Melanie and the Inescapable Loneliness

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Melanie and the Inescapable Loneliness
RE: Melanie and the Inescapable Loneliness

(04-16-2012, 08:56 PM)Anthano Zasalla Wrote: »The leaves are wrong THEY ARE ALL WRONG

Okay but what's wrong with them
(04-16-2012, 07:12 AM)Godbot Wrote: »> Forest Witch: Actually speak to the tea leaves, what with your forest witchery and all.
[Image: 26.png]

Forest Witch [Elena]: Are you sure it's her? Are you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY SURE it's her?!

Tea Spirit: Yes! I'm sure, jeez! What's the big deal!

Elena: Big deal! This is the biggest of deals! It's pretty important if the supposed chosen one doesn't even fit the description in The Prophecy!

Tea Spirit: Which prophecy?

Elena: THE Prophecy, the Prophecy to end all Prophecies!

Tea Spirit: I still don't know what you're talking about.

[Image: 27.png]

You hastily grab a book off the shelf.

[Image: 28.png]

Elena [reading] : In a land savaged by war, in a world on the brink of tearing itself a part, lived a boy with a spirit of gold.

[Image: 29.png]

Having lost all his older siblings in battle, and his parents long gone, he gathered all his remaining siblings, and, as eldest, swore to keep them all together..

[Image: 30.png]

Already skilled in martial arts, he used his quick wits to teach himself how to navigate the stars, prowling at night and warding off the dangers that befell upon his family..

[Image: 31.png]

Until finally, he found and made a glorious safe haven for him and his brothers and sisters to live prosperously, until the end of their days..

[Image: 32.png]

Tea Spirit:So the guy took good care of his family! What's the problem?

Elena: The problem, is that instead of a steadfast and self assured young man, we've got a nervous, panicky young lady outside our door! I'm sure she's a lovely person, and quite capable, but she isn't exactly hero material, is she!? The Destined is supposed to be able to bend the will of the universe! She's still out there trying to work up the nerve to knock on the door!

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