Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop

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Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Sergio attempts to restrain Corphish 1!
Restrain check 35: 1d100-10=85
The Corphish shakes it off, and clacks its claws angrily. It wouldn't have lasted for long anyway because Nada-

Leaps across the deck and smacks it with a crowbar!
*Henceforth, switching weapons (including equipping weapons, going from Bare Hands to Arms) will constitute a Trainer Action. Nada gets a free pass to switch back to Unarms next turn if he wants to, for reasons shortly apparent.*
Unarms feature (Blunt Weapons) AC check 8: 7
The increased AC check from crossing Slippery Terrain takes its toll on Nada, who barely misses the Corphish. It's ok, by my estimation he would've done -10 damage anyway.

Lucian successfully scrambles up the ladder. He gets a more official read on the Corphish's health, which is still pretty pristine despite Nada's best efforts.

Minnie uses Swagger on the submerged dark bit she hopes is a Pokemon.
AC7 (Visibility penalty): 5
The Corphish is not impressed. That is to say, it's failed to be impressed by your cruel cruel words.

Nariman uses Wannabe Ninja Knife Flurry!
AC5: 11
Damge: (1d8+4+5-8)=4
Corphish 1 takes 4 damage!

Vladenie Borrows Knock Off, and orders Poppy to do the same.

Jack sends out Jack, then has a feel around using Psychokinesisfor the offending crustacean. It's a bit of a struggle, but within your capabilities to lift it from the water. It's bigger and meaner looking than the boat's current passengers, but you toss it in the middle of the boat so everyone can have a turn at harassing it.

Go! Pokemon!
Poppy uses Knock Off on Corphish 1!
AC6: 8
Damage: (1d12+8-8)=2
The Corphish shrugs it off, mostly unharmed.

Dirty Harry Leers at Corphish 2.
AC2: 12
Corphish 2 is unnerved, and quits banging on the bars as it backs away from Dirty Harry.

Corphish 4 hiss-gurgles angrily. Its shell flashes briefly, toughening up, before it finds its feet again.

Corphish 1 is not impressed by all this unfriendly attention, and weighs up its options a bit before spitting bubbles in Vladenie's direction.
AC2: 3
Damage (1d6+3+10+1STAB)=17
Those sure were some painful bubbles! Apparently crab spit is mildly acidic. Or something.

[Image: hNwV8.png]



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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 06-07-2012, 03:37 PM
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 06-07-2012, 08:37 PM
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 06-14-2012, 02:09 PM
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 06-20-2012, 07:06 PM
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 07-03-2012, 04:56 AM
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by Godbot - 07-05-2012, 03:32 PM
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by btp - 07-05-2012, 03:58 PM
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop - by Godbot - 07-05-2012, 04:07 PM
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