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The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17 - Printable Version

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The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17 - Superficial - 01-08-2017

Welcome to The NeverEnding Quest! Your goal is to get to Winchest, The City of Resolution. Here, you can find salvation in your sins, places beyond your wildest dreams, and a chance at a new beginning! However, the journey there is littered with dangerous obstacles that threaten to bring your adventure to a premature end. Try not to die as you venture into the forever-changing realm of The Overworld.


POINTS: ++++++++++++++++++++++++ (24)


KEYWORDS: ____________

You have 24 points to spend on your stats. Two points are needed to bring a stat to the next tier (Weak to Below Average to Average to Excellent to Superior) You might find that a few of the stats are some-what vague in their meaning. This is intentional.

You can input keywords which will set a few traits of your character in stone.

Ex: If one of your keywords is "archer", your character will most likely be an archer.


RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - Dorsidwarf - 01-09-2017

VIGOUR: Average
SANITY: Superior

KEYBOARDS: Survivor, Seeker

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - Kíeros - 01-09-2017

Put all 24 points into keywords

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - AABowser - 01-09-2017

VIGOR: Excellent
ALLURE: Excellent


RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-09-2017

VIGOR: Average
ALLURE: Superior
SITUATION: Below-Average

KEYWORDS: Pulchritudinous, Smoking, August, Pictures

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-09-2017


KEYWORDS: Vigor, Allure, Perception, Mobility, Sanity, Situation

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - a52 - 01-09-2017

(01-09-2017, 02:45 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Put all 24 points into keywords

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - 1/8/17 - Justice Watch - 01-09-2017

VIGOR: Superior
MOBILITY: Superior

Keywords: Run, Smash

The NeverEnding Quest - Meh. Whatever. - 1/9/17 - Superficial - 01-09-2017

(01-09-2017, 02:45 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Put all 24 points into keywords

>Put 24 in keywords_

[!: Noun Error; Reroute SITUATION]


POINTS: ++++++++++++++(14)


KEYWORDS: ____________

(Weak to Below Average to Average to Excellent to Superior)
Now that you've entered your stats, you can now use the ">Search" command to find your character. Usually the world will be able to find an exact match, but in the event that it does not, it will re-calibrate your search request to match the most fitting recipient.

Once you hit search, you will be unable to manually change your request, so make sure your character is how you want it to be.

(01-09-2017, 01:08 AM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »VIGOUR: Average
SANITY: Superior

KEYBOARDS: Survivor, Seeker

(01-09-2017, 06:05 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »VIGOR: Average
ALLURE: Superior
SITUATION: Below-Average

KEYWORDS: Pulchritudinous, Smoking, August, Pictures

(01-09-2017, 11:33 AM)earthexe Wrote: »VIGOR: Superior
MOBILITY: Superior

Keywords: Run, Smash

(01-09-2017, 05:43 AM)AABowser Wrote: »VIGOR: Excellent
ALLURE: Excellent


>6 in Vigor. 3 in Perception. 4 in mobility. 1 in Allure. Keyword Survivor. Keyword Seeker. Keyword Smash. Keyword Pictures. Keyword Smoking. Keyword Bard_



VIGOR: Excellent
PERCEPTION: Below Average+

KEYWORDS: Survivor, Seeker, Smash, Pictures, Smoking, Bard

(Weak to Below Average to Average to Excellent to Superior)
When you are done, command ">Search" to finalize your request.


RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Meh. Whatever. - 1/11/17 - Justice Watch - 01-09-2017

Take one each from mobility, perception, and allure, and put those three in sanity

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Meh. Whatever. - 1/11/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-09-2017


RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Meh. Whatever. - 1/9/17 - a52 - 01-09-2017

Keyword: Insane

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Meh. Whatever. - 1/9/17 - Gimeurcookie - 01-09-2017


The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/11/17 - Superficial - 01-10-2017

>Keyword Insane. Take 5 Vigor. Put 5 Allure. Search_



VIGOR: Weak+
ALLURE: Excellent
PERCEPTION: Below Average+

KEYWORDS: Survivor, Seeker, Smash, Pictures, Smoking, Bard, Insane



Calibrations Wrote:> take 2 situation. put 2 sanity.



