I thought it would be funny.
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05-10-2013, 06:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2013, 03:22 AM by thriggle.)
This game is now underway! You can still sign up as an immigrant to Oldboots, and as a potential overseer if you so fancy.
Immigrant List:
*denotes Overseer preference
*Thriggle - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
Masterblade - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
(*?)Schazer - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
(*?)Palamedes - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
(*?)Denizen "Tripps" Shipper - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
Leafsword - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
Purple Walrus - Arrived 1st Granite, 251
*TickTockTickTock "Some Donkus" - Arrived 28th Malachite, 251
*Slorange - Arrived 28th Malachite, 251
Frigidscholar "Dizzy" - Arrived 28th Malachite, 251
*Gnauga - Arrived 28th Malachite, 251
*Pick Your Poison - Arrived 7th Sandstone, 251
Not the Author "Naut" - Arrived 7th Sandstone, 251
*Piester (Baby)
*Whimbrel "Goblin Bait 1" (Child)
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Let's play Dwarf Fortress! I was inspired after reading Gemclod. If you want to be a dwarf, sign up in this thread by posting the following details:
Name: Your name on the forums and also the name that will be assigned to your dwarf when it arrives.
Immigration Preference: By default your character will arrive as soon as possible, in the form of an immigrant or a newborn. If you only want to be an adult immigrant (or if you only want to be a baby for some reason) let me know so I can assign your name to an appropriate dwarf.
Overseer Preference: I would like to pass ownership of the fortress from dwarf to dwarf every year if possible, so I'm hoping we have one or two people willing to be overseers. If you'd rather just write journal entries for participant dwarves, that's great too!
Skill Preferences: If you're one of the first six to sign up and you want your dwarf to be skilled in one or more areas, tell me here. If you're not one of our starting group of settlers, your skills will be random.
Suggested Equipment: If you have any recommendations for items to bring along, let me know here. This will be limited by what we can afford at embarkation.
Aluudon: The Windy Domain
![[Image: worldmap_zps51ff3c95.png]](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/thriggle/Aluudon/worldmap_zps51ff3c95.png)
Aluudon is home of eight distinct Dwarven civilizations, each with its own pantheon of gods.
The Ripe Dye
The Ordered Flag
The Standards of Neutrality
The Golden Rocks
The Circular Quakes
The Playful Razors
The Bodice of Voices
The Superior Silver
Deities of the Ripe Dye (Name, Domain, Depiction):
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Utost - Minerals and Jewels - Male Dwarf
Gosmer - Caverns and Mountains - Female Dwarf
Nast the Blockaded Mechanism - Labor, Crafts, and Metals - Male Dwarf
Ustuth the Escorted Cradles - Fortresses - Female Dwarf
Stettad - Trade and Wealth - Male Dwarf
Rithlut - The sun, the sky, weather, nature, and forgiveness -
Female Dwarf
Ozor - Mist - Female Dwarf
Teling - Boundaries - Female Dwarf
Deities of the Ordered Flag:
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Reg the Blanketed Citadel - Fortresses - Female Dwarf
Stettad Wealthsgem - Trade and Wealth - Male Dwarf
Akil Pointcobalt the Spines of Oil - Mountains - Female Mountain Goat
Guz Inkrocks - Lust, Metals, Minerals, Jewels - Female Dwarf
Kitig - Family, Marriage, and Healing - Male Dwarf
Genlath the Deceiver of Terror - Torture - Male Dwarf
Tozor - Jealousy - Female Dwarf
Kor Wispygoals the Whirling Secrets - Storms and Darkness - Female Dwarf
Ginok the Sugar of Lunches - Food - Female Dwarf
Oth Glitterlights - The stars, the sky, rainbows, light and day - Female Firefly
Gedor the Blush of Mirroring - Children, Pregnancy, and Treachery - Female Dwarf
