K-L-W Robotics: Absent Without Official Leave

K-L-W Robotics: Absent Without Official Leave
RE: K-L-W Robotics
Irritated to be interrupted the moment he began, Wandreni put down the tiny laser welder and gears and went to investigate the commotion.

He was greeted by a smug-looking Tweep that seemed to be off in their own world, gabbling with wild abandon.
At a few tall tales by... *~*I_Luv_Cats*~*, Wandreni directed an exasperated look at him. Rather overwhelmed by the presence of the boisterous intruder, Wandreni grasped his Yang pendant, calling on an assertive energy.

"In the name of Truth, who do you think you are?"

(I cannot add images at this time, so adding talksprites will have to wait.)

19 Updates left, with leeway.
An introvert, even online.

Currently seeking cosmic knowledge. Contact me if you know anything about the following:
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RE: K-L-W Robotics - by Fellow - 02-06-2016, 10:17 PM
RE: K-L-W Robotics - by The Flower King - 02-09-2016, 04:57 AM