4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
[Image: rklyv.jpg]

Maybe I could just gain people's trust by getting some actual evidence out there...

[Andromeda re-enters his room and exits, a tablet in his hand. He begins reading off of the tablet.]

..."Police Citation for Organized Crime." And other offenses include robberies, child smuggling, illegal hunting, like, five mining safety violations and a whole bunch of other stuff. Looks like this guy's a real menace!!

And it makes sense he's in a gang too - I was reading up on the geography of Bodus, the planet we're on, and the atlas said to watch out for organized crime syndicates. That's what these gang symbols on my sticky note up here were reminding me about...

Messages In This Thread
4tuna Mafia Game - by OTTO - 04-22-2009, 04:20 AM