Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!

Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines!
Name: Sheona Beathag
Gender: Female
Species: Headless Banshee
Basic Physical Description: A once proud shield-maiden that lost her head in a battle defending her home castle in the Scottish highlands. Her ghost must now wander the universe emitting the mournful cry of the banshee, a task that is difficult since she has no head or mouth to scream with as well as embarrassing considering the banshee comes instead from Irish folklore.
Planet of Origin: Planet Scotland, from which all kilts flow.
Qualifications: Has no driver's license, ergo she firmly believes the rules of the road do not apply to her. Also, what is a car?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Offtrack - Racers, Start your Engines! - by typeandkey - 02-11-2018, 12:38 AM