The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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Quote:>The real Relda Fauxfox: Run into Adler.
>Fifi! Observe that as a female, "he" looks better than you do.

As I strode along the road, suddenly Fifi Fofox emerged from the bushes alongside me.

[Image: 0307hififi_zpsgv5w9vak.gif]

"Hi, SALV," she chirped cheerfully. "Wow, you're like totally hot. I love your outfit; where did you get it? You seem really familiar but I can't place you. Did you go to the Lengra-Cha School for Wayward Vixens? I'm Esmerelda Fofox, but everybody calls me Fifi."

"I am called Relda Fauxfox," I replied cautiously.

"Oh wow, that's like totally similar to my name!" Fifi observed with much more excitement than the fact warranted. "I wonder if our ancestors were related back in the Long Ago. Are you heading up to Albric Tor? Are you on a Secret Mission?"

"Yes, I am going to the Capital, and I do have a mission," I admitted.

"Cool! Let's like, go together. It's been ages since I saw another Lengra-Cha fox. How are things back home?"

"I have not been to Lengra-Cha in a very long time," I stated with absolute truth.

"Oh, like, me neither," Fifi shrugged. "I wonder if that old Adoyret monastery is still there, you know, the one with the tall spire, on the edge of the glacier ..."

Quote:As you approach the entrance you see that it's being guarded by the two very unprofessional constables who arrested you some time ago. One is loudly complaining about his marital problems to the world in general and the other is standing knee-deep in a pile of bottled ships and very pointedly building another one instead of doing his job.

SALV Fofox babbled merrily about the old country until we reached the walls of Albric Tor. Our road led us to a small side gate guarded by two familiar-looking constables.

[Image: 0307guards_zpsonwgsd9f.gif]

"So then she has the cheek to ask me where I'd been all afternoon," the canine guard ranted as we approached. "I say I've been workin' which is Fuma's own truth, for elves dinna lie. Workin' to put food on the table, and speakin' o' which, where's the supper? Well, at that, she goes into a right proper tantrum, never mind the fact that durin' the same time she's askin' me about, she has seemingly been doin' nothin' at all, but is it ever my right to inquire how me bravoes are bein' spent? NOOOO."

The other constable merely grunted occasionally to indicate he was dutifully pretending to listen to the wolf's monologue, while he carefully assembled a model ship inside a glass jug. The fact that he was standing hip-deep in a pile of similar jugs suggested to me that maybe these two had been here for a while.

"Here for the big Vulpitanian thingamajig?" the wolf asked when he saw us approach. "Pardon me sayin' so, but you two are the best lookin' contestants I've seen."

"Why thanks," Fifi giggled.

"Go on in then, and if ye should spy any of me fellow-constables, kindly ask 'em when's Nero and Angus's relief comin?"

Quote:a celebrity icon with pictures of her hung up all around the city and cloying fans everywhere.
(Capital) Have an ongoing FauFoxCon, with thousands of furs dressed up like you.
(Foxsuiters) Some be better than others.

[Image: 0307valcon_zpsfg1yxs1a.gif]

As we entered Albric Tor, I was astonished to see the streets crowded with femmes of all breeds, shapes, and sizes, with their arms and legs dyed black, and dressed in skimpy metallic smallclothes.

"Oh sweet!" Fifi exclaimed. "I totally forgot that PieFightValKon was in Albric Tor this year! We should like, enter the costume contest! We have a way better chance than any of these mingers. The top three entrants get to dine with SALV Kraekenhoepfer herself!"

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The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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