The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!

The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week.6: UNEARTH!
RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week 1: NOX!
Username: Iiiiiiiit's Schazer
Name: Headmaster Plumonary
Species: Smoke Drake
Gender: Bearded
Color: free; radical

Description: Three metres of self-absorbed aerogel in the form of an east Asian dragon. Sports a beard, eyebrows, mane and tail fluff like a queasy cloud. Lion eyes. Scales the color of wallpaper stained with grease-smoke. Lovely custom-forged claws with an oxidised sheen on them like an oil spill across 'em, and titanium quicks so the bases don't corrode so fast. Smug, paternalistic, and prone to spontaneous lectures that ramble on just long enough for you to get distracted so he can slug you in the jaw with a nice fistful of metal.
Weapons/Abilities: His body exhibits strange physical properties, his mobility unaffected by crushing weapons but prone to shattering when dealt piercing damage. If he stays in his smoggy environment, however, he'll refill minor damage, and just dissipate in the face of anything properly dangerous and slither away to a nice, secluded patch of smoke where he can quietly reconstitute himself. The Headmaster has a hard-nosed business approach, an immediate rapport with any given city's unsavory characters, and a strategic mind. This guy breathes street smarts on the inhale and rather nasty gaseous compounds on the exhale.
Biography: Born of atmospheric pollutants, an urban sprawl his nest. The Headmaster calls a distant metropolis home, a tutor and guardian with ample time for those new to street life (if you don't mind his airy, meandering lectures). With many grimy-illustrious alumni who have emerged from under his tutelage, he boasts a not-inconsiderable political capital which he mostly just uses to maintain his comfy way of living. He never threatens anyone directly who's foolish enough to oppose him, goodness, no, how crass, but there's no shortage of well-off folk in this city who owe a debt of gratitude to the Smoke Drake who had their back way back in the day, you see?

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Grand OC III: Do Not Steal: Week 1: NOX! - by Schazer - 04-18-2018, 11:02 AM