Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

GHDFKGJFG BULLSHIT! Because of this god damn form failure I lose half of my post?! RAAAAAGGGGEEE
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal Threw another volley of cards and darted for the other side of the Casino, trying to find leftover daggers. Zeke darted after it, intent on hunting it down once and for all.
"You have annoyed me long enough, Illusionist. I won't let you escape this time."
Itzal spotted a stray dagger and leapt over a slot machine after it, landing on the ground and sliding under the table,
Zeke also leapt over the machine, and sprung past the table to strike at Itzal.
Itzal teleported the dagger into its hand just in time to block the blow, and it rolled to the side to avoid Zeke's second strike. "You enjoy those gauntlets far too much." Itzal said, teleporting them inside of a nearby slot machine.
"You think I need them to take care of you?" Zeke taunted, breaking off a table leg and rushing at Itzal.
Itzal darted backwards, dodging Zeke's swings. Itzal silently thanked Whit for the extra life; without it he would have no chance against Zeke in a full-out confrontation like this. As it was, the extra speed was serving it quite well. "If you think I can be killed with a puny piece of wood, think again." Itzal darted in to strike with its dagger, but Zeke turned away the strike easily.
Zeke spotted a sword on the body of a fallen gambler, and rolled to the side, coming up with the sword ready. "This should do the job quite nicely." Zeke said, slashing it forward at Itzal.
The blade caught Itzal in the stomach and tore through the flesh, but Itzal healed it almost as soon as the damage was dealt. "You understand nothing. I have spent centuries studying the untold complexities of the universe, learning to bend it to my will. I have achieved a greater mastery of my body than all your years of martial study, despite how much you wish to claim otherwise. Your simple perceptions of light reflecting off objects is so inherently misleading, that you do not even realize how much remains hidden to you. Philosophers throughout the ages have postulated that what we perceive is but a mere shadow of the actual reality. They are wrong. You perceive but a shadow of whisper of what the universe is. I have seen its full glory, and I realize the truth. Most believe me to be a Master of Illusions, but it is you who see the Illusions, I merely help you perceive a glimpse of the true reality." As Itzal spoke, it produced a wide assortment of colored cloths, small animals, flowers, and other doodads, seemingly from nowhere, and similarly dismissed them. With each sentence, Itzal seemed to grow taller, and more muscular. By the end of its speech, it stood towering over Zeke. "This entire Casino is but a fabrication. It is a shallow copy, and it has no deeper meaning than what you see." Itzal reach over and casually plucked a huge column from out of the wall. The ceiling groaned over the increased stress. "Behold, the true nature of this pathetic arena." Itzal slammed the column across the other columns in the room, destroying them all. Itzal then slammed the pillar through the ceiling, revealing a blank expanse.
Zeke shrunk back from this unprecedented display of abilities on Itzal's part. The blankness was overwhelming, bu as Zeke stared into it, he realized that is wasn't blank.

Far from it.

Shapes flickered into and out of existence, growing and shrinking, sometimes simultaneously, an ever moving mas of shapes, some too tiny to see, others so large as to be unnoticeable.

Mike stared into the void, completely transfixed. His mind raced, trying to put an order to the chaos, but completely failing. IT was like being lost in Itzals Escher maze, only a million-fold more complicated. "Focus. It is not important." Mike's vectors hissed in his ear, but it was to no avail, Mike was too far gone in the chaos.
Whit stared in awe at the spectacle. He had thought looking into Itzal's face had been disorientating, but this...
this was simply beyond comprehension. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this. So he simply ignored it. He put it out of his mind, and focused on the situation at hand.

