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> It sounds ok to me, but I kind of want to hear what Tsubame's take is, since it seems like she wanted to object for some reason? Also, like, how would this be different from just doing a buddy system and including everyone?

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "So...why can't we just do this with the guys...?"

[Image: Tsubame%20serious.png?raw=true] "And Kobayashi-kun."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Because, if we had a bigger pool of people, then we get what..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "...What happened last time."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Having less people makes things a lot easier for us. You can't manage thirteen people as well."

[Image: Tsubame%20serious.png?raw=true] "Admittedly true. However, if I may ask?"

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "If there are three people in a room and one dies, how are we supposed to know who's the murderer? Both of them will deny it."

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "Or if something happens like last time and the method of murder doesn't involve the murderer's presence? If someone died next to someone else uninvolved; under this system, are we meant to immediately suspect the bystander?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "It's not meant to be perfect! It's just like, a guide! Or something. Like, with that first one, at least we have two people immediately narrowed down!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "If you don't think it's a good idea, why don't you think of a better one?!"

[Image: Tsubame%20no%20worries.png?raw=true] "Oh, it's not a bad idea."

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "Wh -- well, of course it isn't!"

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "I just think your process of how to choose members for this scheme is lacking. Shouldn't it be a small group of people you actually trust rather than the superficial trait of gender?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well, I do trust you!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20tsubame%2...g?raw=true]

[Image: Tsubame%20shock.png?raw=true] "I -- "

[Image: Tsubame%20shock.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "Me? You trust me?"

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "After all you said and all I've done?"

[Image: Tsubame%20angry.png?raw=true] "You can't throw that word around so casually! Here of all places!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "Y-you don't have to shout! Just leave if you don't like it!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20megumi%20...g?raw=true]


[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20tsubame%2...g?raw=true]

[Image: Tsubame%20angry.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "No, I'll join. Strategically speaking, it's beneficial. And you don't necessarily need trust for this system to work."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "...Geez! Maybe think about that before having a tantrum!"

[Image: Tsukino%20worried.png?raw=true] "Matsumoto Matsui-hime...perhaps that's enough..."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Yeah, fine, fine."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Anyways, what about the rest of you?"

[Image: Nakayama%20giggling.png?raw=true] "Awwww, I'm so flattered you asked! Let's all not kill each other together!"

[Image: Tsukino%20worried.png?raw=true] "I...suppose. If this is the best way to go..."

>Also, sure, along with the stipulation that the pact ends if a girl ends up a victim.

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "Sure. But y'know, if one of us does die..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Don't say shit like that! None of us will die with my plan!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Anyways, how is this gonna work?"

[Image: Mori%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "...You don't know."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well...! I just wanted to see if you wanted to do it first!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "And then the details could come later!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Which is now."

[Image: Tsukino%20thinking.png?raw=true] "Well the idea is for us to form groups of at least two the entire time, is it not? And just never be without a witness for the entire time."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "...Even when we're sleeping?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Especially not!"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "That's a little...weird, though..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well suck it up!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Since that's decided, how about we start?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20creepy%20doki.png?raw=true] "I'm going with Kotone-chan~"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20megumi%20...g?raw=true]


[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...0wrong.png]

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "H-hey! What did you just take a picture of!"

[Image: Nakayama%20giggling.png?raw=true] "That erotic face."

[Image: Matsumoto%20high%20ire.png?raw=true] "DELETE THAT."

[Image: Nakayama%20pointing.png?raw=true] "Suppression of the press! Tyranny! All captured on film! The truth will come out!"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "..."

...I feel sorry for the one who has to deal with her.

Which is hopefully Tsubame-san.

But then again...

Wouldn't that mean I have to deal with Matsumoto...?

Unless I can convince Nakayama and Matsumoto to stick together.

Oh boy...

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RE: DISTRUST - by Benedict - 09-11-2016, 05:42 PM
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RE: DISTRUST - by Benedict - 09-25-2016, 06:37 PM
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RE: DISTRUST - by Benedict - 10-23-2016, 07:38 PM
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RE: DISTRUST - by Schazer - 11-14-2016, 03:43 AM
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