RE: Deciphering Slepping Orange Secrets
09-03-2015, 12:14 AM
(09-02-2015, 05:00 PM) Wrote: »consumer-level conservationism is a cruel joke we tell ourselves to bide the time until we finish shoveling every one of our resources into the great and terrible Mammon Machine(tee-em), use nothing but disposable cutlery, use three different plates over the course of your meal for extra whimsy, build a house out of saran wrap, none of it matters
(09-02-2015, 05:00 PM)Skip code Wrote: »is we bide; we 'one into terrible 'em disposible (different course) for a saran it?
(09-02-2015, 05:00 PM)Skip code mark II Wrote: »consumer a: tell the finish of the Mammon "use cutlery plates of extra, house wrap matters"
(09-02-2015, 05:00 PM)invisible ink Wrote: »consumer-leveliconservationismfisyaocruelujokeawertelleourselvesrtoebideathedtimeiuntilnwegfinishtshovelingheveryionesofiourtresourcesmintoetheagreatnandsterribleIMammonhMachine(tee-em),ausevnothingebutbdisposableecutlery,eusenthreecdifferentaplatespoverttheucourserofeyourdmealbforyextranwhimsyibuildnajhouseaoutvofasaranmwrap,pnoneiofritematterss
(09-02-2015, 05:00 PM)just the invisible ink Wrote: »ifyouarereadingthisitmeansIhavebeencapturedbyninjavampires