Zeke, with a lifetime of mental discipline, returned his focus on Itzal. "Its going to take more than a light show to dissuade me." Zeke picked up another sword from a body, and rushed at Itzal. Itzal swung the column at Zeke, but he deftly leapt on top of it and used it as a stepping stone to reach Itzal's shoulder. He plunged the swords into its head.
Itzal screamed in agony as the swords sunk into it. But Itzal has long since ceased to have a normal anatomy, and Itzal shifted away from Zeke, allowing him to fall. Itzal, with a swiftness belying its size, snatched him out of midair and held him, arms pinned to his side. "You. Are. Nothing."
Whit took in the situation. Itzal was obviously a much larger threat than it had let on. He didn't think he could stop it. Not alone, at least. But he could help. He quickly looked through his pockets and found the last of the Hoodoo shards. He jammed them into his god-gun and took careful aim, then fired.
The shards tore into Itzal's side, and it shrieked in pain, dropping Zeke. The crystals started interfering with its shape shifting, and its body started to revert to its normal form, spasming as it did so.
Zeke hit the ground on his feet, and instantly leapt towards Itzal, grabbing shards of Hoodoo from its side. He then leapt up to Itzal's chest, and plunged the shard into its neck.
Itzals body quickly collapsed to the ground, completely reverting to human. The extensional aspects of its face started to smooth out and return to normal. Itzal gasped in a breath, his body riddled with hoodoo shards. His lungs were punctured, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood. "Serves me...right... for ... being so...careless." Itzal gasped out. He gave out a final cough, and lay still.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke stumbled back and fell over. He lay on the bloodied carpet staring at the contant changing expanse above him. " of...a bitch." He glanced at a nearby smashed slot machine, His gauntlets gleamed in the light. With much effort, Zeke picked his body up and weakly stumbled across to them. Putting them on slowly and painfully. He coughed up some blood, he was so weak now, he pushed his bosy and mind above the limit and now he was paying for it.

He stumbled across the broken casino, looking for something, anything to save him. He found Whit, pointing a pistol at his head.

"I suppose a congratulations is in order. Could a sworn you'd be the one to go. Hell I figured you'd be gone by round 2, you've certainly exeeded my expectations!"

Zeke coughed as he stumbled to his knees, bringing his head up slowly "Your point?"

"Well Im going to win. Which means by extention you will die eventually. Its your destiny, I just figured you wouldn't dodge it this much. Heh, get it? Dodge? Ninja?" Whit waited for a response that would never come, he continued "Well im babbling now. It'll be interesting to see what happens when two people die here. Nice knowing you Zeke!" Whit filled with a fake joy.

"You know nothing of me. Or anyone. That shall be your downfall."

A bullet flew past Whit's face, catching his distraction, it was enough for Zeke to move a tiny bit to the left and Whit's bullet to miss. More bullets came flying by, forcing Whit to retreat. A Blackjack dealer held a smoking sub-machine gun. "Now now, can't kill him just yet!" The dealer ran towards Zeke, who was laying on the floor. "You ok?"

Zeke's breathing was eratic. "What...d-do you t-think?"

The dealer looked round, as if searching for something, his gaze fixed on a camera, which stared right back. "God...she said no more healing..." The dealer began draggin Zeke towards a table. "But your so close to death the next round wouldn't last a minute! I gotta give my creation a fighting chance!"

Zeke now sat next to a table, a helmet of some kind was placedn on his head, the Dealer did the same. He pushed a couple of buttons and some numbers flashed up on the interface. "This might feel a little weird."

With the push of a button, Zeke's metre went from 7% to 100%. His eyes widened as he practically shot up, standing straight. He felt amazing, like he had been revitalised fully. He saw his metre slowly dropping due to his various wounds. "Who are you?"

"Heh. Lets just say i'm your number one fan!"
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

The Composer sighed pensively as she watched her (admittedly figmented) casino get completely trashed by the competitors. As the body count stacked throughout the fight, one Creator, then another, returned with a swirl of ether to the office. Drae was the first, having been there since Mike struck him down. The pair watched Zeke, Mike and Whit take down the rampaging Itzal. Yifan surveyed the fight from dark corners of the corpse-filled casino; he spotted Lan's meddling but honestly couldn't do that much about it - if the Composer saw, she saw, in which case Lan's fate was the least of Yifan's troubles.

Zeke's Creator stood, turned, and vanished. Whit's followed suit, dissolving into the dark. The duo reformed in the Composer's office, glaring shiftily at one another in the full knowledge the other had cheated. Myst had not returned.
The banded screens went blank as the lights in the casino were extinguished, but Itzal's did not switch off. The Composer, frowning, leaned forward and tried to adjust it manually, when a smirking visage appeared with a rush of static. The grin, obscured by a pair of sunglasses, widened with approval at whatever it saw.

"He-ey... Composer, is it?"

The entity shot daggers back at the interloper, then finally acquiesced with a cold brevity. "Yes." The tone indicated the conversation was over. Already, tendrils of ether were meandering through a now non-existent window, spiriting away the details of the office.

