Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal dropped into a tunnel near the top. It decided this should allow it easy access to the top if it needed, but provides significantly more cover than standing on top. As it went through to the inside of the hoodoo it recognized a familiar black shape rising through the air. Itzal drew out one of its hoodoo shards, took careful aim, and threw the crystal shard with utmost precision. It flew silently through the air, before striking Grimm and lodging itself deep in its side.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike stopped to rest, laying agains't the hard rock.
"Phew, man, I would kill for some stairs..."
He chuckled to himself, and continued climbing.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke finally caught his breath and began pacing around the top of the Hoodoo. He was thankful for being the first one to make it, giving him a chance to at the very least relax a bit. He glanced down in the middle hole of the Hoodoo, the mist was rising alot faster now. He figured he would be safe from the mist all the up here.
however there was still the contestants to think about, they'll soon be here no doubt and eager to be the only one to be on the top.
Zeke was ready for a fight, he was no longer hindered by the bad enviroment, he wasn't effected by the magic of the tower. He was in his own element here, a good advantage. Zeke confidently paced the Hoodoo. eagerly awaiting someone to make it up.

Mist: 20M

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Grimm was at around 73m when it happened. He was stabbed by something that flew through the air, and he was falling. Fast. Meter after meter, he crashed into the side of the hoodoo. "Crap, I was close too." Grimm rubbed the spot where he was stabbed, and ripped the shard out. "Argh!" Grimm fainted.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit Collapsed. He was fairly fit, sure, but humans weren't made for this kind of exertion. Laying on his back, gasped heavily. He wanted to yell, wanted to blame something, but he couldn't speak. Instead, he thought about his situation. The fog had risen at an unreasonable pace, and it had already overlapping his progress.

I can't do it...

The obvious made itself clear to him. He wasn't going to be able to get to the top like this... he had already lost. He closed his eyes...

And remembered what he was doing. He was playing for his life, this could be his last game... but he definitely didn't want it to be. Whit focused, organizing his thoughts. He was roughly 30 meters from the top, and the fog was roughly 30 meters away. There was no chance to climb the distance... He thought of other factors. Even if he had an ally, they were all probably further up than he was. He thought about what he was climbing, the Hoodoo. What was it, besides an obstacle? Well, it was magic. Ah, he thought. Someone must have reached the top, and the fog must have risen faster as a result. His thoughts drifted to the God's words. Safety lay at the top... What defined the top? The top was the highest point...

Whit smiled. there was no way he could win, with the odds stacked against him. The only way to change his fortune, he knew, was to scramble those odds. It was time to take a risk.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal watched Grimm fall. It smiled, even though the smile was unseen. These crystals could prove to be quite the advantage. Carrying them around would probably impact his shape shifting, but the potential was too good to pass up. It went back to work harvesting the crystals, gluing shards to his daggers, creating daggers out of the crystals, etc. It has been provided with a effective attack against the more dangerous opponents, and it was not going to let this opportunity go to waste.

Itzal: 73m, tunnel

mist: 28

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Sruixan Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Whit needed the highest point to be close, but not too close. If it were too close, he'd probably be killed by the falling rocks. He did a little quick guesswork in his head, and decided where it seemed weak. Looking around, he found a platform below him that jutted out, and could provide the angle he needed, which was, luckily, next to a tunnel.
A few moments later, Whit was crouched on the platform. He looked down. The fog had risen more... It was roughly 20 m from his location. Still, this was bearable. Soon, he'd have the chance to reach the top. He drew the godgun, and pointed at the previously found point. He pulled the trigger. A violent wave ripped through the air and smashed into the wall, puncturing it and collapsing a hole. The Hoodoo shook. Zeke jumped slightly at the impact, and thought it was another one of Itzal's tricks. Itzal stumbled, suddenly wary that something might ruin his plans. Grimm, Mike, Gadget and Kiren were lower and only heard the sound and felt slight vibrations, but all realized that something similar had happened previously. Whit pulled the trigger a few more times fearlessly, but nothing happened. Suddenly, the gun worked again, smashing next to the previous he. Whit had finally discovered the delay. It would be trouble later on, he figured, but didn't worry about it. It was a minor issue at the moment. His Mortality suddenly made itself clear, and Whit's legs shook. The fear was taking hold of him, but he released it through words.

"fall, damnit, fall! This entire stucture is in my hands, and I will bend it! This entire round, I will turn it on it's head! I won't be trapped by something so willless!"