Cog Battlemob - Rain and Revenge - Female Dwarf
Deities of the Standards of Neutrality:
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Deler - Jewels, wealth, minerals, and metals - Female Dwarf
Ok the Earth of Granite - Mountains - Male Great Horned Owl
Thabost - Volcanos and Fortresses - Male Dwarf
Nesteth - Pregnancy and Children - Male Dwarf
Shoshosh - Torture - Male Dwarf
Ziril - Fire - Male Dwarf
Iseth - Thunder - Female Dwarf
Edem Sternbristle the Certain Sport - Longevity and Youth - Female Dwarf
Lushob the Banner of Brains - Thralldom - Female Dwarf
Kodor - Rebirth - Male Dwarf
Migrur Lakesbeached - Oceans and Salt - Male Dwarf
Deities of the Golden Rocks:
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Thethrus Tradegems - Trade, Wealth, and Jewels - Male Dwarf
Tesum Ruleduty - War and Fortresses - Female Dwarf
Ison Orblesson - Wisdom - Male Dwarf
Bal the Petal of Carnality - Pregnancy - Female Dwarf
Thukkan Glistenedbronze - Peace and the Dawn - Female Dwarf
Deities of the Circular Quakes:
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Alron Bronzeoil - The Earth - Female Dwarf
Etar Nourishcontrolled - Chaos, War, Fortresses, Wealth, Jewels - Female Dwarf
Avuz - Mountains - Female Dwarf
Thethrus - Agriculture, Fertility, Laws, Order, and Discipline - Female Dwarf
Oth - The Moon - Male Dwarf
Bisek - The Ocean and the Stars - Male Dwarf
Deities of the Playful Razors:
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Urdim Purplewheel - Mountains, Trade, Wealth, Jewels, Minerals, and Metals - Male Dwarf
Inod Helmsanctums - Fortresses - Male Dwarf
Tobul the Apex of Skirts - Poetry, Persuasion, and Speech - Male Dwarf
Uthgur - Depravity and Lust - Female Dwarf
Akim the Vigorous Perfection - The Sky, the Sun, and Light - Female Bat
Rakust - Suicide - Male Dwarf
Aval - Happiness and Caverns - Female Dwarf
Od the Owl of Puzzling - The Moon and the Night - Male Dwarf
Shosel the Dyes of Strategy - Inspiration and Painting - Female Dwarf
Deities of the Bodice of Voices:
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Alron Copperoils - Minerals - Female Dwarf
Ushdish Pucecrested - Jewels and Mountains - Male Two-Legged Rhino-Lizard
Vush - Fire and Metals - Female Dwarf
Laltur - Fortresses - Male Dwarf
Doren Diamondgold - Wealth - Male Dwarf
Kogan Prophetshores - Scholarship and Oceans - Male Dwarf
Noth Smallidol - Thralldom and Food - Female Dwarf
Litast - Volcanos - Male Dwarf
Mestthos Savedefense the Guard of Covering - Forgiveness and Mercy - Female Dwarf
Eshon the Tower of Reining - Oaths and Loyalty - Female Dwarf
Fathkal - Rumors, Labor, and Crafts - Female Dwarf
Notlith - Torture and Misery - Male Dwarf
Deities of the Superior Silver
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Alron Granitebronze the Cobalt Silver - Minerals and Metals - Female Dwarf
Limar - Wealth - Male Dwarf
Datan the Steel of Charcoal - Jewels - Female Dwarf
Zalis - Fortresses, Caverns, and Mountains - Male Giant Toad
Zuglar Wavesplash - Oceans and Coasts - Male Dwarf
Ashok the Bud of Perfecting - Youth and Longevity - Male Dwarf
Ral - Rainbows, the Sky, the Wind, and Freedom - Male Dwarf
Berdan - Travelers and Peace - Male Dwarf
Oggez the Wickedness of Guises - Theft - Male Dwarf
From which civilization do we hail?
Posts: 236
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05-10-2013, 06:29 AM
Superior silver is our province! We'll wait out till the gold market crashes and rush in with our silver-laden wares!
Name: MasterBlade
Immigration Preference: Adult Immigrant
Overseer Preference: Ahahahaha, hell no. That title makes you crazy.
Skill Preferences: Craftsman
Suggested Equipment: Chistle. Make all the wall carvings!
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Pronouns: they/them/whatever
Location: Coast.
05-10-2013, 09:34 AM
I'd rather the Playful Razors, it sounds like a cocktail of cocky deities that's liable to explode in our faces somewhere down the track.
