The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17

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The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17
RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Sketchbook - 1/19/17
(01-11-2017, 12:22 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »> i
> x me
> use head on wall

>i. x me. hit wall with head

Your Outfit
-Leather Chest Piece
-Cotton Shirt
--Empty Barf Bag
--A vial of Sunshine
--A small piece of reflective glass.
--Gerry the Salamander
-Scratched Boots
--A pair of socks
--Magic Knife
-Modified Bracer

You already know what you look like.

Physique: Pratically None
Lure: People flock to you like flies to honey
Intuition: Sort of okay.
Speed: Meh.
Willpower: It's barely keeping you together.
Security: Nothing will dare mess with you.

DESCRIPTION: A leather chest piece hangs over your cotton shirt, protecting your torso. You're wearing a pair of pants with deep pockets and a pair of scratched boots. The Hive cybernetic on the side of your head is malfunctioning, but luckily it is still working to a certain extent. On your left arm is a modified bracer hiding a saw-toothed mouth that runs from the tip of your fingers to the middle of your forearm. Your hair is braided into thin strands tied up in a short ponytail. They are hiding a small cluster of eyes along your scalp.

HEALTH: On the topic of Hunger, you haven't eaten in three days. On the topic of Thirst, you drank water last night. On the topic of Sleep, you feel slightly refreshed. Your Mood is slightly more horrible than okay.

It seems like everything is in order.

You bang the side of your head against the wall. The ringing noise stops abruptly, replaced by a small beeping noise signaling auto-repair. Your side-cybernetic is now sending off sparks that threaten to flit into your eyes, but as long as you keep them closed you should be fine. From your experience, the auto-repair will be done in a minute or so.

You hear a loud rasping sound to the east and a soft beeping. The side of your head is giving off sparks.

(01-12-2017, 12:42 AM)earthexe Wrote: »Stand up.

> Stand up

You get out begrudgingly from bed. It's too early to be moving, but you have to go to Winchest as soon as possible.

You hear a loud, creaking sound to the east and a soft beeping. The side of your head is giving off sparks

(01-12-2017, 11:48 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Get ye sketchbook

>Get ye sketchbook.
(first opening backpack)

You open your backpack and take Edon's sketchbook.

You hear a loud, rasping sound to the east and a soft beeping. The sparks die down.

Edon was supposed to be the record-keeper, so he had plenty of books to spare. A few days into your journey, he re-purposed this one into a sketchbook. The dark red cover reads "Property of Edon". At a certain angle, the glare reveals a flurry of scratchy marks made from writing letters on top of it.

(01-11-2017, 11:22 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Open sketchbook to random page.

>Look up Random in Sketchbook

You flip to a random page and end up on page 87. Here, you find a crude sketch of you releasing a being of knowledge out of an ancient artifact. It seems Edon tried some perspective on this one, but everything ended up turning lop-sided because of it.

You remember this event happened about three weeks ago, two weeks before you had to go off on your own. You learned from the knowledgeable entity that your soul was born out of about 20 Eldritch abomination corpses. You had to admit it was a little anti-climatic (the entity was one of the blunt ones) but at least you finally had an explanation as to why your arm suddenly turned into a mouth.

You guess it also explained why you were assigned the suicidal Winchest mission. The Hive had to kill you indirectly before you "awoken" or whatever the hell it's called and become a mass of pure chaos.

Well jokes on them! You aren't dead yet. In fact, the mission has been surprisingly nice so far. Your traveling companions turned out to be good-natured people, and after a whole bunch of bonding over near-deaths, all of you have become best pals. You ate together, slept together, and sometimes talked about controversial topics together. All of you were inseparable.

That is, until you accidentally ate a comrade in your sleep. That's when they decided it'd be better if you traveled to Winchest alone and meet them up later. It was basically the passive way of saying "You're dangerous and scary. We hope you die in the wilderness, so we won't have to face your scariness again. Fuck you."

You want to say you don't need your comrades, but that would be a lie.

You hear a loud, creaking sound to the east and a soft beeping. You start getting annoyed by the sounds and mutter under your breath how you wish the world would shut up and let you mope in silence.

(01-11-2017, 11:22 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Look at strange device

>X strange Device
(first taking strange device)

It is a bulky and rectangular handheld device with a small glass screen on one side under a large, square space with lines running across it. Inside the glass screen lies two two adjacent, white circles with two black circles in the middle of each. There are 6 unlabeled buttons below the glass screen on the bottom edge of the device. On the side edge is a series of different-sized holes with some dulled spikes inside of them.

You think it might be some sort of ancient bomb, but the labels that might've alluded to that are too faded to read.

You hear a loud something or rather in a direction. You get the pattern.

The beeping has thankfully stopped.

(01-12-2017, 05:18 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Tutorial

(first opening Options Menu)

Banner Art: Disabled Enabled

Text Size: Small Medium

Auto-Command: Enabled Disabled
-Command X: Enabled Disabled
-Command Remember: Enabled Disabled
-Hide Command: Enabled Disabled

Tutorial: Disabled Enabled
-Questions: Disabled Enabled
-Advanced Tutorial: Disabled Enabled

Hints: Disabled Enabled
- Advanced Hints: Disabled Enabled

Mode: Easy Medium Advanced

Changelog: Show?

Credits: Show?

Note: The Advanced Tutorial is now being repaired. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences. *This message will show in the Change Log.*

This is the options menu. It is recommended that you turn on Advanced Hints and Tutorial if this is your first iteration. However, it is possible to play without having Hints on. Feel free to do as you wish.

(01-12-2017, 11:48 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Help:commands

>Help.list commands

Note: This would've showed something about commands and how you can go ">list commands" to see the full list of accepted command, but that would take forever to scroll past. Just don't do anything too complex like prepositions on prepositions. Not entirely sure if the English language can do that, but you're probably going to do it anyways because of this mention. No comment.

[!: Noun Error]

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