His words had no meaning to anyone, anything but himself. His obsessions, his desires, his ego slipped out, driving his fear out at the same time. Rocks dropped down, in larger and larger pieces. Whit narrowly dodged one, the adreneline sharpening his focus. He was bringing the structure down, down to a height he could reach.


God Yifan: "haha! Oh Whit, what a character he is. He's not much of a fighter, but he sure does big things! See, giving him that gun was a fun idea. Don't you think so, Composer? Haha!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike witnessed Grimm collapse into the rockface above him. The shard he had been stabbed with fell, bouncing down and passing him.
Mike noted that it was made of the same rock that was weakening him.
'So, the shadow is also weak to this rock. Others might too. I see, I see.'
That's when he felt the tremor, and heard the explosion of force.
He looked up to see shards flying everywhere, and ducked inside to get a better view.
As he climbed through, he looked up again to see the second explosion.
He could tell that was Whit's gun. The force, the sound. It all pointed to him.
He gazed down and searched for any sign of Whit.
He found him. Deeper down that he had expected. The fog was climbing, and he choosing to shoot rather than run.
Mike chuckled to himself and sat back in the tunnel.
'This fool think's he can bend the rules? Dumbass. Sure, getting to the "top" would help you, but the round, and presumably the fog, only stops when we kill someone. It's going to catch up with him sooner or later...'
Mike thought back to the shadow creature outside.
'Hmm. As much as I wanted to avoid him, killing him nw would be in my favor'
He climbed back out and headed for Grimm's body.

fog: 33M

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal was busily assembling an arsenal of hoodoo weaponry when the wall next to it exploded. It flinched away from the shrapnel, bringing its cloak up to protect against the blast. Still, shrapnel embedded itself in Itzals face. The area directly around the shrapnel was numbed, but it had no other impact beyond the superficial damage. Itzal stumbled to the outside of the hoodoo, trying to pick crystals out of its face. It sat on an outer ledge, and started digging the pieces out of its face. Sensation began to return to the area where it removed the pieces. Holding the hoodoo crystals only had a minor effect, but having it embedded inside you seemed to magnify its effects greatly. Itzal heard other blasts as more chunks of the hoodoo were destroyed. Below was the fog, above was Zeke, and here was mysterious explosions. Its choices for refugees is rapidly narrowing.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Getting up was very difficult without anybody's help, but Gadget managed to ascend 8 meters without help. After a long time, anyway. The fog was approaching at a notable pace, but at an even faster pace were Cobra and Whir. After a while, they finally approached.
"Cobra! Great! I've been kind of having trouble getting up. Um, Whir, I must say, I'm surprised you went to help him out."

"Somewhat. Your pal isn't very nice."
"I, uh, I tried to be nice. I still don't trust anybody in this place!"
"Yeah, well... anyway, Cobra, you look hurt. I've got some medical supplies in my backpack and- hey, they're already open!"
"I already took some gauze out. Cobra here wasn't getting very far without it, the, um..." Whir looked at Cobra. He had no reason to keep insulting. The atmosphere of the whole battle had really been getting to him. People who wanted to kill his best friend.
"Alright. Cobra, you can use what you need. I'll look up to see what the easiest way to climb would be. I'm, uh, I'm going to need your help with that. I'm not very good at this whole thing."
"Okay, that sounds good to me."
Cobra started applying various medical supplies to himself, to tend to his various wounds. Gadget surveyed the route with the best footholds, and overall ease.

Whir meanwhile was thinking. Why was he showing such hostility? While Cobra may become an enemy in the future, he was in the present. For now, he was an ally. A powerful one, even. Gadget had no trouble getting along with others. What was his own problem?
So he took a simple start.

"I'm sorry."
"I've been an asshole, and you've been pretty helpful this whole time. To Gadget and to me. And I've realized, it's not going to help me by actively trying to make enemies. As far as I care, you're my ally. No, you're my friend. Just like Gadget. As long as this battle goes on, I don't plan on fighting you. ...Truce?"
Cobra was slightly offset by this. It wasn't the same kind of Whir that was shouting insults all the way up. He seemed to show some new resolve.

"Okay, I think I've figured it out. The fog is rising pretty quickly now, so we had better hurry. Supposedly the top is safe."

Gadget, Whir, Cobra: 50 m

Fog: 36m
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

"Thanks for the supplies, Gadget, I really appreciate it."

"Hmm? Oh, it's no problem. Let's just get to the top."