"Heh, pleasure's all mine. I'm the Overseer, but you, you can call me Bryce."

"How did you locate me?" No answer, unless a knowledgeable smirk qualified. "What do you want, Overseer?"

"Oh, not on first-name terms yet? That's cool, babe. See, I just saw you're setting a pretty decent pace in your Battle."
No response was forthcoming."A-nyway, I wondered if you, like, wanted some hel-"

"-No." The office no longer existed, but neither did anything else.

"Cool, cool. I just-"Bryce made a pointless motion of running a hand through his tousled hair, as though nervous. The Composer did not buy it, so he cut to the chase. "Wainwright Omega 57. Y'know, could be interesting." He did not idle about waiting for a response that would never come, so concluded with "Catch you later, scout." The television monitor disappeared into the ether with a snicker, leaving only a fumingly outraged Composer. Without turning to face the Creators, she struggled for a moment to restore her usual demeanour, then continued in forcibly calm tones.

"Do not think, for an instant, I am unaware of your cheating on the floor tonight. Considering I'll be forced to maintain a closer watch on you lot, we'll- we shall make do with an existing locale."

Space wrapped around the evidently shaken Composer, then unfolded to reveal a patchily terraformed planet with a thin halo of space rock. Presently inhospitable for her contestants, though encapsulating a stretch of ring within a climatically favourable bubble did not take long. Atmosphere in place, the Composer dragged the trio across the multiverse, then deposited them amongst the asteroids. Some were barely big enough to bear one's weight in the low-gravity; while others were big enough to carve out and live in, it seemed.

"Wainwright Omega 57," was the only explanation Mike, Zeke, and Whit received before the imperceptibly strained voice terminated.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"Drifting through the stars." Whit muttered as he examined his surroundings. He stepped forward, and was surprised notice that he almost floated forward. He looked down. It was an asteroid... he had read about space once or twice, although he always felt that it was something foolish. What was the point of this vast, great space in the sky? It didn't make any difference to anyone. Nobody would ever go up there, so why care?

"Well... Then I guess I should have cared."

He smirked, realizing he was the first of his kind to go to space. The fact that he should need air, but didn't, never crossed his mind, as he didn't know it was required. He wasn't even cold, however, which he did think was odd.

"well, clearly, when you climb upwards, the air becomes colder... And I have climbed extremely high. Yet, it's lukewarm, comfortable. How strange space is."

More questions could have been raised about why he could even hear himself speak in space. Oh, it was probably some kind of supernatural enchantment the Composer had given all of them, and Whit wasn't going to question it- he didn't have the knowledge base to do so.

Instead, he recalled what he did know. Gravity. Gravity was the force that pulled objects down. Different planets had different gravities. The moon had much less gravity than earth, and theoretically one could leap several times as high on the moon. This must have been the case here, Whit realized. However... he did a small, weak hop, and began floating upwards. Slowly, slowly, he touched the ground again.

"This is much more than several times as high." He commented.

Whit examined his surroundings. He was on a large asteroid, with craters littered across the surface. Looking around, Whit realized this was probably the biggest nearby. The other two were nowhere in sight...

Whit pondered Itzal. It seemed he, she, it had been eliminated... Good, Whit thought. Itzal was the one who Whit had the most trouble defining- he did not know where exactly it's limits were- not even a hint. However, Itzal was gone now- The limits had appeared on their own. In fact, Whit was certain the Itzal's limits had always existed, but were simply harder to see. Whit sighed. Their little game had played out, and it seemed Itzal had indeed lost it's life.

"Well... good riddance." Whit took Itzal's knife and flung it into the sky. The knife did not fall, and continued out of Whit's vision.

"The only problem now is... well, now I have two enemies, who are allies." Whit commented distractedly.

He needed something, some way to combat them both. His thoughts drifted to that dealer, who stopped him from killing Zeke. 'Creation'... That's what that dealer had said.

