This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
So, uh

A member of the Homestuck Discussion community on MSPAF made a long-ass post that has probably graced your Tumblr dashboard a couple times. They've erected their own free forums for the Homestuck Discussion community to regroup and keep talking about the comic.

The actual post chiefly expressed frustration at the complete radio silence from WP. Considering the only information about what the issue was was from the personal twitter of ex-server monkey NotASenator, (and I will punch anybody's teeth in, friend or foe, if they derail this into a let's-go-off-about-how-victimised-we-were-by-this-guy-by-proxy tangent), the verdict is probably bad. While the data for the actual content remains, there's no PHP - no forum - to display it on.

We had no idea in what manner the issue was being addressed, whether that was trying to restore it, rebuild it, or calling in an old friend for coroner duty. I think most people would avoid raising pitchforks if we'd been told "hackers got into it, it's all gone, we're sorry", and avoided taking frustrations out on the staff, sentimentality for the lost content aside.

The post in question got passed around, reblogged, with most comments being "I'm sadgry" or being critical of WP's customer service, but generally steering clear of vitriol.

More recently, there was a reblog by a throwaway tumblr account by someone who supposedly doesn't want WP chat on their main. It could be someone stirring up shit but goddamn, their spiel about entitlement, impatience, overly-vocal minorities who don't represent the indifferent fandom at large, censuring pestering of unofficial channels, tacit lack of acknowledgement that any aspect of the complainant's argument is valid, it's Peak Homestuck Administration.

So, I dunno what's happening. I can't really bring myself to feel anything about it, either - I'm somehow at peace with my community of three, four years being wiped from written memory, I feel an obligatory kind of sadness to people who feel a real sense of loss at this, but I can't really muster anger (though apparently I'm ahead of the WP game because I can, at least, acknowledge the feelings of those who are.)

It just seems exceptionally dense and immature to respond to angry people with derision for their less-than-rational emotions. I dunno, maybe I'm just a paragon of conflict resolution so it seems really goddamn simple and I can't viddy how a bunch of reasonable adults can't figure this shit out.

Messages In This Thread
[SERIOus] - by g0m - 04-17-2012, 03:06 AM
can you form a cohesive thought? - by Norivia - 09-01-2012, 01:32 AM
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff - by Schazer - 04-08-2016, 04:32 AM
a52's Ear Infection Adventure - by a52 - 10-06-2016, 12:48 AM
Goodbye - by Reyweld - 04-11-2020, 04:41 AM