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DISTRUST - Printable Version

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DISTRUST - MalkyTop - 08-20-2016

[Image: WHY%20ARE%20LOGOS%20HARD.png?raw=true]

(a dangan ronpa adventure)

MENU|Character List|Mirror




[Image: Wakahisa%20scared.png?raw=true]

[Image: Wakahisa%20scared.png?raw=true] “Aa...a..aaa.....”

[Image: Kobayashi%20mourning.png?raw=true] “...”

...He’s dead.

It’s over...at least that’s what I want. But now that the danger’s over, the adrenaline is gone...

It’s hitting me. That I’ve seen a dead body. That I watched someone die. I’ve never considered that those would be two different things. Isn’t this weird? How is this happening? How is this happening to me?

It’s like a car crash. Or being mugged, or breaking a leg or any one of those mundane accidents that I hear about but never suffer. It’ll never happen to me, that was my belief. Or, rather, it wasn’t that I believed it; it wasn’t even that I assumed it. It was like...like it had been a given, and I never thought more on it. I never even thought about death. I never thought I could die. I never even thought that my mom could be dead.

But now I’ve seen someone die, and that means anything can happen.

I don’t know what to do.

[Image: monobear%20good%20side.png?raw=true]

[Image: small%20Monobear%20good%20side.png?raw=true] “Ah, that’s done. What a show! Give it up for The Great Oshiro!”

[Image: Matsumoto%20high%20ire.png?raw=true] “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20questioning.png?raw=true] “Oh? Where’s this high and mighty attitude coming from? Is this adolescent rebellion I see?”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20questioning.png?raw=true] “Who’s the one who said, ‘Nobody’s gonna kill each other?’”

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png] “...”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20neutral.png?raw=true] “It’s like I’ve always said.”

[Image: Monobear%20neutral.png?raw=true]

[Image: small%20Monobear%20neutral.png?raw=true] “The best of the best might as well be the worst of the worst.”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20giggling.png?raw=true] “Future leaders of the world? Gimme a break. What’s a magician gonna do?”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20blushing.png?raw=true] “In the end, he wanted to save himself.”

[Image: Yamaguchi%20crying.png?raw=true] “Okay! You made your point! We’re no better than anybody else!”

[Image: Yamaguchi%20crying.png?raw=true] “Just -- just let us out!”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20neutral.png?raw=true] “My point?”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20blushing.png?raw=true] “Bears don’t have points! Except on their claws!”

[Image: small%20Monobear%20good%20side.png?raw=true] “Anyways, now that the first kill is done, I’ve opened up the second floor! Your rooms are all open, so why don’t you all get some shut-eye? You all look tired as shit!”


Am I?

I don’t want to close my eyes.

Because when I do...

[Image: small%20Monobear%20good%20side.png?raw=true] “Your rooms all got fancy, state-of-the-art locks. Just swipe your ID, and you’ll be let in! Bye now~!”

[Image: court.png?raw=true]

Just like that, he’s gone.

All I’m left with is a collective silence.

What are they thinking? What am I thinking? The room feels like it’s closing in, and I just want to escape...where’s my mom...? Get me out of here already...

[Image: Nihiri%20upset.png?raw=true]

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] “...We should go.”


[Image: Tsubame%20calm%20down%20please.png?raw=true] “Um...look on the bright side! We can sleep whenever we want now, in our rooms, right?”

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png] “The bright side?”

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png] “People are dead.

[Image: Tsubame%20err.png?raw=true] “I, I know, but...in the end, it was necessary -- “

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] “Are you listening to yourself? What kind of psychopathic -- “

[Image: Tsukino%20distressed.png?raw=true] “Please. Don’t do this. Not...not now.”

[Image: Tsukino%20distressed.png?raw=true] “Let’s just go.”

[Image: BLACK%20SCREEN%20FOR%20WHEN%20I%20NEED.png?raw=true]

Eventually, we all filed into the elevator and rode it back up.

The worrying rattles, the extra space everybody gave each other, all these tiny details I couldn’t focus on.

I could only think...

I need to protect myself.

I need something to protect myself with.

Everybody’s going up the stairs. And yet.

And yet...


[Image: dark.png?raw=true]

...I need to protect myself...