VIGOR: Weak+
ALLURE: Excellent
PERCEPTION: Below Average+
SANITY: Below Average

KEYWORDS: Survivor, Seeker, Smash, Pictures, Smoking, Bard, Insane



[Image: YKokCVa.png]

You open your eyes...

And are greeted by the sunlight grating its blue glare into your eyeballs. You snap your head away with a groan, unused to so much light at once. After the sun spots fade away and you feel like you aren't in immediate pain, you slowly take in the fact that you're in a derelict, unfamiliar room.

An assortment of plants have taken advantage of the disrepair; their tendrils are woven through every cranny from the holes in the wall to the cracks in the floorboards. You sit up from the bed and take a shielded glance at the ceiling. A large gash runs across what appears to be the roof. From this gash streams the morning light onto a lop-sided chair lying dejectedly in the center of the room. You'd think this sight would be haunting if the light wasn't so blinding.

You let out a sigh as you become aware of an insistent ringing echoing between your ears. It's a bitter reminder of how broken you are and you aren't too keen on starting the day with that in mind. Yesterday hasn't been the best day either and the weight of what you did...you check your bracer just in case and find that it's still on you. Good.

Right next to you is a bedside table with an alarm clock on it. At the side of the bed lies your trusty backpack that you remember contains two bottles of black bile, an empty bottle, your flute, a strange device, a bundle of wires, Edon's sketchbook, a ring of Knives, 3 rations, a leather flask of water, and a shiny coin.

Near the foot of the bed on the west wall is a narrow window draped with faded blue curtains. On the north wall is a dresser squatting humbly near an ornate wardrobe. On the other side of the room is a half-open door to the east. The moss hanging from the door frame is swaying gently to the side as if it was caught in a shallow draft.

You hear an annoying ringing.

>remember Edon

You remember Edon. Before you left he gave you his sketchbook as reminder of all the good times you and your squad had. It was the last thing you expected from him (he always seemed so distant), but it's not like you could've complained.

You were meaning to bring a memento with you, but you were planning to pluck a rock from a stream, carve The Seeker symbol in it, and pretend that it's been with you the entire journey. It was nice of him to give you something as solid as his sketches. Unexpected, but nice.

Sure he wasn't the best artist, but you can recognized the pictures. That's all you need really.

You hear an annoying ringing.


Sometimes the parser will auto-command for you. The auto-command falls into two categories: examining an item you've picked up or examining a thing you've interacted with. At this moment, it is merely demonstrating to you an action that you can do to elicit more backstory. It will likely never do it again.

To turn off Auto-Command, go to the options menu. The Tutorial will now disable.

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/11/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-11-2017

> i
> x me
> use head on wall

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/10/17 - Gimeurcookie - 01-11-2017

> Look at strange device
> Open sketchbook to random page.

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/10/17 - Justice Watch - 01-12-2017

Stand up.

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/10/17 - Kíeros - 01-12-2017

> Tutorial

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Home - 1/10/17 - Arcanuse - 01-12-2017

>Get ye sketchbook

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Sketchbook - 1/19/17 - Superficial - 01-20-2017

(01-11-2017, 12:22 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »> i
> x me
> use head on wall

>i. x me. hit wall with head

Your Outfit
-Leather Chest Piece
-Cotton Shirt
--Empty Barf Bag
--A vial of Sunshine
--A small piece of reflective glass.
--Gerry the Salamander
-Scratched Boots
--A pair of socks
--Magic Knife
-Modified Bracer

You already know what you look like.

Physique: Pratically None
Lure: People flock to you like flies to honey
Intuition: Sort of okay.
Speed: Meh.
Willpower: It's barely keeping you together.
Security: Nothing will dare mess with you.