Name: Schazer (surname Odvoyager if we're of the Playful Razors, otherwise Owlgossiper)
Immigration preference: Female adult immigrant
Overseer preference: Iiiiii'll think about it.
Skill preferences: Animal Trainer, Marksdwarf, Trapper, Hunting, Wrestling
Suggested equipment: A breeding pair of war dogs? Or peregrine falcons!
Posts: 236
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05-10-2013, 10:27 AM
I'll take Razors as a second, but it doesn't sound very dwarfish...
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Pronouns: Whatever floats your boat
Location: I can dig the Hell-Place
05-10-2013, 12:57 PM
I actually prefer the Standards of Neutrality since they have a ton of gods, many of whom sound absolutely hilarious, but I agree that Razors are still pretty good. Bodice of voices is probably third place? Anyways:
Name: Palamedes (any surname is alright as long as it is suitably baffling)
Immigration Preference: Male Adult
Overseer Preference: Only if I really have to.
Skill Preferences: Broker or Doctor skills, Crossbowman
Suggested Equipment: If I thought that far ahead I wouldn't have joined this miserable venture.
Posts: 43
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05-10-2013, 01:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 05:56 PM by DenizenShipper.)
Superior Silver
Name: Denizen "tripps" Shipper
Immigration Preference: Adult
Overseer: It's been quite a few patches since I played, and even back then I never tried very seriously. It sounds like great fun but only if people are willing to take the risk on me failing for a stupid reason.
Skill Preferences: Swimming, Fish Cleaning, Woodcrafting.
Suggested Equipment: Bag of cheese. Bag of sand. Don't really care actually.
Posts: 118
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05-10-2013, 01:45 PM
Will be happy with Silvers or Razors. Seriously, Razors may sound cool and all, but Granitebronze the cobalt silver has FOUR different metals in his name.
Narm: Leafsword (maybe split that for the name...)
Immigration Preference: Male Adult
Overseer Preference: I tried dorf fortress by myself once. I couldn't figure out the controls. It didn't end well.
Skill Preferences: Axe and shield stuff, or a mason if we don't have one of those.
Suggested equipment: Stuff suitable for either of those roles, IDEK.
I thought it would be funny.
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05-10-2013, 01:47 PM
As a side note, sex and surname are beyond my control (at least for the starting dwarves). We're breaking down boundaries, people!
Posts: 43
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05-10-2013, 02:39 PM
Right, the two changeable options are nickname and job title. Tripps is still a good nickname.
Posts: 197
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05-10-2013, 03:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 04:31 PM by Purple Walrus.)
Name: Purple Walrus
Immigration Preference: Adult
Overseer Preference: Don't put me in charge of anything Important.
Skill Preferences: Brewer, Miner, Gem cutter, Gem setter
Suggested equipment: Err, a pickaxe and other stuff that would help me.
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05-10-2013, 03:15 PM
oh, and Leafsword might... be better off... with a sword...
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05-10-2013, 03:46 PM
The playful razors has their sun and light deity be... A BAT
I freaking love it
~◕ w◕~
Posts: 197
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05-10-2013, 04:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 05:54 PM by Purple Walrus.)
I like it how the Playful Razors have a deity for Suicide.
I mean... wow.
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05-10-2013, 05:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 05:25 PM by piester.)
I'm down once again!
Name: piester
Immigration preference: Baby, cause I am basically a big manchild!Overseer preference: Hell yes! I go mad with for power!
Skills: ...Crap! I'M SEVENTH.
Starting equipment: Some sorta goat, that's all I really want at the start.
I like the Standards of Neutrality, it has a funny name and some messed up major dieties for god-knows-why reasons!
I thought it would be funny.
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05-10-2013, 05:42 PM
For some reason, I get the impression that the culture of the Circular Quakes is matriarchal.
Posts: 43
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05-10-2013, 05:50 PM
And then there's the Standards of Neutrality, with their male fertility god.