"Of course, the gods were playing parts as the staff..." He realized finally, in annoyance. However, this information revealed something else as well. The dealer, at Whit's table... That was his god. What had that god said? That he gave Whit... a little extra? Whit remembered he felt a change, then. What was it that had changed? He stared upwards. Nearby asteroids grew prominent in his vision, as if they wanted to reveal something to him. Right, that was what had changed. His perception. Whit sighed. Why couldn't it have been something useful, like, the ability to...
Whit couldn't think of anything. He smirked to himself. No, there was nothing else he wanted. This power was it. He focused, now, at the asteroid, on the alterations in perception. The asteroid was a solid object. It was whole, it was a constant. However... as he focused, he could perceive 'chance'. The 'chance' he saw was the asteroid's potential to become random, a non-constant... and fall into the hands of luck.
The greater the prominence of an object in Whit's perception, the more potential it had as a 'chance'. As he focused more, he could even make out parts of the asteroid where it was most prominent. Absentmindedly, he fired his Godgun towards a extremely prominent part. The gravity wave smashed into the asteroid, although the sound was incredibly weak. something about the lack of air in space probably contributed to that, but again, Whit had no idea about that stuff. Slowly, the Asteroid began collapsing on itself, breaking into pieces. Slowly, the rocks began to rain on the asteroid Whit stood on.

Whit opened his arms, as if welcoming the incoming rocks. Hundreds, maybe thousands drifted closer and closer. Even though they were slow, the rocks had incredible mass. As each landed, Whit felt an incredible thump, even though the sound was dulled. faster now, they came down, peppering the large asteroid's surface. Thumps occurred in great succession, shaking Whit, but not his mood. He had gained something great- the perception of chance. That power, on it's own, was worthless. But, Whit knew he had luck, that he had an invincible fate. Any chance that he could create were thrown into the hands of luck, and would inevitably come to rest in his favor... like it did now. Even though hundreds of of rocks had smashed down around him, Whit remained unscathed. Surrounding him, a forest of rocks had been created. The last few rocks came down, and Whit enjoyed their rhythmic thumping. Then, he heard a crash that didn't sound right. It wasn't the sound of rock against rock, it was the sound of metal crunching. Whit smiled. Clearly, this was something he needed to investigate. It was something revealed by chance, after all- Something that would never lead him astray.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


Mike opened his eyes. Instead of the crazy expanse in the hole of the casino an infinite void of stars filled his view. He looked around, and then down, to find himself in an asteroid belt. He looked directly forward and saw the planet sitting directly in the middle of the ring.
He reached for his mouth, but realised he could breath.
"Odd" He said as a test. Sound too. And some slight atmosphere.
He chuckled. The battlemaster was always interesting.

He had heard Whit and Zeke right at the end of the round. He figured they were the survivors, as Whit wouldn't be taken down so quickly, even by that noise of sub-machine gun fire. That ment Itzal was no more.

Now that there was no more illusionist, Mike had no ties to Zeke. He was left as an opponant. 'Good, because he makes a good rival,' he thought. Whit will fall into place at some point. His luck may be real, but real men make their own luck.

Mike gazed around for a suitable rock to perch on, size and shape being the key. However, as a large rock floated past his eyes, he spotted a large bubble shaped object way in the distance.
Perfect sphere. Obviously man-made, or at least alien made. That ment life was present in this part of the galaxy, wherever it was.
"So, belt of rocks. Planet. Hmm, would need something strong to get planet side. The bubble looks like, hmm, a settlement? Would make sense. Hmph. Need a lot of resources and machinery to build something like that" Mike mused.
He cracked his knuckles as a slight plan raced through his head. Disaster was his forte, afterall.

He summoned his vectors, and communicated through thought about where he wanted to go. A large rock about a hundred yards away. The force controlling Mike wasn't a number cruncher, but the vectors had many uses. They planted themselves on the rock, positioned themselves on a precise course, and launched Mike through space.

Vertigo set in quickly. Gravity was there, but only slightly. The force from being pushed was enough to escape the small gravity well each rock had. He tried to remain still, from his slight knowledge of space, any small movement could send him tumbling.
That what 'it's' memory of reading told it, anyway.

Slowly but surely, Mike made it to the larger rock. The vectors touched the surface, and Mike frontflipped onto his feet.
He breathed out a large sigh.

"Not doing that again soon, I hope"

No sign of the others, but with their current numbers that was a natural reason not to find anyone. He tried to walk across the asteroid, but found it annoying. Instead, he had the vectors carry him horizontally as he semi-floated in the lesser gravity, the vectors supporting him up. This made making his way across the rock quite quick. He made his way to a small hill that he guessed was part of a hole. He set himself down on the ridge and gazed out across the bumpy brown-black surface. Still nothing.

