Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
Kitet, to my understanding, Tossaway's partly a worldbuilding exercise for Paradise Tourism, the game you want to make in this same setting, yeah?

Tossaway currently lacks urgency, conflict, or danger. We've been told by a presumably-reliable guide that lingering outside the main cities is dangerous, but haven't actually experienced that for ourselves. Said main centres so far have been populated by honest, pleasant people.

As Jay pointed out in the most recent update, we don't really need anything. While this keeps our options very open for what we might do next (be that treasure-hunting or working or exploring) it also leaves me inclined to preface any suggestion with an "Well I guess we could..." We've got no pressing motivations beyond "find out what my deal is", and the readers already know the vague outlines of that from the first post (even if we're not up ins on the who and the why just yet.)

I was really struggling to find something to constructively critique about Tossaway, because the setting is great, the character designs are fantastic, and my main issue is definitely "more updates plz".

Hell, "conflict" isn't even completely necessary, particularly if this is groundwork for a game that is more about exploring/discovering than fighting/fixing. Breaking rules about narrative and storytelling is absolutely fine provided you're breaking them consciously, I guess?


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