Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"I'll match that bet" Itzal said, and its counter shifter accordingly. The dealer passed out the first hand. 2, 6, K, 4, 8. A horrible hand. Itzal simply folded, the life point forfeited. As it left, felt a sharp pain, and felt slightly weakened.
Whit felt a pleasant tingle and felt a rush of energy as his life counter ticked up to 101%. The full impact of this bet began to sink in. The loser would surely perish, but the victor...
The victor would came out far ahead.

Itzal watched Whit as the next hand was dealt. He disguised it well, but he was paying keen attention to the cards. Knowing where an audiences attention was focused is key to many illusions, and while Whit would certainly fool most people, it did not slip past Itzal's trained eye. Itzal pondered this. Whit was keeping track of the cards. It only made sense. Itzal decided that with this in mind, he would have to shuffle them itself. Itzal began teleportation cards back and forth in the deck, unnoticeable, but throughly changing the order to further randomness.
Whit picked up his hand and only his years of training kept the surprise off his face. This was the wrong hand. It wasn't even close to what he should have been dealt.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike was flung backwards and collided with a large brute of a man, he sailed further through the air and smashed into a slot machine. His opponent was a tall man with stuble around his face and a horribly scarred right hand. Even with both vectors blocking he had taken quite a tumble. He noticed Zeke and grinned at him.

"I hope you havn't lost your touch. I've already killed three people"

"Don't count me out just yet. I'll deal with these three,you mind your own fights."

Tch. So full of himself. Mike pulled himself from the broken wreckage just as the stubbled guy leaped towards him intending to kill him with one blow. Mike sled his left foot out to the side and dodged swiflty, his vectors caught him in the shoulder and cut his entire arm off. Blood spurted across the room covering several people, one of which was a little girl.
Her eyes filled with evil inent bore down into Mike's soul. His soul barked back. She sprinted forward, demonic tendrils lashing out at him. He backstepped, slit through several and lopped her head off, before turning around and ripping the previous mans heart out. He squished it and laughed.

"After all we've been through, I think these guys are small fry"

Meanwhile, a meager looking janitor brought his large brush out. His eyelids were permenently half open and he payed no heed as he sweeped up the bleeding black mess on the floor.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit was troubled. It seemed that Itzal had swapped around the items in the deck, in a seemingly random order. However, something didn't fit. Whit went over his knowledge of Itzal.
On their first meeting, Itzal had tried to bluff him into thinking he teleported the Godgun's inner workings. What was the point of that? If Itzal's power was unlimited, it would have teleported the gun competely, or something that wasn't just a bluff. It could have been that Itzal had simply been messing around, but playing around didn't suit Itzal. Certainly, it had a flourish to it's actions, but Whit could not recall one instance where Itzal had done something that would do nothing. Itzal's teleportation was limited to size or wieght, it seemed.
Then, considering their next meeting... Itzal wanted Whit absolutely dead, then. Why not teleport a bit of air into his bloodstream, if Itzal was trying to kill him? The teleportation must have been limited to solids, or line of sight. But, line of sight didn't make sense. Whit saw that Itzal could get any card, even if it didn't know which was which. limited to Solids was the answer. However, then, why not remove a piece of his brain, then? The teleportation must also have been limited to whole objects.
Finally, right now. Whit had watched carefully- Itzal always had the correct number of cards. It was already apparent that Itzal had a time delay on this teleportation, so if it had teleported one card into the deck and then another out, a card would have vanished for a space of time. Instead, The card Itzal wanted must have swapped with the card it was returning- an instantanious replacement teleportation.
A final piece of memory was that Whenever Itzal attempted to teleport an object, it would appear in it's hands. Contact was required for the teleportation.
Whit evaluted all this, and realized All of the cards that were being swapped must have gone through Itzal's hand. Whit grimanced. Itzal could scramble the order and see each card... He didn't have a chance- wait. A thought struck him. Itzal's power can't be that fast, or else Whit would never win anything. At best, Itzal would have been able to scramble and view the top few cards. If so, Whit's cards would have been near what he expected. Whit looked at his cards again. They were entirely unfamiliar. This puzzled Whit. If the cards weren't supposed to be here or anywhere near, that meant Itzal had been scrambling the top cards, and then taking the cards in it's hand and scrambling them into random places in the deck. By doing so, Itzal gained no distinct benefit. Was there something Whit had missed?
The question burned into him. Then, he thought, that little piece of information wasn't that important. A slight lack of knowledge like that was easily covered by-
"no. You need to know. You must do this."
Startled, Whit looked at the skull, which had been so quite until now. Then, he considered he point again. Hmm, maybe the skull was right. Knowing was key to victory here- knowing was his greatest ability. Still, he needed time to reason this out... He needed to stall.
Whit suddenly turned to Itzal and asked it a question he had wanted to for a long time, one he was genuinely curisous about. It was a question that defined their entire relationship...
"Tell me, Itzal. Why did you want to play this game with me? It would have been much easier simply to kill me, I believe. What drives you to instead bet your life on a game?"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"Really, now, I thought you, at least, would understand. I am a being of skill and talent, and I prefer to exercise them, rather than stoop to a low level than someone like Zeke or Mike. We can sit here, have a nice civilized game, put our talents to the test, and enjoy the experience, while the cruder contestants duke it out with a casino full of combatants. I would think the choice between the two alternatives quite obvious." Itzal commented as it lay down a straight flush. 5% swung back to Itzal, putting it back in the lead.
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

