Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!)

Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!)
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Taking Questions!)
I'd like to know what drew them to the MSPAFA community? Which forum adventures (particularly in terms of presentation/use of the format, but hearing about forum adventures he likes is cool too!) really got Zach sold on the idea to use a suggestion-driven medium to tell their story?

Art styles naturally evolve over the course of a project as long as this one, but Zach deliberately changes up visual styles as a visual marker for new locations and dreamscapes. What kind of decision-making went into choosing "styles" for particular scenes? Which styles were your most and least favourites, both to draw and in their ability to convey tone and mood in a way that couldn't be done through the visual subject matter alone (or text)?

I think about ANL's artshifts a lot because the dream segments are great, and my second-possibly-tied-for-most-favourite sequence was probably the dream with Josephine and the double slit experiment. I actually slow-clapped at that because I'm a horrible punnivore. I'd like to know: How long were you sitting on that particular joke waiting to use it? What's the longest you've sat on a snippet like that, waiting to make it realised within the story?

What kind of music would you visualise as a soundtrack/mixtape for All Night Laundry? What kind of bands would our cast enjoy? What kind of music do you (Zach) enjoy?

ANL struck me with how fantastic it is about diverse female characters, in terms of race and gender+sexuality, and also the low-key nbd way it's incorporated (less plot points, and more setting-points). Was this planned from the story's early stages, or did you do what I know a few forum adventure authors did over the course of their authoring and go "hm wait I can definitely have more diversity and representation in my stories without it being a Huge Deal or dramatically sidetracking the plot"?

Who's your favourite character in ANL? Which character do you most strongly personally identify with?

I know you did one out-of-story retcon after much deliberation. Are there any other moments in your story where you've strongly considered it, and if so what would the alternative course of events have been?

Do you Overwatch? Who do you main?

What's your favourite bird?

Messages In This Thread
Eagle-Talk (Preparing for Episode 4!) - by btp - 03-09-2016, 02:43 AM
RE: Eagle-Talk - by btp - 03-31-2016, 02:06 PM
RE: Eagle-Talk - by Reyweld - 03-31-2016, 02:12 PM
RE: Eagle-Talk (All Night Laundry Interview - Taking Questions!) - by Schazer - 06-06-2016, 01:30 PM