This is just for me...nothing else...


[Image: mystery.png?raw=true] “...!”

[Image: Mori%20shock.png?raw=true] “...Ah! Who’s -- “

[Image: blank.png?raw=true]

The sudden light is blinding, even though I’m the one who turned them on.

I messed up, didn’t I? I messed up, I...

[Image: Yamaguchi%20surprised.png?raw=true]


...It’s Yamaguchi-kun. He’s got two open cartons of ice cream cradled in one of his arms. A spoon in his other hand.

[Image: Yamaguchi%20surprise.png?raw=true] “M-Mori-san...I...uh...”

[Image: Yamaguchi%20breaking%20down.png?raw=true]

[Image: Yamaguchi%20breaking%20down.png?raw=true] “...U...ugh...”

[Image: Yamaguchi%20breaking%20down.png?raw=true] “..................................”

RE: DISTRUST - Reecer6 - 08-20-2016

>Give Yamaguchi a sincere "Have fun with those," grab a knife or whatever, and leave.

RE: DISTRUST - Kaynato - 08-20-2016

> Just "good luck." That's the only thing you can do, now.

RE: DISTRUST - OTTO - 08-20-2016

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RE: DISTRUST - Schazer - 08-20-2016

Forget about covering your own butt for a dang second and have some ice cream with this poor man

RE: DISTRUST - OTTO - 08-20-2016

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RE: DISTRUST - MalkyTop - 08-21-2016

Forget about covering your own butt for a dang second and have some ice cream with this poor man

[Image: Yamaguchi%20breaking%20down.png?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "A-are you okay?"

[Image: Mori%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "No, of course not, sorry, um."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "Do...you want to talk...?"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "...No. Not really."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "Yeah. Okay."

We sit in a corner together, a few inches apart. The ice cream is melting but he's not really eating any of it. Just holding it tight.

What could I possibly say? Even if we've just experienced the same thing, even if I know what he's feeling, how could I even begin to make this better?

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "It'll be alright, you know."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I don't know."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I really wanted to make sure this didn't happen..."

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "It's not your fault, though."

He sighs and starts stirring the spoon in a tub. Like blending a milkshake or something. The ice cream is starting to look like one, anyways.

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "But I sorta think...this was just gonna happen no matter what. And I'm glad it's not me. And that's horrible isn't it?"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "Two guys are dead. And I'm here, and I'm just..."

[Image: Mori%20thinking.png?raw=true] "That's, well, you're not the only one like that, I think."

[Image: Mori%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "At least, I kinda...feel the same way."

[Image: Mori%20accusatory.png?raw=true] "And, y'know, now nobody has a reason to, to do what that bear says now! So nobody else is gonna die!"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "That...I really hope you're right."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "Thanks. Really."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I guess...I should put these back now."

Both tubs have started leaking. The part of his arm that's touching the tubs have gone red, and the ice cream looks something like butter now.

[Image: Yamaguchi%20blushing.png?raw=true] "Haha...sorry. I don't, I don't even like ice cream. I don't know why..."

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "It's fine. I'll put them back. You should sleep."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20blushing.png?raw=true] "...Thanks. Again."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "I'll see you later."

[Image: blank.png?raw=true]


[Image: dark.png?raw=true]


[Image: mori%20tomiko%20bedroom.png?raw=true]

The bed looks too nice and I hate it. It just looks like a normal room.

Whatever. I should sleep.


[Image: end%20card%202.png?raw=true]

RE: DISTRUST - MalkyTop - 08-21-2016

[Image: chapter%202.png?raw=true]

[Image: mori%20tomiko%20bedroom.png?raw=true]



I'm still here.

I guess it's stupid to really think otherwise.

Ugh...my back aches...what time is it?

Well actually, there's no reason to worry about the time I guess. There's no clock here anyways. I wonder if anybody's up already?

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "Oh."

A note from Ma2 was shoved under the door at some point.

"Meeting in my room, only girls, don't tell any of the guys."

Uh...should I really see what this is about...?

RE: DISTRUST - OTTO - 08-21-2016

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RE: DISTRUST - Kaynato - 08-21-2016

Bring self defense.

