One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽

One Night Werewolf - DAY ‽
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Ok, Seawyrm, I can get how you might be miffed if someone calls you a wolf what with your reptophilia and all but uh

Granola is not a wolf. I'm a wolf, I'm actually the loneliest wolf unless the drunk dabbled in something weird last night, and it's time for this wolf to go back to the mothership. Vote: Schazer
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Again, what wolf votes for themselves
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
so, fun fact:

unused roles 2 and 3 last night were troublemaker and wolf

not sure how to proceed here
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Nola fakeclaimed and schazer bought it
R.I.P. schazr
vote schazr
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Unvote, Schazer is SOME flavor of scum (or tanner) by ANYONE'S account but I'm not sure they're not just a wolf's clothing the way they're playing. (Unless they ARE the wolf and this is their gambit...)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Edit: a SHEEP IN wolf's clothing
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
i'm more likely to believe that schazer was banking on nola's claim being fake and that she somehow rolled tanner again
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
(Man, it sure is a good thing that I actually swapped Slorange and Garuru cuz otherwise that'd be a really tough story to sell there.)
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
(05-27-2014, 04:45 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »(Man, it sure is a good thing that I actually swapped Slorange and Garuru cuz otherwise that'd be a really tough story to sell there.)

You ever hear the story of the boy who cried wolf
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
I guess what I'm saying is any of these wolf idioms are clear better names for this thread
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Granola is that particular claim true because I swear to fucking god.
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RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Nah you're golden, whatever you are. I've done enough damage to the good Troublemaker name for one day.

Got a claim Garu so I can complete my bingo card?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Don't claim Gar you're playing RIGHT INTO HIS HANDS
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Fuck you Chwoka I'm one lizard thing away from a straight flush don't you dare take this away from me.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Gar claim troublemaker
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Okay, whatever. Don't hate me, you two. I'm ex-minion. Schazer and SeaWyrm are the Werewolves. GG.

vote: Schazer

vote: Day End
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
So are we just going to ignore the fact that Seawyrm claimed minion-checking seer again?
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Garuru, if Slorange was town, than he would have been telling the truth earlier when he said there weren't any troublemakers in the game.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Calm down, I doppel'd Slorange.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
I think I may have fucked up, whatever I did. Just end day already and put me out of my misery.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
Alright, stop trying to rush dayend everyone, let's review what we know so far.

Coldblooded - Insomniac
Donut - Robber
Chwoka - Hunter
Fogel - Mason
Pala - Mason
Schazer - Anti-town of some sort.

Slorange - Seer. Saw unused wolf and troublemaker roles.
Seawyrm - Doppelseer. Checked Schazminion.
Granola - Troublemaker. Switched ????????????
Garuru - Minion. Claims Schazer and Seawyrm as wolves. (Impossible unless either Slorange or Granola is Tanner.)

Schazer and Garuru are definitely anti-town, Seawyrm can't be town unless Slorange is, and Granola can't be town unless Slorange and Seawyrm are both scum.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
And so, after the Minion, thinking he was swapped with the Seer, but actually wasn't swapped with his Dopple!Minion cohort, outed the Wolf team, no one ever trusted the Troublemaker again.

Vote: Dayend

Schazer: Wolf
Seawyrm: Wolf
Garuru: Minion
Slorange: Dopple!Minion
Granola: Troublemaker: Targeted No One.
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
it was either end day or wallow in a morass of confusion and fake claims and not trusting anyone.

no regrets.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: One Night Werewolf - Round Three - Day π
i don't think i will be joining the next game.
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