Webtoy - now portable!
05-01-2016, 05:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2016, 02:51 AM by Kaynato.)
Drag the code into your bookmarks bar or tab,
rename it to something nice, and you will be able to
click it on any webpage. Enjoy!!
javascript:(function(){var F=document.createElement('script');F.type="text/javascript";F.src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26075333/w.js";document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(F);})();
web toy chases mouse, looks cute. protect it
I'm making this to mess around with the Power of Javascript and web things.
I am extremely open to piling on functionality after functionality.
The sprite sheet is also super customizable. Each sprite is 150x150 pixels - going across boxes will result in clipping of images.
Feel free to customize! Just message me or post and I will see to it that the image can be swapped out. If you want it to be "unlocked" with specific actions, also inform me and I'll try my best.
If you want to see something added, just post and I will do my best within reason.
Suggested ideas added:
- Falling animation
- Bouncing off walls
- Faster turning
- More frequent mouse-checking
- Sturdier legs (not falling over on the tiniest movement)
- Faster when mouse is farther
- Toggle information by pressing "D"
- Jumping!!
In progress:
- Sleep after idling too long
- Dizziness
- Holes
- Limit on jump speed
- Happiness bear
- Contentedness
- <your idea here>