RE: DISTRUST - Whimbrel - 08-24-2016

Bedsheet cape. Gotta go to the secret meeting in style

RE: DISTRUST - Justice Watch - 08-24-2016

Oh yaaaaayy time to catch up on what i missed

RE: DISTRUST - Reecer6 - 08-26-2016

>Okay but you GOTTA tell Nobaru.

RE: DISTRUST - MalkyTop - 08-29-2016

>Bring self defense.

[Image: mori%20tomiko%20bedroom.png?raw=true]

Well, if anything looks weird, I'll run away. But I might as well see what she wants.

[Image: 36.png?raw=true]

[Image: 37.png?raw=true]

It looks like her room is...here.

Second floor map added

knock knock knock

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "Hello?"

[Image: WHITE%20SCREEN%20FOR%20WHEN%20I%20NEED%2...g?raw=true]


[Image: Mori%20shock.png?raw=true] "Aagh!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20megumi%20...g?raw=true]

[Image: Megumi%20taking%20pictures.png?raw=true] "And Drapes-chan joins the party!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Hey hey hey, move it! Who told you to answer the door!"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "What the heck was that?"

[Image: Nakayama%20V.png?raw=true] "I found my camera!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20pure%20hate.png?raw=true] "She found her camera."


[Image: Nakayama%20giggling.png?raw=true] "Oh my high-powered baby is still so good to me, don't worry, we'll never part again~"

So there's actually other girls here...at least that means this wasn't a trick or something.

But why her...

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "You sure took your time! So that means Akane-chan's the one that's left..."

[Image: Tsukino%20determined.png?raw=true] "She already made it clear that she'd rather not go."

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "Ugh...I guess we'll have to start without her."

[Image: Nakayama%20V.png?raw=true] "Right! So what's the scoop? What's this secret meeting all about, hmm?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "I gathered all of you here to talk about our 'situation.'"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "...And just us...why?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Are you stupid? 'Cause we gotta watch out for the boys!"

[Image: Tsubame%20err.png?raw=true] "Excuse me for interrupting but...I'm not sure this sort of conversation is very conductive to our escape."

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "If we don't cooperate..."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "I'm not saying we don't cooperate or anything, I'm just saying us girls gotta stick together. We're outnumbered, y'know! It's totally unfair! So why not make like a pact to protect each other?"

Um. Okay.

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20kobayashi...g?raw=true]

[Image: Kobayashi%20idea.png?raw=true] "Um."

[Image: Kobayashi%20idea.png?raw=true] "I think a mistake was made."

[Image: Matsumoto%20pure%20hate.png?raw=true] "What?"

[Image: Kobayashi%20creepy%20giggling.png?raw=true] "Well. You invited me. And I get the feeling I'm not supposed to be hearing this?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20pure%20hate.png?raw=true] "Yeah?"

[Image: Kobayashi%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "Because. I'm not a girl?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20bsod.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Matsumoto%20shock.png?raw=true] "You -- wait, whuh,"

Don't tell me...she just found out now...

[Image: Tsubame%20shock.png?raw=true] "I was about to ask about that actually, but I assumed you were just being inclusive."

[Image: Matsumoto%20shock.png?raw=true] "But you wear priestess clothes. And."

[Image: Kobayashi%20idea.png?raw=true] "Uh, sorry. I won't tell anybody about your secret meeting thing, though."

[Image: Matsumoto%20high%20ire.png?raw=true] "Get out get out get out"

[Image: Matsumoto%20shock.png?raw=true] "No, wait, don't, oh my god he heard everything, our position's been compromised, someone tie him up!"

[Image: Mori%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "There's no rope."

[Image: Tsubame%20serious.png?raw=true] "I haven't exactly agreed to the pact yet."

[Image: Nakayama%20who%20knows.png?raw=true] "'Spy infiltrates feminist cabal...' Or maybe cult? Some alliteration would be nice..."

[Image: Kobayashi%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "I said I wouldn't tell, though."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "No way! You're like a spy for the guys!"

[Image: Tsukino%20thinking.png?raw=true] "...You invited him..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "No way we can trust you, you're part of the other team! We have to, we have to, um -- "

[Image: Kobayashi%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "I'm not really a guy either."