"Sounds like a plan."

Gadget, Whir and Cobra ascended more quickly now. After treating his head, Cobra felt much more energized. And he was in much less pain. He even managed to transform into his half wolf form and carry Gadget up for a few meters, until the hoodoo started interfering with his transformation. Nevertheless, they were making headway. Cobra was quite pleased with the truce that Whir had offered him. He was never the enemy-making type, regardless of his warring skills. Cobra spotted Grimm a little ways up, and noticed that the top of the hoodoo was partially damaged.

"Hey, Gadget, who do you think did that?"

"I don't know, and I don't really want to find out, to be honest."

They kept climbing, their legs beginning to ache, Cobra's head throbbing every once in a while, but they kept climbing. Eventually they came to a much steeper area, and had to help each other up on the 'platforms' every once in a while. Countless times, Cobra slipped, Gadget barely catching him, and vice versa, Gadget falling, Cobra catching him. Finally they made it to a large, flat plateau and rested for a little bit.

Cobra, Whir, Gadget; 60m (not too big of a jump, I don't think)

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke was startled by the sudden vibrations, bracing himself so that he wouldn't fall. He briefly wondered who could do this. Theoretically any of the contestants could of been behind it, but the magic draining properties of this tower narrowed the selection down a bit.

The only person with enough power to take down an entire tower without magic would be Whit, or more acurately, his gun.
"Fool, he'll kill us all, including himself if he keeps this up."

75M. Fog: 40M
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal decided that there was too much danger going on without someone blowing up half the hoodoo. It went back through the tunnel and looked carefully for the source of the damage. After a bit it spotted Whit. The fog was getting close to him. After a brief deliberation, Itzal went back to the tunnel, then ran back out to the edge, and leapt into space. It put out the folds of the cloak to catch the wind, shape shifted so it caught the air and slowed and guided his decent. It was a bit draining, but not nearly as much as becoming a bird had been. It guided itself down, heading for Whit.

Whit looked up and spotted Itzal descending towards him, and raised the god gun to fire at him. It did not fire, it was still within its cooldown period. He frantically kept pulling the trigger, hoping that it would fire, but Itzal hit him, knocking the gun out of his grasps and knocking him to the floor. The god gun skittered across the ground, stopping at the edge of the ledge. Itzal stood over Whit, and drew his daggers.

Itzal and Whit: 48m
fog:41 m

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit rolled to the side and swung the Godgun back into his hand. then, he realized that Itzal was standing too close to the wall, and shooting so low would be dangerous. He recognized his opponent though, and let his mouth run like usual, while drawing a pistol.

"You Know! I had come up with the perfect game, but we can't play it anymore!"

"I don't care, this is not the place or time for games. Stop your nonsense."
Itzal flung a dagger and hopped to the side, putting a slight protrusion between itself and Whit. The dagger lodged itself in Whit's coat, but the weakened Itzal could not throw it with enough force to go any further.

"I agree, I agree, but I'm not playing either. Well, maybe I am, but I'm playing for my life!"

Whit was slightly distracted by the dagger, but was reassured by the fact it hadn't damaged him. He held the pistol in the direction of Itzal, but had not fired. Something about it's action seemed off. It was usually... more grand then this. He thought back to what Grimm had said, about the sapping property of the rocks. Then, he realized what situation Itzal was in.

"Hah, You're always playing around too! Too bad, you've played yourself into the same place I am... literally."

A slightly wild grin drew over Whit's face.

"What do you mean?"

Itzal was uneasy; he had expected to deal with Whit quickly and efficiently, but something about him was different. He was more active, more prepared, mentally and physically. That jacket of his, it was trouble, and somehow, he had laid hands on extra weapons. Itzal was sure it could still deal with him normally, but the fact was that Itzal wasn't anywhere near top form. It decided to keep the conversation going, and readied a flashbang.

Whit drew all the information he knew about Itzal forth. it was a trickster, it used illusions, and it had a particular flair- Whit made a few connections. The fireworks from before, the flash earlier, were probably all this person. He raised his arm, just in case Itzal threw something else at him, and talked more.

"Look, the fog. It's fast. I'm not going to be able to reach the top before it reaches me. And... I don't think you will either."

Whit's smile vanished. He was entirely serious now. He pointed the gun back to the point, 10 meters above him.

"I'm changing the definition of the top. Do you really want to stop me?"

48m, both of them.
(holy shit that rose fast.)

