzle out what he even is. You haven't seen one of him before... you might've seen a news article about it. That they found a whole planet of people all just as a pitiable as Jay is... of course you might be mistaking him for the other species that fits that description... Whats a universe do to make these people.

You exit the lobby, looking around it trying to tune out Jay. There's a vending machine right next to the elevator that sells all kinds of stuff. And there's the front desk manned ever faithfully by the kindest little aftik who's name unfortunately escapes you... and notails. There are actually a lot of notails about... none of them seem like locals, they're all too intense, and... aggro. Especially the one interrogating the receptionist, they're giving you a real bad vibe.

[Image: GLX_Karla_CharaSheet_02.png?dl=1]
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

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