The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
"Not Entirely Guilty?" Estmere asked incredulously. "Dude, like he either did or he didn't. That plea is vague and evasive."

Quote:>Dance around the issue by making compelling arguments that no one can argue against.
One cannot 'wipe out' what doesn't exist in the first place, therefore you can honnestly plead not guilty to the charge of conspiring to wipe out an heir to the king.
>You have not conspired to torch the embassy. It happened by accident, or maybe as the result of malice but you certainly had no prior knowlege nor intention

[Image: 0226argument_zpse7xyboh2.gif]

"Your Highness, the charges are vague and evasive," Ms. Thomson scoffed. "If the Prosecution would care to re-state them in non-rhyming form, then perhaps other arguments could be applied, but Elves Do Not Lie, and as the charges are presently laid out, all that I can say with certainty is that my client is Not Entirely Guilty."

I glanced nervously at Thomson, but kept quiet, as she had advised.

"Taking the charges in order, as I understand them," she continued. "Firstly, one cannot 'wipe out' what does not exist, so unless the Prosecution can prove that the Vulpitanians had in fact produced an Heir (which they have not), my client is Not Guilty of that charge. Secondly, my client had no foreknowledge nor intention that the Vulpitanian Embassy would blow up, and therefore is Not Guilty of 'conspiring with baddies' to accomplish that act of destruction."

Quote:>Estmere: Sentence Adler to exile until further notice. You don't actually think he's guilty, but the dude's looked stressed lately so he could use an extended beach vacation.

[Image: 0226harumph_zpsckfajzpk.gif]

"Okay, Bro," Estmere declared. "You're totally Not Entirely Guilty, and I like, sentence you to exile at the beach below Mount Kodak until further notice, because dude, you look totally stressed and you need to chill for a while."

"Husband dear," Queen Edessa whispered. "The trial must proceed. There are unresolved charges, and the Prince may be more at fault than he is aware of. Evidence must be heard, to prove the truth to the satisfaction of all those assembled here today."

"Her Majesty the Queen is correct, Sire," Minister Lynne reluctantly agreed.

"Bummer," Estmere grumbled. "I get to call a recess for lunch, right? Okay, well then, Prosecuting Floozy, you may proceed."

Quote:Witnesses, be called and questioned.
in the event that Adler is found guilty, even for just the charges of being involved in the destruction of the embassy, working with a certain white vixen, or vandalizing the Vulpitanian lab, he is to be extradited to Vulpitania immediately.
>Miss thompson present the table of evidence. Items related to Relda fauxfox's which alder had in his possession.
>where is Fauxfox? did adler help her escape or did he dispose of her?
(Prosecuting Floozy) Outline to the King the shape of your case.
(HM King Estmere) Be very impressed with Miss Thompson's case.
(Prosecuting Floozy) Call Sgt. Avogadro to the stand.
More poetry, happen.

[Image: 0226objection_zps9jobvchh.gif]

"A wise move, Your Highness, which you won't regret," Miss Thomson cooed, as she approached the bench. "Some of these charges will stick, you can bet. We'll start with the second one, quite convoluted, which my opponent hasn't fully refuted. The Defendant's intent may still be unresolved, but the evidence shows he was clearly involved! If I may run the risk of presuming to bore you, I'd like to lay out all the proof here before you."

Quote:Audience (NOT the jury, which is not a part of the legal system in this case), keep interrupting with various comments.
(Poet Actively Seeking Hurly-Burly of Courtroom Drama) Be very interested in the case.

"Exquisite!" a voice called from the Spectators' Gallery. It sounded very much like Sir Ravenmad.

"Order!" Estmere called sternly. "Nobody in the Gallery is like, allowed to talk. That's totally a rule, dude, even I know that one. Now then," he continued, smiling coolly at Miss Thompson. "You may like, present your case. You've got my full attention, babe."

"Thank you, Your Highness. You're regal and grand. Sergeant Avogadro I call to the stand!"

Quote:>If you antagonize the prosecutor enough for her to make mistakes, that might work out well for you.
>Ms Thomson then notices Miss Thompson has one button undone on her blouse. Estmere "seems to be listening" to her more intently. Ms Thomson acts accordingly

[Image: 0226itson_zpsk4rvqwyq.gif]

As Avogadro nervously bumbled his way to the witness stand, Ms. Thomson glowered at her opponent.

"So that's how it is to be, then," she grumbled menacingly as she undid the top button of her jacket. "So be it. May the best Floozy win."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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