"Really now." Zeke smirked "You appear to be under the misconception that you can actually stop me.”
“We can do more than that kid.” The hulking man said “Face it. You've lost.”
Zeke stifled a laugh “You have no idea what your dealing with. You see my bloodlust has been sated and it has now long gone.” Zeke stepped forward grabbing a wayward coin, he twirled it in-between his fingers. “I am a being of pure efficiency, and quite frankly you are just a bunch of embarrassments. Thinking you can ‘take a break' from all of this, please. There is no rest; if any of you were real warriors you would see that.”

Laughter rippled in the small crowd “eh-heh, who's this pretentious twat then?”
Zeke smiled back “In twenty six seconds you will all be dead.” He said in pure monotone. “Starting now.” Zeke flipped the coin into the air, the hulking man watched it go in the air, it was the last thing he saw as the blade on Zeke's boot decapitated him instantly.

Zeke did not stop. He went up to the spiked man and plunged his fist into his chest, pulling punches at tremendous speed, a quick roundhouse to the side of his lifeless body and Zeke moved towards the boy. Who had only just realised that two of his comrades have been slain in less than seven seconds. He lunged to stab his knife into Zeke's neck. Zeke intercepted and with his other hand broke his arm, his scream was brief, as Zeke sliced his neck in twain. The man with draconic tattoo was next, Zeke sweeped his feet and decapitated his head by stamping his bladed foot down on his neck.

A single bullet streamed past Zeke's face, enough of a warning. He dived underneath a blackjack table as three patrons opened fire with pistols. Zeke spotted a small green sphere underneath the table, it perplexed him to what it was but he still grabbed it, preparing to throw it as a distraction.

Mike sailed by, searching for more people to kill, he saw Zeke behind the table holding something. “Hey! Pull the pin first!”

Zeke glanced down to see the small pin the green sphere, he figured he had nothing to lose so he pulled it and threw it in the gunner's direction. Zeke could hear a brief “oh shi” before it was engulfed in an agonisingly loud noise. The small sphere erupted in an explosion, decimating the gunners. “Huh. Interesting to say the least.”

Zeke turned to Mike quickly “Hey! If you want to make a competition out of it: that's nine so far!”

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"Excuse me a moment" Itzal said, picking up the animal from his chip pile. It looked very similar to a ferret, only it had a dozen legs. Itzal tied a packet of flash powder to its back, and attached a fuse.
"What in the world are you doing?"
"Making Zeke's life more interesting." Itzal lit the fuse, and the creature began struggling, trying to escape the flame. Itzal set it on the ground, and it took off, running from the spark on its back. Itzal had aimed it so that it was running directly towards Zeke.
Itzal turned back to the game, picking up its hand. "I raise 3%"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"Excuse me a moment" Itzal said, picking up the animal from his chip pile. It looked very similar to a ferret, only it had a dozen legs. Itzal tied a packet of flash powder to its back, and attached a fuse.
"What in the world are you doing?"
"Making Zeke's life more interesting." Itzal lit the fuse, and the creature began struggling, trying to escape the flame. Itzal set it on the ground, and it took off, running from the spark on its back. Itzal had aimed it so that it was running directly towards Zeke.
Itzal turned back to the game, picking up its hand. "I raise 3%"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.