"Shit" Mike swore. He needed something interesting, and soon, otherwise he'd begin ripping the rocks to shreds.
He thought about that as he stood, unknowingly, on the well hidden entrance to some kind of bunker.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Another eternity. Another instance. This was becoming all to familiar to Zeke, he was almost getting bored by it. Still he couldn't help but be intrigued by the new locale. Zeke was standing on a lone, small asteroid, the rock moving under Zeke's weight. "The relm of the Gods themselves...huh." Zeke had no concept of outer space, so he did not question the fact that he could hear or breathe. He took a tentative jump to a nearby boulder, he did not expect the extremely low gravity and over shot, instead landing on another asteroid. Zeke was intreiged but not baffled, it was similar to being underwater to him.

Zeke quickly learned of the new physics around him, jumping from one asteroid to another. He found that larger boulders gave more pull. He could even walk underneath them and not fall (to Zeke's perspective that is). In the distance he could see a figure upon one of the larger rocks in the distance. Zeke quickly identified it as Mike; Whit had a much more formal stance than him. Zeke didn't bother being stelthy, he simply dived towards the rock Mike was on.

And Mike watched on. He knew a confrontation was to begin, he audably cracked his fingers and pushed back what tiny amount of remourse he held for Zeke back.

Zeke landed with a thud, the larger asteroids gravity speeding up his decent slightly. Straight away Zeke confirmed from Mike's eyes that any semblance of alliance was gone now. Not that it mattered, alliances only delayed the inevitable either way.

Mike streched a bit and hopped on his feet. "Spare me the introductions, lets get this started already."

"Heh. Very well. If you're in such a rush to die..." Zeke drew his blades form his gauntlets. "Then so be it!" Zeke dashed towards Mike, his strides much larger than usual.
Mike gave his chaotic grin as he plunged one vector into the ground as an anchor. He was actually a little suprised to hear a hollow metallic sound but he didn't sway his concentration.
Zeke strook and Mike blocked with his free vector, Mike ducked and allowed Zeke to sail above him.
Mike removed his grounded vector and was suprised to see a metal door attached to it!
Zeke quickly skidded along the ground, slowing his momentum, although this followed with a flip into the air as a metal door came flying in his direction. Zeke jumped much higher than usual.

"Catch me if you can!" Mike jumped down the trapdoor wanting to take the fight in new teritory
Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike tumbled down a long passageway, his vectors caccooning him. He caught every edge and object on the way down, causing him to roll endlessly. In a black tunnel, nothing was to be seen, just a black void that spun round and round.

Eventually, Mike decelerated to a quick stop by collidong with the floor. He rolled out of the way as Zeke stomped down where he lay moments before with fluid grace.

Zeke's eyes quickly adjusted to the lack of light. He swung around, bringing his fists up and a fighting stance. Mike was floating, slowly, through a doorway. zeke noticed his eyes were shooting from one place to another. A sign he was unable to see.
The vectors dragged Mike through several rooms. Zeke followed, using the strong muscles in his legs to keep pace with the inhuman limbs. Mike's mind worked like a childs, eventually he would run out of places to flee.

Zeke stopped short of a door. A brief thought raced through his subconscious. Since when did Mike ever run away without serious injury. A trap then. He was probably awaiting Zeke to pass through the door.

Zeke thought two steps ahead. Ventalation shafts werent original, but they were effective in the dark.

'Waiting. How I loath waiting. Still, a double bluff is effective. Triple bluff, not so much, and only Itzal could have managed a quadrupal bluff.'

Mike was backed behind a large piller in the center of the corridor. He could vaguely make out the surroundings. Three rooms. The one he came out of had no door, the other two had a normal door and an automatic metal door, both closed. Mike gripped the handgun tightly, sweat beading down his forehead. The gun had belonged to the boy's mother. Inheritance, then. Unexpected that he would last this long. Harder ordeals to come.

"Zeke, sorry!." Mike yelled into the empty expanse of metal walls, "The illusionist you started off to hate is dead, so the deal was off. But you knew that already!"

A voice somewhere near Mike's ear said,
"I wouldn't let something so trivial as hate to guide my actions.

The side panel to the duct slammed against a vector as Zeke's boot made an exit for him. He didn't expect the gun to be pointing in his face when he came out.

