One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread

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One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread
RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread
I already said the wall thing really WASN'T your fault Ed >:c

I'm posting this for all peoples to see, its a guy talking about Solid and why it sucks, and it also specifically mentions exactly what's going on with the walls.

Quote:So you want to know how solid really works? Well, it’s pretty simple actually. When actions or code is placed in a collision event for a solid object, the two objects cannot overlap. So if you have non-solid objPlayer, and solid objBlock, and you add a collision event in objPlayer for objBlock, then whenever objPlayer bumps into objBlock it will be kicked back to the last hopefully non-colliding position. Same thing with the block; if it happened to be moving and the player was stationary, the block still could not enter the player.

Now you may be wondering why I said, “hopefully” above. Well, if your object is moving and touches a solid object, it will be moved out of it. However, if the object starts there or gets placed overlapping the solid object, suddenly, you can’t move at all. And it’s not really your fault (aside from using solid) because you didn’t tell GM to do this; you just told GM to make the wall solid.

Messages In This Thread
RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - by Mehgamehn - 09-22-2012, 05:01 PM