[Image: Mori%20shock.png?raw=true] "Eh?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20shock.png?raw=true] "Huh?"

[Image: Kobayashi%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "So. You know. I'm not really on a guy 'team,' or whatever game this is? So I'm fine, right?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20shock.png?raw=true] "Uh."

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20kobayashi...g?raw=true]

[Image: Kobayashi%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "By the way, I think that I don't really get how your idea's supposed to help. Sorry."

Kobayashi leaves and closes the door politely.


Matsumoto looks like someone set fire to her fish or something. Then she runs to the door.

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Matsumoto%20high%20ire.png?raw=true] "Wait! Wait! What're your pronouns!!??!!"

After a moment, she just slams the door again and clutches her head and sighs.

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "So...is the meeting over?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20pure%20hate.png?raw=true] "No!"

[Image: Tsukino%20worried.png?raw=true] "Matsumoto Matsui-hime...perhaps we should reschedule at a later time, until we've thought through this a little longer..."

[Image: Nakayama%20dismissive.png?raw=true] "Your idea's bunk."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "I didn't finish!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "There's, one two three...five of us here. That's out of thirteen."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "So if we all made a promise to stick together as much as possible and not kill each other, then we'll all be fine! We'll always have at least one witness, we'll always have an alibi whenever the guys go and kill each other, and we'll always have someone to trust!

[Image: Matsumoto%20pure%20hate.png?raw=true] "And even if one of us wants to kill or whatever, then we'd know that one of us broke the pact and we can figure out who it is real quick!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Anyways, that's what you're here for, so we can set this up."

[Image: Matsumoto%20smug.png?raw=true] "Whaddya think?"

RE: DISTRUST - Whimbrel - 08-29-2016

It sounds ok to me, but I kind of want to hear what Tsubame's take is, since it seems like she wanted to object for some reason? Also, like, how would this be different from just doing a buddy system and including everyone?

RE: DISTRUST - BreadProduct - 08-30-2016

What's stopping someone here from accusing someone innocent?

There are three people in a room, someone dies. There is one murderer and one witness. Both of them claim the other did it. Who was the murderer?

There are three people in a room. Two die. Who was the murderer? The only one left alive? How are we so sure?

Point is there is no such thing as a perfect system and we shouldn't treat it as such. But I am still for it. But I don't like leaving the guys out.

RE: DISTRUST - Reecer6 - 09-02-2016

>Add "And Kobayashi" anytime someone mentions the boys.

>Also, sure, along with the stipulation that the pact ends if a girl ends up a victim.

RE: DISTRUST - MalkyTop - 09-03-2016

> It sounds ok to me, but I kind of want to hear what Tsubame's take is, since it seems like she wanted to object for some reason? Also, like, how would this be different from just doing a buddy system and including everyone?

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "So...why can't we just do this with the guys...?"

[Image: Tsubame%20serious.png?raw=true] "And Kobayashi-kun."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Because, if we had a bigger pool of people, then we get what..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "...What happened last time."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Having less people makes things a lot easier for us. You can't manage thirteen people as well."

[Image: Tsubame%20serious.png?raw=true] "Admittedly true. However, if I may ask?"

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "If there are three people in a room and one dies, how are we supposed to know who's the murderer? Both of them will deny it."

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "Or if something happens like last time and the method of murder doesn't involve the murderer's presence? If someone died next to someone else uninvolved; under this system, are we meant to immediately suspect the bystander?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "It's not meant to be perfect! It's just like, a guide! Or something. Like, with that first one, at least we have two people immediately narrowed down!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "If you don't think it's a good idea, why don't you think of a better one?!"

[Image: Tsubame%20no%20worries.png?raw=true] "Oh, it's not a bad idea."

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "Wh -- well, of course it isn't!"

[Image: Tsubame%20lecturing.png?raw=true] "I just think your process of how to choose members for this scheme is lacking. Shouldn't it be a small group of people you actually trust rather than the superficial trait of gender?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well, I do trust you!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20tsubame%2...g?raw=true]

[Image: Tsubame%20shock.png?raw=true] "I -- "

[Image: Tsubame%20shock.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "Me? You trust me?"

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "After all you said and all I've done?"