Mike slowly backed himself towards the table Zeke had ducked under. There were a lot more people beginning to stalk towards them now, with a few people remaining back. Out of them, the old woman with the book, minus the book, and another woman with a shield were dragging the corpse with the white sleeve over to the corpse of the waitress. Mike made a move towards them and the shield lady waved her arms upwards, causing a white barrior to envelop them in a cube. The other woman began to draw on the floor and chant. Mike looked back to his opponents. They were holding back, until a female lunged over the crowd holding small handguns in her palms. Red shards started hailing down around Mike, but the vectors drew themselves in front of him, stopping the shards dead in the air. When she touched the floor the shards reversed and ripped through her flesh. She screamed and dropped her guns, but not out of desperation. Instead, her fingers turned into crimson claws and she pounced towards Mike intent on cleaving a large gash through his chest. Both vectors dropped to catch her hands and interlocked their fingers with the claws. As they collided Mike pushed forward and headbutted her on the bridge of her nose with a loud crunch, outdone by the vectors ripping through her hands and wrists in four different gashes. As she fell back screaming a man with a fedora rushed forward to catch her from behind. He lay her down gently and glared at Mike.

"You're one sick bastard. What are you fighting for?!"

Mike responded by slamming a vector into his chest and propelling him into the crowd. With the other vector he drove the fingers into the womans chest and ripped through her heart. A black shape hurtled toward him and was punched out of the air. More sprouted out of the ground in a line headed for him. He leaped out of the way as a girl in a black dress mumbled to herself. Bolts of lightning danced around, stiking closer to Mike than he was confortable with. With a vector enhanced leap he soared through the air and landed where the guns were dropped. He ducked down spinning, grabbing a gun in each hand, and came up facing the girl as he pulled the triggers. She blocked with a large square of lightning that caught the shards that flew at her, the crowd dispersed to dodge stray shards. Mike was charged from behind by a well dressed man with a sword. He lunged into the man's range and knee'd him in the groin before decapitating him. Another swordsman with a much bigger sword and a handful of flames attacked him from a range, assisted by the fedora wearing man who also used fire. Mike flung the smooth mans body at them to their disgust and started shooting at them. The young boy covered his body with his sword but was pelted in the legs, while the fedora man had nothing to hide behind and was covered in shards before he collapsed.

The boy fell to his knee's as he set the floor under Mike on fire. Mike quickly stepped to the side jusy as a large black icicle flew past him and impaled the boy. He turned to see the young girl advancing with more icicles hanging around the air around her. A vector picked up the saber on the floor and flung it at high speeds towards her. An icicle turned her way an took the blow as the others flew towards him. He dodged behind a slot machine and ran, crouched, around them. His way was barred by a tall woman with very long hair in a black sequin dress. Mike knocked her out of the way and skirted around the last slot machine. He suddenly felt a hard substance slam into his back and propell in a flip across the room. He slammed into the bar backwards and gasped as he hit the floor. When he picked himself up he saw the woman with hair that hid her face walking towards him. She was eveloped with a black veil. As she passed the girl with the icicles she had her way interupted by her. In return, the tall woman killed her with a wave of darkness.
Mike whistled out of amusement. He brought the guns up and showered it with shards until both guns clicked empty. The black shape screeched and most people had to hold their hands over their eares to save themselves from the blood curdling sound. She hurdled through the air towards Mike and ripped his body from behind the bar and through him towards the slot machines like he was a ragdoll. His back crashed into the metal machine and pain racked at his ribs. He tossed aside the guns and readied the vectors. Whatever the creature was it was pissed, as it flew towards Mike it noticed a small green pineapple shaped sphere enter it's field of vision before it exploded into a flaming ball of death.

Mike glanced over to Zeke to see him sitting on the edge of the table acting cool again.

"Show off" Mike laughed.