"Really, now Zeke", Mike said with a grin, "That trick is very old. And I don't ambush people, that's your job"


"That's right"

Zeke brought his fist right into the underneath of mike's arm, then knocked it aside with his elbow as the shot rang out from the gun. Ignoring the vectors, Zeke turned Mike around with a blow to the shoulder, and and elbowed him in the face. The blow knocked Mike back far enough in such a small amount of time that the vectors couldn't reach him.
Gravity, or in these conditions, the lack of said gravity, was an environment Zeke was taking too quite well

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"What is this..."

Whit's awe was fairly obvious, as he was seeing his first ever space station. A large dome of clear plastic shone in front of him, sheltering a small piece of land focused around a few smaller buildings. The rock that Whit had heard earlier had dented the front door, allowing Whit an easy entrance. He didn't bother thanking his lucky stars now- he took the current events as customary.

Sneaking through the door, he found space mining equipment, which made very little sense to him. What did make sense, however, was the vehicles parked inside a small garage. He had driven a model C before, which bared some resemblence to these streamlined space vehicles. They were mostly just frames with engines, built as efficiently as possible. One, however, caught Whit's eye. It was a much larger vehicle, one with a gigantic drill on it's front. At it's back, it had two of the smaller go kart like vehicles in storage. It had four sets of wheels, one on each side of the body. Cautiously, Whit climbed in. The controls were incredibly simple, and Whit understood how things worked immediately. The buttons were all well distanced from eachother and clearly labeled with helpful pictures, and the steering stick was large enough to grip wiu both hands. The truck was built for people in space suits, afterall- it needed to be like this. The only thing unclear was a screen which displayed land patterns and colors. Whit sat silently, pondering his course of action.

"... This is somewhat foolish looking... Although it certainly seems mobile. Tsk. I kind of want to dive this just to drive it... Well. This is certainly what I was guided here for. This thing was here for me to use."

Easily, he convinced himself to drive. With a whir, the vehicle activated, and lurched forth. Whit drove towards the way he had come in. The opening wasn't big enough. However, that wasn't any trouble... Whit turned on the drill and accelerated heavily. He battered door flew to pieces. Laughing, he tried another button, one that he wasn't sure about what it did. Instantly, he felt the truck lurch, as the bottom set of wheels suddenly jumped. He witnessed the image in the window in front of him drift downwards... He caught a glimpse, then, of Wainwright omega 57. He didn't dwell on it too much, though, as in the next moment he collided with another asteroid. He felt gravity casually tug him up, and was startled to realize the driver's compartment was twisting. Slowly, it rotated, until Whit knew that down was down again. He smirked.

"What a useful machine..."

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke watched as Mike flew unnaturally across the room, he cracked a confident grin. He decided to stick his ground, he didn't want to rush into the counter attack that Mike was no doubt planning.

Mike Smashed his vectors into the ground to slow himself, once he grinded to a halt he pointed his gun towards Zeke, "Ergh. Your starting to piss me off!"

"Hmm." Zeke dashed to the side, avoiding the shot of Mikes gin flying to the side of him, a mixture of Zeke's speed, reflexes and the darkness surrounding them ensured his saftey. "Follow me." Zeke decided to find somewhere more open to fight in, ignoring the bullets whizzing past him. Mike followed Zeke, relentlessly firing towards him.

Mike ran into a large room, he couldn't tell what it was from the pitch black around him, suddenly the room filled with an unnatural light, a halogen glow fills the room, revealing Zeke's sillohette pulling a switch.

Zeke took a brief look around, it was a hanger, housing a variety of vehicles. Some of them were pretty normal looking, others, much more unorthadox. Not that Zeke knew this. "I figured you'd need some help. Even the playing field a bit."

Mike gave a wide grin. "Boy. I didn't think you were that stupid."

Zeke smiled. "Come puppet." He beckoned Mike towards him. "Let me cut them strings for you."
Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit sat in his vehicle, not sure of what to do. Space was vast... and Whit had only two people to find. Doing so would be difficult, unless by some random chance they appeared before him. He played with the idea of waiting for that to happen, but dismissed it. Chance did not move people, it simply influenced their paths. Whit simply needed to grasp those chances. Focusing back on his surroundings, Whit's eyes feel upon the dashboard. To the side, there was a flight stick, although somehow in a different way than the steering wheel. Looking at the helpful images beside it, Whit saw that it controlled the drill truck's direction, apparently. Tapping the stick lightly, he felt the back of the truck drag to the side. Curious, he went outside and investigated, noting that there seemed to be a few small jets or such in the back. It was clear to him now that the stick controlled the direction of the drill truck when it was in midair...midspace. Toying with the new found nature of the truck, Whit made it jump again, back to where he came from. Carefully, he controlled the vehicle's free-falling direction, and successfully did a flip before landing.

