Eduventure: The AR Edition - School Chat

Eduventure: The AR Edition - School Chat
Re: Eduventure: The AR Edition - School Chat
Genetics, why do you gotta be all fuckin' with my sleep schedule.

On the bright side, I got a respectable 70% on my first lab assignment, and attended Lab 2/2 for our zebrafish module (I strategically bailed on the first because of the Resnowening of much of Dunedin, and leave me alone my flat was nice and warm) today. Despite not being allowed to take any baby zebrafish home (although I probably could've snuck out a pipette full of the little buggers), we got a great demonstration of what teratogens do to baby fish. More usefully for me, I got a great demonstration of that thing I was supposed to write about but didn't know what, exactly, we did. I additionally lost the crapshoot which was trying to pick the same teratogen that my group was doing, but seeing as there's only this proposal to hand in (and no lab report) it doesn't matter too much anyway, provided I did the research for something.

Which I did! Happymelon And the snow netted me an extension for the proposal anyway, which gives me a relaxed morning to check over that shit and remember to be especially anal retentive when I see how I've formatted my references.

Now there's just an oft-postponed Zoology report I have to write, and I'm cruising until mid-semester break.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Eduventure: The AR Edition - School Chat - by Schazer - 08-22-2011, 10:04 AM