RE: IRC highlights!
06-15-2017, 11:36 AM
Quote:<wickered [sic]> important question for the crew
<wickered [sic]> how many crotches does a dog have
<Mirdini> I say 0 crotches
<wickered [sic]> that's crotch erasure
<Mirdini> bc the dictionary definition defines the crotch as a human thing
<wickered [sic]> there's at least one
<wickered [sic]> I woould posit up to four
<wickered [sic]> deens is so upset by this
<Plaid> You dont call an armpit a crotch
<Plaid> They have one
<flowercuco> i dont
<flowercuco> i dont think i want this
<Plaid> But by all means keep fucking with markus lol
<Mirdini> stop
<flowercuco> im scared of this conversation
<flowercuco> why did you let this converstation happen
<Mirdini> there were some dogs being embroidered
<wickered [sic]> a crotch is the point between two legs right
<wickered [sic]> so there's definitely one
<Mirdini> and schaz was embroidering up the side of a dog leg
<Mirdini> and here we are
<Mirdini> "the part of the human body between the legs where they join the torso."
<Mirdini> /human body/
<wickered [sic]> Give! Dogs! Crotches!
<Plaid> I would have said the donger zone
<Mirdini> dogs get to have groins, but not crotches
<Mirdini> imho
<Plaid> But sure
<Pharmacy> God you guys
<fjacquerel> it's important to know this if you're embroidering a dog, because how else will you know when to use crotch-stitch?
<Plaid> Ren: i would say two
<wickered [sic]> THANK YOU REN
<wickered [sic]> front crotch and back crotch
<Mirdini> pharms what is your opinion
<Mirdini> you are a fellow dog scholar
<wickered [sic]> and for your consideration: left crotch and right crotch
<wickered [sic]> actually jac i'm using running stitch
<wickered [sic]> cuz they're legs
<Mirdini> @diabolicCarcharodon bc you're online
<fjacquerel> makes sense
<Plaid> "As much as i think armpit hair and pubic hair are the same thing... not quite"
<wickered [sic]> yeahbut a dog's front limbs aren't arms
<Pharmacy> Mirdini I think I'll not say :p
<Mirdini> cowardly
<wickered [sic]> Pharms is bipartisan
<diabolicCarcharodon> imo, dogs have one crotch
<diabolicCarcharodon> crotch is just The Genitals Zone
<fjacquerel> maybe the answer is in the middle
<Mirdini> pharms is a dog crotch centrist
<fjacquerel> 1.5 crotches
<wickered [sic]> I dunno why you gotta shove genitals in there
<diabolicCarcharodon> no jac that's where the nips go
<Plaid> :wink:
<wickered [sic]> I feel like the two concepts can bbe mututally exclusive
<diabolicCarcharodon> i mean okay say we're looking at like, an artist's manikin, or a non-sex robot
<diabolicCarcharodon> does that have a crotch
<wickered [sic]> or a dog's ffront legs
<diabolicCarcharodon> or merely a pelvis
<diabolicCarcharodon> i say, it is merely a pelvis
<Mirdini> thanks maxie, or thaxie
<diabolicCarcharodon> sans the bits it is hardly a crotch
<diabolicCarcharodon> welc
<wickered [sic]> does a pair of pants have a crotch? Yes
<Mirdini> if a dog has a crotch because we're expanding the definition beyond human anatomy
<Mirdini> then I would agree a dog has 1 crotch
<wickered [sic]> does a pair of pants have tightie whitie genitalia? hell no
<Plaid> How do the left and right crotches wear pants
<fjacquerel> is the inverse crotch on the inside of the pants also a crotch or is it some kind of negative crotch
<Plaid> Like this or like this
<Mirdini> a pair of pants has a crotch bc it's usually covering the crotch zone
<wickered [sic]> love the cronch, hate the crotch
<Pharmacy> Assless chaps
<wickered [sic]> crotchless chats
<Plaid> Im not deep enough into my vodka for this
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow