The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Quote:>Duchess: Have witnessed Adler unintentionally burning bridges with his previous stunt. "Yes. All according to plan." *super villain-esque evil smile

[Image: 0905gloat_zpsrxdlczbw.gif]

"What a show!" Duchess Catherine chuckled from the shade of the Diplomatic Outpost porch. "I reckon this changes things a bit, don't it?"

Quote:You didn't anger them, they encured your wrath and it's about time you taught the world the difference.

"Three different factions tried to conquer me, and they failed!" I exclaimed. "Now they scatter in disarray to await my wrath! You'd best keep that in mind, Your Grace, if you would parley with me!"

Quote:>Lem Junior: Be impressed. Alder has it in him after all!

[Image: 0905helmet_zpsixdrl1r3.gif]

"Here," Lem Junior said as he suddenly walked up to me and bashfully handed me Irenaeus' helmet. "I reckon you got the balls to wear this after all. Both figuratively and literally. Sorry I made fun of you earlier."

"Apology accepted, young elf," I replied, taking the helmet. "Let that be a lesson to you, not to be so quick to judge others."

Quote:>Someone in the ragtag army: Be aghast that a kid is there, berate Lemmy & Salmonella for being irresponsible parents.

[Image: 0905parenting_zpsvr6hnael.gif]

"BY FUMA'S EVER-FRAGRANT RUMP!!" MacBrock bellowed. "What's a wee bairn, a mere elflet, doing here amidst these bawdy and lecherous troops?"

"You is one of the lecheriest your own self," Salmonella scoffed. "Wasn't you carryin' the boy on your shoulders just an hour ago?"

"You're an irresponsible parent!" MacBrock bellowed. "If ye were the lad's father, why, I'd sock ye a good one."

"I ain't a baby," Lem Junior grumbled. "I'll be old enough to ravish femmes purty soon, and didn't nothin' happen here that I don't already know about."

"We're raisin him proper," Salmonella insisted. "When he comes of age we'll send him to Antglade Station for the Duchess's right of the first night, and then he'll marry up with a nice possum gal."

Quote:>Well Adler, it looks like the only allies you have left are the Duchess, Burnside, and your questionable army. Best of luck.
>Adler: How about that codpiece now, and some leather straps across your chest like true Ireneian scion you are?
> Adler: The only ally you haven't alienated is the Duchess. Time to bite the bullet and get her to help you.
ask the duchess, are there still elves that can build automata outside of vulpitia.
> (..And maybe if someone can forge some discreet back and butt armor)
>Maybe you could try majyking your own tail to make it cut proof..

[Image: 0905itfitsnow_zpskwfksfec.gif]

I left them bickering and trudged up onto the porch.

"Why Adler honey, you ain't decent," the Duchess exclaimed breathily. "I might just come down with a case of the Vapors."

"I'm sure," I retorted. "Might you have any idea why Irenaeus' helm fits me now, after it didn't before?"

"I reckon you musta proved you was elf enough to wear it," she replied with a grin.

"He sure is," Burnside enthusiastically agreed. "The elfliest elf you ever did see!"

"You want the rest of Irenaeus' battle regalia?" Catherine asked. "I think I got a codpiece with leather breeks and braces in the chest here. Course the britches don't have a tail hole in 'em."

"No thanks," I said, removing the helmet and handing it to her. "I think I prefer my silk jacket .. if I can find it. The helmet is hot and heavy, it smells funny, and it crushes my ears. Though your mention of tail holes reminds me that I should protect my posterior from potential Scuti attack. I don't suppose .."

"Adler honey, nobody has ever made butt armor," the Duchess chuckled while shaking her head.

Perhaps I could formulate some Gramarye for that.

"Are there any more automata which the Scuti might be able to use?" I asked.

"Well there's Jack, but he's malfunctionin'. And besides, they'd have to get clear into the Antglade to fetch him. Seems mighty unlikely."

"Hmm. Well I need to find some clothes .." I started.

"What for?" Burnside interjected.

"And then maybe we can discuss strategy," I finished.

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The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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