DESCRIPTION: A leather chest piece hangs over your cotton shirt, protecting your torso. You're wearing a pair of pants with deep pockets and a pair of scratched boots. The Hive cybernetic on the side of your head is malfunctioning, but luckily it is still working to a certain extent. On your left arm is a modified bracer hiding a saw-toothed mouth that runs from the tip of your fingers to the middle of your forearm. Your hair is braided into thin strands tied up in a short ponytail. They are hiding a small cluster of eyes along your scalp.

HEALTH: On the topic of Hunger, you haven't eaten in three days. On the topic of Thirst, you drank water last night. On the topic of Sleep, you feel slightly refreshed. Your Mood is slightly more horrible than okay.

It seems like everything is in order.

You bang the side of your head against the wall. The ringing noise stops abruptly, replaced by a small beeping noise signaling auto-repair. Your side-cybernetic is now sending off sparks that threaten to flit into your eyes, but as long as you keep them closed you should be fine. From your experience, the auto-repair will be done in a minute or so.

You hear a loud rasping sound to the east and a soft beeping. The side of your head is giving off sparks.

(01-12-2017, 12:42 AM)earthexe Wrote: »Stand up.

> Stand up

You get out begrudgingly from bed. It's too early to be moving, but you have to go to Winchest as soon as possible.

You hear a loud, creaking sound to the east and a soft beeping. The side of your head is giving off sparks

(01-12-2017, 11:48 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Get ye sketchbook

>Get ye sketchbook.
(first opening backpack)

You open your backpack and take Edon's sketchbook.

You hear a loud, rasping sound to the east and a soft beeping. The sparks die down.

Edon was supposed to be the record-keeper, so he had plenty of books to spare. A few days into your journey, he re-purposed this one into a sketchbook. The dark red cover reads "Property of Edon". At a certain angle, the glare reveals a flurry of scratchy marks made from writing letters on top of it.

(01-11-2017, 11:22 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Open sketchbook to random page.

>Look up Random in Sketchbook

You flip to a random page and end up on page 87. Here, you find a crude sketch of you releasing a being of knowledge out of an ancient artifact. It seems Edon tried some perspective on this one, but everything ended up turning lop-sided because of it.

You remember this event happened about three weeks ago, two weeks before you had to go off on your own. You learned from the knowledgeable entity that your soul was born out of about 20 Eldritch abomination corpses. You had to admit it was a little anti-climatic (the entity was one of the blunt ones) but at least you finally had an explanation as to why your arm suddenly turned into a mouth.

You guess it also explained why you were assigned the suicidal Winchest mission. The Hive had to kill you indirectly before you "awoken" or whatever the hell it's called and become a mass of pure chaos.

Well jokes on them! You aren't dead yet. In fact, the mission has been surprisingly nice so far. Your traveling companions turned out to be good-natured people, and after a whole bunch of bonding over near-deaths, all of you have become best pals. You ate together, slept together, and sometimes talked about controversial topics together. All of you were inseparable.

That is, until you accidentally ate a comrade in your sleep. That's when they decided it'd be better if you traveled to Winchest alone and meet them up later. It was basically the passive way of saying "You're dangerous and scary. We hope you die in the wilderness, so we won't have to face your scariness again. Fuck you."

You want to say you don't need your comrades, but that would be a lie.

You hear a loud, creaking sound to the east and a soft beeping. You start getting annoyed by the sounds and mutter under your breath how you wish the world would shut up and let you mope in silence.

(01-11-2017, 11:22 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Look at strange device

>X strange Device
(first taking strange device)

It is a bulky and rectangular handheld device with a small glass screen on one side under a large, square space with lines running across it. Inside the glass screen lies two two adjacent, white circles with two black circles in the middle of each. There are 6 unlabeled buttons below the glass screen on the bottom edge of the device. On the side edge is a series of different-sized holes with some dulled spikes inside of them.

You think it might be some sort of ancient bomb, but the labels that might've alluded to that are too faded to read.

You hear a loud something or rather in a direction. You get the pattern.

The beeping has thankfully stopped.

