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Forget about covering your own butt for a dang second and have some ice cream with this poor man

[Image: Yamaguchi%20breaking%20down.png?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "A-are you okay?"

[Image: Mori%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "No, of course not, sorry, um."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "Do...you want to talk...?"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "..."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "...No. Not really."

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "Yeah. Okay."

We sit in a corner together, a few inches apart. The ice cream is melting but he's not really eating any of it. Just holding it tight.

What could I possibly say? Even if we've just experienced the same thing, even if I know what he's feeling, how could I even begin to make this better?

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true]

[Image: Mori%20awkward.png?raw=true] "It'll be alright, you know."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I don't know."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I really wanted to make sure this didn't happen..."

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "It's not your fault, though."

He sighs and starts stirring the spoon in a tub. Like blending a milkshake or something. The ice cream is starting to look like one, anyways.

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "But I sorta think...this was just gonna happen no matter what. And I'm glad it's not me. And that's horrible isn't it?"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20tired.png?raw=true] "Two guys are dead. And I'm here, and I'm just..."

[Image: Mori%20thinking.png?raw=true] "That's, well, you're not the only one like that, I think."

[Image: Mori%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "At least, I kinda...feel the same way."

[Image: Mori%20accusatory.png?raw=true] "And, y'know, now nobody has a reason to, to do what that bear says now! So nobody else is gonna die!"

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "That...I really hope you're right."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "Thanks. Really."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20uncertain.png?raw=true] "I guess...I should put these back now."

Both tubs have started leaking. The part of his arm that's touching the tubs have gone red, and the ice cream looks something like butter now.

[Image: Yamaguchi%20blushing.png?raw=true] "Haha...sorry. I don't, I don't even like ice cream. I don't know why..."

[Image: Mori%20neutral.png?raw=true] "It's fine. I'll put them back. You should sleep."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20blushing.png?raw=true] "...Thanks. Again."

[Image: Yamaguchi%20talking.png?raw=true] "I'll see you later."

[Image: blank.png?raw=true]


[Image: dark.png?raw=true]


[Image: mori%20tomiko%20bedroom.png?raw=true]

The bed looks too nice and I hate it. It just looks like a normal room.

Whatever. I should sleep.


[Image: end%20card%202.png?raw=true]

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