Having had derived enough amusement from the flight stick, Whit turned his attention back to the mysterious screen he saw earlier. Turning it on, he saw a grid. At various points, different colors and shapes glowed. Immediately, he recognized the shape of his vehicle and the green light that signified himself. Elsewhere, a few red lights glowed, in clusters. Putting the facts together, Whit realized that he was in a mining vehicle. The red were clearly the mineral veins that it was meant to dig out, and the green blips showed the living presences so that nobody would get hurt. Whit grinned.

"The green dots are safety features... Heheh. There's nothing safe this."

Scanning the grid, Whit found his targets. Two dancing green dots.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 6: Wainwright Omega 57
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

'I will have to educate him it seems', The force using Mike mused to itself, 'Silly boy. For all his skills, he hadn't noticed any of the changes in the way I and Mike behave.'

Mike lashed a vector out to the side, cutting through a small panel next to the door he had came through. It fizzed, crackled, and sparked before the door automatically slammed shut with a metallic whump.

"I got no strings", Mike started, holding his arms up, "To hold me down... Ah, but of course you wouldn't get it."

He kicked off the ground and soared to the ceiling. The vectors dug in, forcing his feet into the metal. He gazed down, or his up, to see a toolbox right in front of his eyes. It crashed into Mike's forehead, obliterating the contact with the vectors. They vanished, and he fell to the floor, slower than normal. Mike hit the ground knee first, then dove to the side on instinct. A wrench slammed into the wall behind where Mike had been.
Zeke was standing on a walkway, tossing a screwdriver into the air and catching it.

"Better find those strings then. I'd hate to kill you this easily" Zeke remarked with a cold, blank gaze.

Mime smiled. something in his head went 'click' and the vectors appeared again. He sprinted across the floor, random tools only barely missing him or bouncing off the vectors. The then skidded into a slide underneath a large, white vehicle.
Mike quickly rolled onto his back, and using his legs and artificial killing machines, he hit the base of the machine with every ounce of force he could muster. It didn't gain much momentum, but it eventually smashed into the walkway, breaking it. Mike hung limlpy onto the base, searching for Zeke. Before he could move his eyes twice Zeke's boots slammed into his chest.

Mike heard the pleasent thunk as the boots connected not with flesh, but with concrete. The vectors didn't aim for Zeke's leg like they would have meer hours ago, but instead sliced easily through the bandaged holding the slab in place. They both got a hold of it just as Zeke guarded himself with his wrist blades instead of holding onto the edge of the large object. The slab impacted off them, throwing Zeke through the air with nothing to right himself. The dust cought in the back of his mouth as he saw Mike wave his hand away from his head as a gesture, before ripping through the reinforced wall on the other side of the room and causing a small collapse to bar his escape route moments after its creation.

Mike crawled through the corridors on his vectors trying rooms and halls. He was searching for anything useful. Ammo, weapons, detonation sequance activators, ANYTHING that he could pull out at the last moment.

He gazed down at his left arm. It wasn't responding well anymore. 'Synthetic peice of crap' The controller remarked. But at least it was a back up plan.
Mike arrived in a small room laden with tools. Highly advanced pieces of equipment hung from the walls of the corridor-like room. Mike ran a hand over each, attempting to gauge their uses. On near the end appeared like a chainsaw with a wide mouth at one end instead of a blade.
He lifted it gingerly and gripped the handles, one of the side with buttons, the other on the roof.
He noticed a large square switch next to his thumb and flicked it. The gizmo whirred to life, and remained silent thereafter. His index finger brushed what he would call a trigger. Mike grinned, and turned to face the doorway. He gave the trigger an experimental tug and the mouth shot out a large orange burst of energy, melting a large hole through several walls.

He tugged on it again, this time holding it down, and the beam erupted once more, but remained at a steady length.

Mike had found a very good thing. So he broke it. A clean cut through the middle tore it in half.

His powers were way too similer to the machine, and it was too bulky. Useless for him. He continued his search through the facility, activating lights as he went.