The janitor was losing his temper. He pointed a finger at Mike and yelled,

"Then come stop me" Mike responded, digging himself out of the remains of the machine. The janitor shouldered the brush and charged Mike, swinging it like a weapon. It sailed past Mike's head as he ducked and was quickly chopped into pieces. One vector pressed into the floor and Mike leaped upwards, forcing his knee into the man's face. The other vector cleaved downwards onto the mans right shoulder taking it clean off. He stumbled backwards clutching his bloody injury. To Mike's suprise a dark new arm grew out of the place of the old one, followed by two more from his back. Mike paced forwards, vectors at the ready. Before he could attack, a sound started to eminate from the cube of light. Everyone stopped (apart from Whit and Itzal) to look towards where it was coming from. It rose in volume until it could be recognised as something similer to a chior singing a single note. Nothing could be seen in the cube but Mike got the bad feeling he had before. blood suddenly sprayed up the walls of the cube, followed by a womans scream as the cube faltered and disapeared. From where it had been stood a man with a hole in his face and a wild grin, along with the black shape that had been the waitress.

"Gyahahaha! NoW yOu wiLL See whaT I am caPabLe Of!" The man cackled.

The black shape stayed where it was as the man's arm grew into a ghastly shape. He raised it and charged the janitor, cleaving him in half. The janitor's corpse collapsed onto the floor, first one half, then the other. The deceased man gazed at his arm in joyous awe.

"Finally" Mike remarked, "A challange"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Predictably, Whit lost again. Whit twitched as he felt his life slip away. It was a terrible feeling, and one he had never truly felt before. His mind became panicked at the unwelcome sensation. It did not help that he heard screams, gunshots and explosions in the background. Calm down, he told himself. This would do no good, panicking. He reminded himself that he needed to bet more to survive, that this couldn't be the worst. he needed to be used to it. Bracing himself, Whit refocused on his tactics, while making idle banter.

"If you say so. I don't understand you, and I don't care if you know that! If you want to throw your life on a game... Well, we were doing that anyway."

The deck was probably completely randomized now, Whit thought. Itzal probably had seen all the cards that had gone by, but was unlikely to know the order either. The only difference was that Itzal could find and teleport any card to it's hand. Whit needed to do something...
"Bartender!" he cried. "I'd like a bottle of the an interesting champane. The purple one looks decent."
the bartender strolled over, somehow not caring in the least about the carnage going on in the slot machine section.
"Here you go, sir."
a long, purple bottle was placed in Whit's hand. He shook it around a little, in small but vigorous motions, as if admiring the contents. With his knife, he popped the top right off. The top flew into the deck of cards, sliding the deck a little, fanning the cards out. Suddenly, the liquid, a deep purple liquid, shot out, small amounts raining down on the table.
"oh, sorry. My mistake," Whit said. "Oh well, it didn't make to much of a mess... Just wet the cards a little."

"Then they should be replaced."
Whit smiled like a wolf.
"Honestly, why do that? It makes no difference, and wastes so such a nice deck. Yes, each card is now marked with different stain, but isn't that fine? Nobody knows the order, afterall..."

Whit made his intention clear. By marking the cards, with a strong color even, Itzal's card changing would be obvious. It was a move more desperate than he'd have liked, but it was infinitely nessesary.

The dealer shrugged. It was technically allowed, but if the cards were demanded to be replaced, it would happen.

Whir was not home. He was sure of that much. These people weren't the correct size... The machine was a little scared. It wandered towards the back, away from the hoarded of people, to get a little room to think. Suddenly, it saw a familiar face.
"...Gadget? Gadget! You're alive!"
the little robot practically leapt upon a man who looked remarkabl similar to Gadget- but, was not a dwarf.

"Um, robot thing? I think you might be mistakening identities..." giant Gadget said.

