Vis avis

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Vis avis
RE: Vis avis
On the subject of things you're not listening in on:

"Where is he."

"He's not in the kitchen like I asked him?"

The kettle's hissing. So's Tal. And a couple of strays who won't share their kibble. Lotus skids in her socks across the kitchen floor, fingers tapping air and her PC (Personal Cat) scaling the fence outside. Your shoes are gone; they never heard you leave.

You don’t hear Tal scream in anguish, because they’ve had twenty-two years (a good half of which Tal spent in rigorous self-loathing) to bottle that shit right up. Lotus hears its meagre substitute, bravado barbs quivered in Tal’s voice.

Not that you don’t worry, but Tal would never have the courage to actually point that anger at its cause.

“Weasel rat fuck ghost of a bastard knows where I live. Cool. Great."

You don’t hear Lotus reiterate that you know jack and all. Now isn’t the time. She calls Grimes back to her side, and reflexively turns the kettle on with a click. It's still warm.

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 2:06 AM
Dude are you there??

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 2:41 AM
Oh hey Caine.
Before you ask.
I'm aware what's happening.
And no, I can't fix it
I mean

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 2:45 AM
Cat. What the fuck?

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 2:45 AM
I’m trying.
I’ve BEEN tryingfor the past week
Like it /was/ letting me look around and try to see whats up and I tried to find out when this thing got submitted and by who
But now it’s not responding and this has NEVER happened. Ever (edited)
Like what if there was something malicious that it couldn’t spot (edited)
That /I/ shouldve spotted. because I’m meant to protect them. (edited)
if you’re still there

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 2:52 AM
yeah man

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 2:52 AM
Can you just.
Do me a favor?

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 2:53 AM
shit yeah dude, anything you think I’m up for
The quicker you fix this the better, yeah?

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 2:55 AM
every man and their cat’s been trying to reach me, which like I get it
the whole grid’s losing their shit faster than doves on a war memorial but how does pestering me help?
And Ivy.
woman’s like an angel of vengeance or on something and the last thing I goddamn need right now is her doxxing me.

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 2:58 AM
Ooooh I think you mentioned her to me one time
You’ve really gotta tell me what her problem is
Ofc that can wait until after you’ve restored civilisation
Do you need me running interference?

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 3:09 AM
I should keep comms open on the off-chance somebody else finds a fix
Or yknow
the guy responsible comes forward or lets something slip.
I can’t work like this though
if you’ve got time, monitor my DMs? If you don’t still have access to Innit’s network I can give it to you again.
It’s lucky you could still reach me here. I can’t get in contact with Rail
must be outages happening wherever he’s at

Chillin Blue - Last Saturday at 3:13 AM
Innit’s like the chanop dude yeah?
and his servers are… secure?

Catastrologous - Last Saturday at 3:14 AM
That’s him yeah
Secure as in “not affected by crumbling infrastructure”, sure.
Secure as in “our conversations won’t monitored”, no.
we’ll have to assume Innit will be monitoring everything
Catastrologous is typing-

-and you're walking.

Part of you is hoping to be intercepted by Grimes or Lotus, but if they're pursuing you they're doing it covertly. Weirdly enough, that's fine. Better to be connected to the other last remnants of humanity on their fickle terms than not at all.

You're tired, and have nothing to show for your morning's troubles. The local business owners have taken the best part of their day so far to get their stores open, and are jabbering angrily at a car left in the street. There's a flutter of occupants within struggling with the doors, passerine passengers and an agitated jet-black driver.

Your USB drive is still safely in your pocket. The less-exposed side roads and alleys you took spat you out at the far end of main street, five minutes' walk to the print store and another ten to the university.

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