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One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Printable Version

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One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 09-15-2012

Alright so i've noticed a good portion of Eagle Timers are interested in game making, with Game Maker being their primary choice of software. I've always been interested in game making but just recently started messing around in Game Maker, so instead of making my own dumb thread about my own dumb projects that would probably go nowhere, i decided to make a general Game Maker thread for code sharing and question answering!

As i mentioned, i have little experience with the software, yesterday i did a very basic side-scrolling shmup with quickly made graphics by following a tutorial, it's far from finished but it helped me understand a lot about basic code making!

Also, i found this free to use platformer engine, it was used in Ninja Senki.

It's supposedly easy to modify but i couldn't do jackshit without messing up the code, i have several ideas for games but for now i think i'll stick with learning the basics and maybe doing simple games. What about you guys?

Helpful Links and Stuff™:

(09-20-2012, 09:28 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »You can find 8.0 Lite for download here if you would like to avoid ugly watermarks. The Lite version has always been free, so I assume linking to it is ok? Said link also has the blessing of the original author of the software, although I realise that has no legal standing.

(09-22-2012, 05:01 PM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »I'm posting this for all peoples to see, its a guy talking about Solid and why it sucks, and it also specifically mentions exactly what's going on with the walls.


Quote:So you want to know how solid really works? Well, it’s pretty simple actually. When actions or code is placed in a collision event for a solid object, the two objects cannot overlap. So if you have non-solid objPlayer, and solid objBlock, and you add a collision event in objPlayer for objBlock, then whenever objPlayer bumps into objBlock it will be kicked back to the last hopefully non-colliding position. Same thing with the block; if it happened to be moving and the player was stationary, the block still could not enter the player.

Now you may be wondering why I said, “hopefully” above. Well, if your object is moving and touches a solid object, it will be moved out of it. However, if the object starts there or gets placed overlapping the solid object, suddenly, you can’t move at all. And it’s not really your fault (aside from using solid) because you didn’t tell GM to do this; you just told GM to make the wall solid.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - SleepingOrange - 09-15-2012

I wish I could play any gamemaker games! I miss out on all the cool kids' stuff.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Kitet - 09-15-2012

It should say something that I have attempted to use Game Maker so many times, and I have never been able to do anything past making the character walk.
I just... I can't program.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - thegreenspark - 09-16-2012

Is Game Maker not user friendly anymore? I took a course on one of the older versions a long while back for some kid's summer camp and it was relatively simple. I still have those games somewhere, they're so terrible ha ha. It's like if your embarrassing drawings from middle school come to life.

Maybe I'll take a swing at something new here in the future.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Kitet - 09-16-2012

I don't know how long ago you played with Game Maker, but I can say it's probably still user friendly.
I am just monumentally inept at programming.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Mr. LL - 09-16-2012


I've used the Grandma Engine for about a year now so I can maybe help with figuring it out if anyone needs help??? It's pretty great collision-wise and in movement stuff in general. Once you figure it out it has nice bits you can use for other things. Also good learning tool me thinks.

For those who are learning Game Maker: the help file is your best friend, it is actually really useful! That's it for now. I don't really have any finished products but KittenEater can attest to my (in)ability to make games :B

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Aryogaton - 09-16-2012

How to remove the watermark from your 8.1 game:

1. Run game. Make sure it's not in debug mode.

2. Open Task Manager.

[Image: 3n3jC.png]

3. Open the file location of the game you're running.

[Image: sKp8S.png]

4. Drag your *.exe out of the temp folder and rename it to fit.

Then again I highly recommend just finding the 8.0 version somewhere, since you can skip all the watermark stuff simply and there aren't any totally essential features that 8.1 has. Yoyogames kinda went "fuck non-payers" after 8.0.

And with that I disappear into the depths of mystery again, to return "Soon."

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Crowstone - 09-17-2012

OH yay game maker
ed what that thing you used to upload that? dropbox?
https://www.dropbox.com/ this thing here?

I like game maker
i'm too lazy to do things but I made a pokemon platformer with 1 hastily drawn blob pokemon and the ability to throw pokeballs and catch stuff and walk up ramps and that's as far as i got before bored

Anyways, yeah i can help out with code, but like yeah game maker's help file is like amazingly great

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 09-20-2012

@Crow: Yes it is dropbox it's a good thing.

I was talking to Fogel about collectively buying the best version the other day just for exporting, i think it's a good idea.