(01-12-2017, 05:18 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Tutorial

(first opening Options Menu)

Banner Art: Disabled Enabled

Text Size: Small Medium

Auto-Command: Enabled Disabled
-Command X: Enabled Disabled
-Command Remember: Enabled Disabled
-Hide Command: Enabled Disabled

Tutorial: Disabled Enabled
-Questions: Disabled Enabled
-Advanced Tutorial: Disabled Enabled

Hints: Disabled Enabled
- Advanced Hints: Disabled Enabled

Mode: Easy Medium Advanced

Changelog: Show?

Credits: Show?

Note: The Advanced Tutorial is now being repaired. Sorry if this causes any inconveniences. *This message will show in the Change Log.*

This is the options menu. It is recommended that you turn on Advanced Hints and Tutorial if this is your first iteration. However, it is possible to play without having Hints on. Feel free to do as you wish.

(01-12-2017, 11:48 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Help:commands

>Help.list commands

Note: This would've showed something about commands and how you can go ">list commands" to see the full list of accepted command, but that would take forever to scroll past. Just don't do anything too complex like prepositions on prepositions. Not entirely sure if the English language can do that, but you're probably going to do it anyways because of this mention. No comment.

[!: Noun Error]

RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Sketchbook - 1/19/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-20-2017

let's do a lil' basic maintenance

> options
> set text size to small

> open eyes

> get backpack
> wear backpack
> put barf bag in backpack
> get moss
(in case we need to burn something.)

and let's score us some fresh duds why not:

> open wardrobe
> x wardrobe
> open dresser
> x dresser

The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17 - Superficial - 01-26-2017

> text size smell.

[!: Noun Error]

>text size small.


> Open Eyes

You open your eyes and are overwhelmed.

There's a bird's eye that can see a whole other spectrum of colors, a thermal eye that can see the heat-signature of living things, the half-blind eye that sees the world in black and white blurs, and the typewriter eye that can see typewritten words dancing along the surface of objects.

The typewriter eye sees the words congregate around the side of the wardrobe. The thermal eye sees a swath of heat emanating from the east wall.

The amount of input at once is extremely painful causing you to close all your eyes reflexively. You tentatively open your normal eyes to the sight of a normal room, but keep your other eyes closed.

It seems like everything is in order, but you shouldn't open all your eyes at once like that. It's not good for your health.

> take backpack.wear backpack.put barf bag in backpack.

You take your trusty backpack and slip your arm into the sling. You reach around and store the barf bag in the left side pocket along with the shiny coin. It takes a while since your arm isn't very flexible, but you manage to do it nevertheless.

As this goes on, you hear rasping, creaking, and rasping again in that order coming from the due east. You have no idea how you slept through this mess. Oh wait a minute! Now you do.

You tune out the creaking and rasping noises.

> Take moss

You walk over to the doorframe and pull the moss down. The hallway starts grumbling and twitching at your presence, but you pay it no heed. You're getting this moss and you're getting it now. Annoying ass hallway be damned.

> open wardrobe. x wardrobe. open dresser. x dresser

You open the wardrobe.

The wardrobe must be the most elegant piece of furniture you've ever seen. Carved into the wood are depictions of angels running from the curved foot of the wardrobe and spiraling up its edges. The angels seem to be punishing sinners, most of them ferocious and ready for smiting. They are various in their horrific virtues ranging from small eye-rings with wings purging peasants with holy fire to immense tentacle monsters with wings skewering a group of cultists with spears.

Your favorite angel has to be the human-looking one with his large, eye-peppered tongue lolling out like a dog's. He is dressed in clothes too big for his figure and seems to be tapping away on a rectangular device similar to the one you're holding.

He's very lax compared to the intensity of the other angels and that difference is strangely appealing to you. It's probably because of his relatability. You aren't the one to do your job when everybody else is doing it for you.

On the side of the wardrobe is a message inscribed in a foreign language. You aren't able to read it with your normal eyes, but you recognize that the symbols below the message are someone's initials.

The wardrobe is open.

You open the drawer.

There is nothing special about the drawer. Unless you think complete mundanity is special. Which it isn't.

The drawer is open.


RE: The NeverEnding Quest - Going to Wardrobe - 1/26/17 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-26-2017

> open typewriter eye. x wardrobe

maybe it'll translate

> remember winchest