IsleEnture -Colon- Starring Philip

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IsleEnture -Colon- Starring Philip
IsleEnture -Colon- Starring Philip
[Image: IslenturePanel0001.png]

You are now Philip a small man on a small island in the middle of the not so small sea. Philip has been here for some time, and is presently occupied with his daily routine of sitting on the beach, and staving off existential ennui.
But He is getting rather bored of that, so what shall He do now?
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...

Messages In This Thread
IsleEnture -Colon- Starring Philip - by SirBlizz98 - 01-01-2017, 09:50 AM