ITT I will talk a bunch of shit on whatever you direct my attentions to

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ITT I will talk a bunch of shit on whatever you direct my attentions to
RE: ITT I will talk a bunch of shit on whatever you direct my attentions to
(03-29-2017, 02:13 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »talk shit about me Trog Demands Blood!

do e-cigs or vapes help people stop smoking

b.c i'm trying to convince my university buds to stop smoking b.c i don't want them to die

Well basic fucking math points to less of a discrete point "yes," and more like a wide spacious continent of "well actually it depends on how many cigs you smoke and how "reusable" the non-consumable components of your vape kit are before they'll require replacement". Upon this vast and hazy landmass, "yes" is the lone city lit up like a cigar tip in a starless night, and as we all know cities are fucking expensive places to live in.

*hoons around yesuburbia's fringes, where a scant few houses still have woods and creeks instead of cookie-cutter neighbors adjoining the back of their property. It's night and you're in the passenger seat and I'm driving with the window down and one hand out doing the wobbly-wavy thing in the slipstream*

Unless your friends are from the 40's they're probably pretty fuckening aware that smoking is bad for their health? The state-of-the-art fuckening science of just how bad it is to line your lungs with ash has enjoyed actual-factual status for years now, so I can only assume the Trump government's going to alternative away the dangers of smoking. Either way, your friends don't give a rat's ass.

Your friends sure as hell don't want to hear the obviously bad thing they do is bad, but they also don't want to hear about there's a good alternative to the bad thing even if you never say the thing is explicitly bad because that's subtext for you!!! The traditional debate technique of providing enough irrefutable reasons against a course of action ain't getting you shit in this case other than a lot of spare time to meet new people you were formerly wasting on these brick walls. Chimneys? This metaphor's going up in smoke lmao

Vaping btw is an easy target of mockery for the precise fuckening reasons it's not some silver bullet for fiscally responsible trachea-tainting: it's middle class as heck and when you're living paycheck to paycheck with essentially-fuckall ability to save money, you don't have the capital to drop on a "cost-saving" alternative with an expensive upfront price.

tl;dr if you want your friends to switch to less-cancerous drag-gening destroy capitalism. It's probably more rewarding and it won't be just your friends that thank you

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RE: ITT I will talk a bunch of shit on whatever you direct my attentions to - by Schazer - 03-30-2017, 01:55 AM