The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Quote:Adler: Request Meadow as your Floozy.
>Guards arresting Adler: Be very, very unprofessional in one way or another. One keeps using Adler as a shoulder to cry on for his personal problems, and the other keeps gushing about his passion for model ships.
(Red Caps) Discuss where to have lunch after leaving off the prisoner.

[Image: 0114redcaps_zpsum9wbmm1.gif]

"I want Meadow Grainmaster to serve as my official Floozy during these proceedings," I shouted as the Marshal and the Sergeant hurried off ahead of us. Then, as the constables manhandled me toward the Detention Center, I protested: "Hold on a second! What exactly am I being charged with?"

"Fuma spray me if I know, laddie," the wolf constable replied. "Tis at the Queen's orders, so could be anything. Did ye give her an odd look, or leave a chamberpot in the wrong place? Did ye fail tae wish her a bonnie mornin' in the proper tone o' voice? Ye never can tell wi' femmes. Me own Sally holds me responsible every time there's cloudy weather. It's got so I'm scared to say anythin' at hoome."

"You think that's rough?" the bull rumbled. "You should try building a miniature three-masted schooner inside a wine bottle - after you didn't even get to drink the wine! Speaking of which, Nero, where do you want to go for breakfast after we drop this little perp off?"

"I dinnae, Angus, how aboot that Antglade-style barbecue stand?"

"They don't have decent salads there," the bull objected. "How about the Green House?"

"Bah, we went there last time," the wolf scoffed. "Barrin' the barbaric flavour and the havoc it wrought upon me digestion, those shrub-run places have such beastly slow service!"

This debate went on for the duration of our walk, cruelly reminding me that it was early morning by now, and had been quite some time since I last ate.

Quote:Guards > Throw adler onto his face in a dirty dungeon cell filled with spiders!
(HSH Prince Adler) Despair for a brief period of time.
Adler, be put in a holding cell.
Holding cell opposite to Adler's, hold a very chatty prisoner.
Prisoner, Keep trying to have a conversation with Adler. Don't realize just how suspicious you appear.

When we arrived at the Detention Center, the constables unfastened my manacles and shoved me into a holding cell. Then they went away, still debating where to go for breakfast. I dejectedly surveyed my surroundings. There was a bench chained to the wall, with a chamberpot and an assortment of cobwebs under it. I sat down on the bench and worriedly contemplated my situation.

[Image: 0114prisoner_zpsiy9pyryx.gif]

"Pssst, hey you, hey fella," a rat in the cell opposite whispered. "What are you in for?"

"I'm not really sure," I answered mournfully.

"Aw come on, buddy, you can confide in me. Us Unseelie gotta stick together, see?"

"I was caught snooping around where I shouldn't be, I guess," I admitted. "But my intentions were good."

"I hear ya," the rat commisserated. "This goody-goody tyranny just ain't fair, see? What do skunks know about life on the street? No offense. That lowfolk was already mostly eaten when I got there! Elves don't lie, see?"

Quote:Oh, oh, I know what's next, vigorous interrogation!
The Marshal and the Sergeant, pull a good watchman/bad watchman interrogation on Adler. Do not be particularly successful, partially due to your choice of roles.
Adler: "So I've been captured... All according to plan!"

I was somewhat relieved when Marshal Theronmyathus and Sergeant Avogadro strode up to my cell, interrupting this conversation. The Marshal unlocked the door and Avogadro rushed in, jabbing his finger at me angrily.

[Image: 0114goodbad_zpscivffxdx.gif]

"I've had it with you, Bastard!" the mole squeaked furiously. "Are you gonna tell us what you were up to in the SALVs' apartment, or do I have to get rough?"

"Er, should you be questioning me without my Floozy present?" I asked nervously. "Where is Meadow?"

"Now, now, Sergeant," Theronmyathus croaked as he tugged Avogadro away from me. "The Prince has rights, and it would not do for us to go violating them. Sorry about this, Your Highness. He gets excited sometimes. Cares passionately about justice, you know. Anyway, we came to inform you that your Floozy - or should I say Floozies - are here. You are only entitled to one, so you'll have to clear up this confusion before we can proceed."

"Don't dawdle about it," Avogadro growled irritably.

Quote:Floozie, somewhat familiar) Appear, and cheerfully announce status.
Floozie, with suspicious accent) Appear, and dispute who is the Floozie In Charge.

[Image: 0114floozies_zpszylqav8e.gif]

Four femmes lined up in the corridor outside my cell.

"When I heard that Cute Prince Adler was in trouble, I just knew he needed me," Doris Saltstick sighed dreamily. "I will help him through this time of adversity."

"When did you get back from Caer Adland?" Meadow sneered. "I'm the one currently serving as Adler's office Floozy, I understand his present situation better than anyone else here, and besides, it's me that he has asked for by name."

"Hudalaleigh!" the scantly-clad wolfess exclaimed. "Sure an' the Wolf Queen fights fer justice, so I'll wrestle the lot of ye for the right to serve as Adler's Floozy! One at a time or all together, it matters not. Best three falls out o' four wins."

"I am Prince Right Hand Adler's Court-Appointed Floozy," the smartly-dressed ungulate stated drily. "The rest of you might as well go home."

Quote:(Ixie) Sneak in while the Floozies squabble
>Get a piece of vital information.

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"Quickly, Sire, while they're all distracted," an Ixie whispered in my Elfmind. "Only one of yon Floozies is in league with the Sisterhood, so choose carefully. Also, if thou hast anything in thine Elfintory which thou'dst prefer the Marshal not to find, best give it to me now and I'll smuggle it away for safekeeping."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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