[Image: Tsubame%20angry.png?raw=true] "You can't throw that word around so casually! Here of all places!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "Y-you don't have to shout! Just leave if you don't like it!"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20megumi%20...g?raw=true]


[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20tsubame%2...g?raw=true]

[Image: Tsubame%20angry.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Tsubame%20upset.png?raw=true] "No, I'll join. Strategically speaking, it's beneficial. And you don't necessarily need trust for this system to work."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "...Geez! Maybe think about that before having a tantrum!"

[Image: Tsukino%20worried.png?raw=true] "Matsumoto Matsui-hime...perhaps that's enough..."

[Image: Matsumoto%20low%20ire.png?raw=true] "Yeah, fine, fine."

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Anyways, what about the rest of you?"

[Image: Nakayama%20giggling.png?raw=true] "Awwww, I'm so flattered you asked! Let's all not kill each other together!"

[Image: Tsukino%20worried.png?raw=true] "I...suppose. If this is the best way to go..."

>Also, sure, along with the stipulation that the pact ends if a girl ends up a victim.

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...g?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "Sure. But y'know, if one of us does die..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Don't say shit like that! None of us will die with my plan!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Anyways, how is this gonna work?"

[Image: Mori%20annoyed.png?raw=true] "...You don't know."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well...! I just wanted to see if you wanted to do it first!"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "And then the details could come later!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Which is now."

[Image: Tsukino%20thinking.png?raw=true] "Well the idea is for us to form groups of at least two the entire time, is it not? And just never be without a witness for the entire time."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "...Even when we're sleeping?"

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Especially not!"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "That's a little...weird, though..."

[Image: Matusmoto%20medium%20ire.png?raw=true] "Well suck it up!"

[Image: Matsumoto%20normal%20ire.png?raw=true] "Since that's decided, how about we start?"

[Image: Matsumoto%20creepy%20doki.png?raw=true] "I'm going with Kotone-chan~"

[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20megumi%20...g?raw=true]


[Image: matsumoto%20matsui%20bedroom%20matsumoto...0wrong.png]

[Image: Matusmoto%20I%27m%20not%20wrong.png?raw=true] "H-hey! What did you just take a picture of!"

[Image: Nakayama%20giggling.png?raw=true] "That erotic face."

[Image: Matsumoto%20high%20ire.png?raw=true] "DELETE THAT."

[Image: Nakayama%20pointing.png?raw=true] "Suppression of the press! Tyranny! All captured on film! The truth will come out!"

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "..."

...I feel sorry for the one who has to deal with her.

Which is hopefully Tsubame-san.

But then again...

Wouldn't that mean I have to deal with Matsumoto...?

Unless I can convince Nakayama and Matsumoto to stick together.

Oh boy...

RE: DISTRUST - Benedict - 09-03-2016

>Well, hold up- there's only five of us here. Won't that mean someone gets left out?

RE: DISTRUST - Whimbrel - 09-03-2016

why don't we just have a big slumber party in one room tonight and we can split up tomorrow by who wants to go where. We'll end up with one group of three and one group of two, and if we want to switch off we'll have to meet back up, but it might work?

RE: DISTRUST - OTTO - 09-09-2016

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RE: DISTRUST - obstinateRixatrix - 09-10-2016

Hang with Tsubame!! The correct choice to make

RE: DISTRUST - Schazer - 09-10-2016

Try make amends with the VA and ask them who'd they prefer to go with?

if you can talk to the Philosopher before pairing off, you should suck it up and pair off with Megumi for now. Matsumoto orchestrated this alliance, and she said she trusts Tsubame, so maybe putting them together would give Tsubame a chance to feel her out and see if she's on the up-and-up with this arrangement?

RE: DISTRUST - quixoticTokki - 09-10-2016

> It'd probably be best to keep Nakayama and Matsumoto separated, with their big personalities. Let Matsumoto go with Kotone as she wants to, and then go with Tsubame and Nakayama yourself.

(Also super excited to see this back! It was one of two adventures that first introduced me to Dangan Ronpa! And anyone who knows me, knows that for me DR is life, haha.)

RE: DISTRUST - OrangeAipom - 09-10-2016

I want Ma2 and Nihiri to be together. Trust is gay.