Posts: 78
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05-10-2013, 06:20 PM
I vote for playful razors because best name
Name: TickTockTickTock, dwarf nickname "some donkus"
Immigration Preference: Adult
Overseer Preference: I would totally do it. I can't run the new military at all, but I am very skilled at defenses, so the person after me might possibly get a fort that is under siege with all the doors locked.
Suggested Equipment: I'll be mad if there isn't at least one breeding pair of dogs, one breeding pair of meat cats, and two picks. Also barrels suck so you should do the exploit where you buy 1 each of 30 different kinds of meat to get 30 barrels.
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
I thought it would be funny.
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05-10-2013, 08:40 PM
Rock pots, my friend... they will change your life!
Posts: 78
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05-10-2013, 10:01 PM
Rock pots already did change my life
last game I accidentally embarked on a map with only 10 trees
do the exploit anyway it's infinite barrels 4 FREE
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
I thought it would be funny.
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05-11-2013, 02:06 AM
The Playful Razors are our Nation, a mighty dwarven civilization from the south-west continent. Hailing from the grand mountainhall of Lashedwebs in the mountain range known as the Walls of Elevation, our territory is encroached on all sides by the tall ones.
![[Image: ThePlayfulRazors_zps599cabbf.png]](https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v619/thriggle/Aluudon/ThePlayfulRazors_zps599cabbf.png)
East of Lashedwebs are the Elven forest retreats of the Lion of Assembling, our perennial enemies. Encircling our mountains and encompassing the rest of the peninsula are "friendly" human cities inhibiting our expansion. Their merchants ply their wares at our gates, spreading rumors of rich lands to the north, but warning that these lands are inhabited by a warlike race of green-skinned creatures... foul monsters that delight in torture and chaos, more savage even then the bloodthirsty elves we know, and more advanced in the ways of warfare.
We have watched for years as the humans villages around us grow fat and wealthy with trade and travel, while our mountainhalls languish in obscurity, our caravans traveling no farther than the nearby swamps and forest retreats to collect tribute from our primal elven neighbors.
The year is 251.
Her majesty the queen of the Playful Razors has authorized a secret expedition of seven dwarves who will travel to the far north. There we will seek the riches that have been so long denied us, and test the mettle of the infamous "goblin" warriors. She dubbed our mission Kosoth Stettad, the Palace of Taxes.
Below is our roster of heroes:
The lady Masterblade, a worker of stone. She has been tense and jittery for this entire journey, but I think that might be because of all the mosquitos.
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There's Tripps, purportedly a woodworker of some skill.
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Our resident animal expert, the ranger Schazer. Still spry at eighty-five, I think it has something to do with all those stretches she does in the middle of a conversation.
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Purple Walrus, an expert at procuring and cutting gems from the bowels of the earth. She's friendly and hates brown recluse spiders nearly as much as I do.
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The very matter-of-fact Doctor Palamedes.
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The mason Leafsword assures me that if we are attacked by wild beasts, or those goobers or gobbers or whatever they're called, he can fight them off with his swordsdwarfship. He has a copper sword, so he must be telling the truth.
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And of course there is myself, Thriggle. I will see to it that this expedition achieves glory worthy of Rakust's attention.
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05-11-2013, 04:19 AM
Name: Goblin Bait the First
Immigration Preference: Immigrant Child, preferably one that will be an adult by the time my turn to overlord comes, but if not [or if we wind up needing to name a Goblin Bait the Second or later] I'll take the oldest one ya got.
Overseer Preference: Yes.
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Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
05-11-2013, 05:59 AM
Name: Slorange
Immigration Preference: Immigrant
Overseer Preference: I'll overseer if need be; see the wreckage of The Bust of Nuts for how "needs" needs be needs be
Skill Preference: I'm too late now, but send me beekeepin' if I've got the aptitudes for it
Posts: 118
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05-11-2013, 06:30 AM
Am I
double-worshipping a suicide god
is that a thing i am doing
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05-11-2013, 07:04 AM
Might want to, uh
put that sword somewhere safer than in your own hands
I thought it would be funny.
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05-11-2013, 07:12 AM
(05-11-2013, 06:30 AM)Leafsw0rd Wrote: »Am I
double-worshipping a suicide god
is that a thing i am doing
You and me both, Leafsword. You and me both.