Whir looked closer. This definitely seems like Gadget. Even if the height was off, the face, the bionic eye, the hair color... It was all too familiar.
"... No... You're definitely Gadget..."
Whir's robot head began piecing information together, when suddenly an explosion sounded. PsuedoGadget panicked and ran off into a backroom, with Whir still attached.
"I hate it when this happens..." Gadget said.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal mulled over the stains. Even though it would make teleportation harder, it could keep track of the cards easily. But so could Whit. Perhaps even better than it could. "I'm sorry, but I must insist we play with a new deck. And while we are at it, why not use a new deck for each hand."
The dealer shrugged. "Its an unusual request, but it is allowed. We have plenty of decks, and they can always be re-used later." A man came up to the table with a tray full of card decks. The dealer selected one, and dealt out the hands.

Whit silently fumed. This was no good. With this state of affairs he had no clue what cards were where, while Itzal was continuing to teleport. His life counter continued to drop. It was down to 50%, and Whit was worried. He was feeling weak, and his vision was beginning to blur. Itzal looked as strong as a horse, and seemed perfectly alert. Suddenly, Whit realized what he had to do. "Excuse me, but may I ask that my opponent here remove his hood? I contest that it gives him an unfair advantage."
The dealer called over a few other employees. They discussed for a bit, then returned to the table. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to remove your hood."

"Are you sure? I warn you, I wear this for a reason."
"Yes. Let us see your face."
"Very well." Itzal reached up and pulled down his hood.
Whit was taken aback by what he saw. He had been prepared for something hideous, maybe a face covered in scars, or some horrible disfigurement.
What was there was almost beyond comprehension. Only the previous round equipped Whit for what he saw.
Itzals eyes were endlessly receding, infinitely deep wells sunk into its face. Te surface of its skin seems to bubble impossibly, being neither positive nor negative space, both inside and outside at the same time. The structure of its face slowly shifted around, undulating in patterns that made no Euclidean sense. "You're not even close to human, are you?"

"I was. Long ago. I had reached the limits of my art, and sought deeper control. I discovered that reality as you know it is only a small facet of the universe. There are not merely 3 dimensions. There are millions. They are infinitely complex, and interact in a billion ways. They fold and twist into and around each other. Some of them are the same dimension viewed from another angle, while other exist only at a single point. This became my reality. Even I cannot comprehend it all." As it talked, the inside of its mouth seemed to be all encompassing, then suddenly inverted, extruding from its body, before suddenly inverting again. Whit could not tell if it was actually changing or if it was just an optical illusion.
This explained a lot. His complete mastery over the previous environment, his take on reality, it probably even explained its shape shifting and teleportation abilities. Whit had to force himself to tear his view away from its face and look at its hand. A flush. A good hand, but not great. Whit looked at his life counter. If it dropped any lower he wouldn't be able to concentrate anymore. This all depends on what Itzal had. Whit stared at its face again, trying to read it. It was hard, and he couldn't be sure he was interpreting it correctly. However, luck was on his side. "All in."
Itzal looked at its hand and smiled, the smiles warping across its face in odd and disturbing ways, and matched the bet. It lay down its hand. "Ace-high straight."
"Flush. I win." 50% flowed back into his life counter and he shot up, invigorated by the sudden rush of energy.
Itzal's features gave a visible lurch and it let out a cry of pain as its health dropped back to 100%. "So, we are back where we started."
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike stared down his undead opponant. He was much stornger in death, Mike could feel it. That, and his arm had gained some sort of power. But Mike was not afraid. He was still very happy with the situation. Suddenly, a white shape scuttled around the floor towards Zeke, before suddenly exploding in a bright flash. Everything went white, and Mike lept forwards hoping the vectors could take the corpse by surprise. It came down and slammed againt the whitmaw arm, blocked, and the zombie reeled around and slammed his foot into the side of Mike's ribs. Mike grabbed his leg before he could move away and slammed his elbow down on the bone, breaking it. He didn't even flinch as he batted away the first vector and was blocked by the second. As he stumbled they worked in unison to batter away at his arm.

The black void watched in amusement as it's creation fought an enemy very similer in power to him. It stood there as a silent vigil.

Lutherion(No relation) parried Mike's vectors like they were nothing and brought his arm down in an overhead blow. Even when both vectors blocked Mike felt the force of the blow through his entire body. The boards under the carpet broke under his feet and he lost his balance. He had to end this NOW. He saw the fingers racing towards him, but instead of trying to block it Mike stood there, blank. At the last second he bent forwards, his head bent to the side the dead man's hand was on. The claw ripped past his ear and took Mike's left horn with it. The familiar agony raced through Mike's mind and body, forcing him to bellow a war cry. The vectors started to pulse and grow, similer to the effect that occured in the hoodoo. They broke the floor around Mike, feeing his legs. Mike's eyes turned blank and lifeless as he forced himself away in his own head to save his mind from the pain. The vectors took over.