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"It don't really care where the top is, as long as you aren't blowing it out from under me." Itzal informed Whit. Itzal suddenly made a connection. "You are the one who destroyed the Ministry of Love, aren't you? You should try firing that gun at one of your opponents, not just the scenery. Though don't think I'm not ready for you to try firing it at me." Itzal quickly tried to access its situation. The glide down here had weakened it more than it had expected, and it certainly did not think it could climb faster than that fog. However, if he could recover some more strength, he might be able to finish Whit off, and end the round. It needed to stall for time. "Out of curiosity, what game did you come up with? Whoever could get to the top fastest?"
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.


Whit felt deja vu. Weren't they in a similar situation before? Only this time, he had an upper hand.


He pulled the trigger. The Hoodoo began cracking, and larger and larger rocks fell.

"I wanted to play Chicken. You know, with the fog. But no, that wont work anymore, the fog is inescapable."

Whit looked up, admiring his handiwork. The rocks fell from the sky, but most of them were falling on the inside. Rocks pattered against the platform he stood on.

"Looks like one more will do it. If you want to live, could you go away? I don't really feel safe like this. We can play a game... Another time."

Fog: 42, still.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

"Leave? And go where? I am not going to be able to climb upwards, and you know as well as I that going down is a bad idea. If it makes you feel better, we can declare a truce. I don't have anything against you."

Fog: 43

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

"If you can't climb, fly or something. It doesn't matter if you're tired, or your magic is drained! Put everything you have into it! This is your life, isn't it? You don't get another one."

Whit fired the last shot. The Hoodoo top began to fall towards Whit's side. Whit walked into the tunnel, never looking away from Itzal.

"Truce, huh? Maybe."

fog, still 43

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 2: The Hoodoo
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke tried to maintain his balance as the land he was standing on lost integrity. A large crack formed round the top 15 metres or so of the Hoodoo. The crsytaline tower slowly but surely leaned to on side. "Hmth, this will be interesting."

The top part of the tower fell, Zeke began to run to the side as the top turned as it fell. He makes a leap for the tower that remained , embeding his gauntlets into the tower to slow down his decent. He quickly ducked into a tunnel, rolling to break his fall, he glanced down outside to see the fog eat up the remainder of the top. He then saw two familiar figures. Itzal and Whit.
Whit had a mad glare in his eye, keeping hold on Itzal while he continued to fire into the tower.

"Fall more, more!"
Itzal just stood there, dagger in hand, it looked like he wasn't going to stop him.

Zeke jumped climbed down, out of sight of the two contestants, once he was about only 5 M above them, Zeke coughed loudly, drawing the attention of Whit and Itzal. "So. This was your grand plan? Bring the tower to you?"
"Ha! Its working isn't it?" Whit pointed his God gun towards Zeke, he lazily jumped down to Whit's level.

"Barely. Its hardly a plan at all, more like a child with a power rush.""Shut up."
"Please. You think you're all powerful now because of that toy? Spare me. You are all far to reliant on your fancy gadgets and your magic enchantments." Zeke crossed his arms, slowly walking towards Whit.
"But look at me. Just a run of the mill human, beat you all to the top. No magic. No devices. No curses. My strengh comes from training Whit. Not from some trinkit of the Gods."

"I said SHUT UP!" Whit fires his God Gun at zeke, he is hit by the huge invisble force as it carries him to the other side of the Hoodoo. Zeke smashes into the wall and lands heavily on the ground, colapsing a bit.

"This is my game! Not yours! I never lose Zeke! Im not going to start now!"

Zeke begins to softly laugh, much to Whits bemuzement. He then gets back on his feet, brushing some dust off his sholder. "Allow me, to demonstrate true power."
Zeke dashes towards Whit, who brings his God Gun back up and fires another round. Zeke pre-emts this and dashes to the side before Whit fires. Zeke runs towards Whit with his blades still away and punches Whit directly in the face.

Whit reels as Zeke straightens his gloves "How weak." Zeke follows up with a barrage of punches and kicks, they are far to fast for Whit to even get away, let alone fight back.
Meanwhile Itzal watched from afar, while he did declare a truce, this was a golden moment to pit two of his enimies together and finish off the tired winner.

Zeke finishes off his brutal assault with a swift uppercut, knocking Whit off his feet. Zeke straed at the bloodied up face of Whit drawing his blades. "You gambled with your life Whit." He pointed towards him. "You just lost."

The new top: 62M
Zeke: 48M
Fog: 45M