Also, what's your progress on Erynis Hand code-wise? You've posted some things about mechanics and stuff but nothing code related, just curious.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Mehgamehn - 09-20-2012

Oh hey guys you don't have to collectively buy anything

I have the paid for version

I can run exports for the low low price of telling me I'm a good person. I mean if that will actually work I don't know if GM has something builtin to prevent such a thing

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Crowstone - 09-20-2012

doesn't it just cost like, five bucks?
cause it cost me five bucks

though- i don't know about the newer versions,i just have the one from back in the old days of 2008 or something when it cost five bucks

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Mehgamehn - 09-20-2012

Its like fucking 40 now, I got it when it was 20

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Aryogaton - 09-22-2012

Hey Superfreq, I'd be totally willing to handle the whole programming part of Erinys Hand, pretty much completely skipping over the frustrations of having to learn Game Maker on your own, especially while you're also handling most of the art.

The level of effort you're making on theorycrafting and pinning down exactly the kind of game you want to make is great, but it might all be a bit moot if code-wise progress is at a complete standstill.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 09-22-2012

I can say from experience that learning to code isn't really pleasant, so i think that would be super cool.

By the way i just graduated and i'm unemployed, so i do have free time.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 09-22-2012

Against Mehg's judgement, i started messing around with the grandma engine, just replacing the stock sprites, this is what i ended up with. Makes me wish i knew how to expand on it, you get stuck on the walls a lot but i'm assuming that's my fault.

Also, i wanted to embed this animation to a button press but after an hour of messing around with code i don't understand i decided not to.

[Image: 5eBoE.gif]

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Mehgamehn - 09-22-2012

I already said the wall thing really WASN'T your fault Ed >:c

I'm posting this for all peoples to see, its a guy talking about Solid and why it sucks, and it also specifically mentions exactly what's going on with the walls.


Quote:So you want to know how solid really works? Well, it’s pretty simple actually. When actions or code is placed in a collision event for a solid object, the two objects cannot overlap. So if you have non-solid objPlayer, and solid objBlock, and you add a collision event in objPlayer for objBlock, then whenever objPlayer bumps into objBlock it will be kicked back to the last hopefully non-colliding position. Same thing with the block; if it happened to be moving and the player was stationary, the block still could not enter the player.

Now you may be wondering why I said, “hopefully” above. Well, if your object is moving and touches a solid object, it will be moved out of it. However, if the object starts there or gets placed overlapping the solid object, suddenly, you can’t move at all. And it’s not really your fault (aside from using solid) because you didn’t tell GM to do this; you just told GM to make the wall solid.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Kitet - 01-08-2013


Me, MrLL, and a friend of ours goes by PKBT made a game!
It's short and easy and you should take 10 minutes out of your day to play it.
"Guide" included (it's pictures.)

[Image: gameTitle.png]


Tell us what you guys think!

also here's the soundtrack by PKBT brauuuughhhhhhh

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - PKBT - 01-08-2013

I think this is a very nice game.

Yes. Yes it is.

Also, hello!

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Solaris - 01-08-2013

it was in fact very nice i think that the various aspects in it such as the jump hight the hits and the bosses hits were all done really nicely

i think that my favorite touch was turtle shells knocking each other out?

It was very nice! yea!!!

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 01-08-2013

It's indeed very nice, however, i felt the window was a bit too small for me and i had to zoom in with the magnifying glass to appreciate all the detail. I love the toad's eyes when it moves :>

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Norivia - 01-08-2013

I like it a lot! It's adorable and the music is great and it's got very satisfying jumps. I think my only real problem is that, at least when it's at a 1:1 zoom, the horned toads don't look very dangerous. I found myself aiming my jumps onto them more often than I remembered to avoid them. Unlike the other monsters I couldn't make out any details of them other than being a moving clay-colored monstery shape so I was in "IT MOVES, KILL ITTTTT" mode.

But then, it is 2 AM.

EDIT: A NOTE about most game maker games and this one as well, hitting F4 puts it into fullscreen mode so you can better appreciate the pixelyness.


RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Crowstone - 01-08-2013

Yay!!! That was a great game! The last level had an aggravatingly hard jump right before a checkpoint -_- but other than that it was wonderul~

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Mehgamehn - 01-11-2013

Very cute, movement and collisions were swift and smooth, this MrLL did a good job. Background hills really do look like you can jump on them though, but I actually loved the boss.

Kitteneater as always your artings are tops

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - amosmyn - 03-12-2013

Oh hey a Game Maker thread.

I've been working on an RPG engine recently, itemsystems and all. I haven't worked on it lately due to school and a lost pendrive, but I plan on working from the most recent backup in the summer at the very latest.

You can check out the development blog here I suppose:

On that note I'm willing to help out with GML coding questions and stuff. Maybe requests or collaborations? I dunno.

RE: One thousand ugly free-user watermarks - Game Maker thread - Infrared - 03-30-2013

So, guys, can anyone instruct me about what resolutions work best for gm? I've read some things about the screen not stretching properly or the game running too slow. Also spirte sizes, can i go crazy and make objects the size of the screen? Should i use only even numbers so they re-scale properly?

I also updated the first post with some helpful links provided by you guys and i'll keep adding to it as you post them, maybe i'll post a list of projects done/being done later.