"HahauahaahahahaHA! IntErestiNg tricK, BOy!. But you Have A LONg waY to gO!"

He lunged again, swing the arm like an axe. The right vector blocked it, then warred itself around his wrist. He struggled to release the arm whilst the left vector impaled itself through his chest cavity. It continued on, passing though his back and out the other end as the connection line snaked it's way through with it. Lutherion stared down at the hole in chest and giggled. It was the last noise his mouth made and the vector in his chest ripped him clean in two veertically. He collapsed and his arm was released. As it fell, shards buried inside it began to vibrate before the whole arm exploded, showering most of the remaining humans that had not ran away with bits of bone. Mike took a large portion of the blast but was spared from the shrapnell. The vector inspected the damage. It was not a burning explosion but more of a force one. Two ribs were cracked, and there was some internal bruising. they deemed Mike still fit to fight as they surveyed the carnage. Zeke was picking himself from the floor after he had predicted the arms blast radius and leapt to safety. He glanced at Mike and saw he was completely out of it. He too looked at the fallen crowd. Dead. The lot of them. But from judging the one who made the explosion it was not their end. Not yet.

"They get stronger" Spoke the vectors through Mike's mouth. "Now it begins"

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Schazer Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! Round 5: Monte Casino
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit laughed as his life returned. It had all returned, the instant he called luck's name.
For Whit, in that instant, something in his mind clicked, or snapped, and a voice became louder than ever.
"No, no, no, no! You can't do that, you can't... Trust..." the skull seemed to have a hard time saying it's next words. " you can't trust something... That... Is..."

"Luck, right?" Whit muttered, his mind clear.
At that moment, the voice of reason, echoing in Noah's skull, left Whit.

It was replaced by a new reason, something Itzal had helped bring about. Things were not restricted to the material, the sensible. Even though Whit had been at the limits of his body and mind many times, and even broke them, he was still here, alive. Why? Because those were only his physical limits. Beyond them, beyond what he could see or hear, there was something- a fate- that he was just as connected to as he was to his body, something... Great. Something with limits so distant, that it accomidated for Whit's personal, human limits. Although he was never sure, he always had the feeling that the world turned in his favor- and now, he was certain of it. His luck, his fate, bent the world beneath him, and carried him above it. It was all... Perfectly sensible.

Whit's poker face dropped immediately, giving way to a wide smile. He was certain of it now, that he would win in this poker game with his life riding it. Entirely, absolutely certain.

Whit noticed the ante was At 3%, now. Of course, to him it hardly mattered- but in made his path to winning a little faster. Simpicity would be best... He took out Itzal's knife. As the cards were dealt, Whit caught the first card, slid it under the next card, and impaled them both. It was odd thing to do, an action reserved only for the most parinoid, but nothing entirely illegal, as long as he was gracious enough to buy a few decks later. Of course, there was no parinoia in this action, only comprehension of facts and what looked like recklessness. He never looked at the cards at all, only locked them in place. Now, the cards could not be switched, but in turn, could never be looked at. Whit then went all in again. Whit smiled at Itzal.

"I realized... I never needed anything else in the first place."

Choices, choices. Itzal wasn't entirely sure what Whit was trying to pull, but probability was infinitely against him. Since Whit had put his cards down, giving away any right to force the game along, Itzal had all the time in the world. With it, Itzal could pick and choose any card to teleport, and create the best possible hand. However, slight doubt set in when Itzal thought about going all in as well. Itzal was going to get the best hand... But what if that hand contained one of the two cards Whit had impaled? Itzal couldn't be absolutely sure... It folded.

Whit grinned as his percent went up slightly, and repeated his action- impaling the cards without looking. He didn't need to look, he just needed to make a window for his luck to shine through. Even 3% at a time, Whit knew he'd win eventually, because the cards would always fall in line of his fate.
