Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

18 ish
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Kiren and Youso: Approved. [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]

2/8. We could be a while until things get started up, so... go dancing?
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

meh, we're just waiting for the other folks to get online.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:18 ish
"Ish" is so versatile, isn't it?

Schazer Wrote:Kiren and Youso: Approved. [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]

2/8. We could be a while until things get started up, so... go dancing?
[img]images/smilies/weasel.gif[/img] PARTYHARDPARTYHARDPARTYHARD
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

meh, we're just waiting for the other folks to get online. BTW why does everyone shorten my username to either you or youso? Like a couple months have passed since my b-day but not many.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Because yousodumb immediately comes out as an insult (to my mental vocalisations of the written word, anyway.)
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:meh, we're just waiting for the other folks to get online. BTW why does everyone shorten my username to either you or youso? Like a couple months have passed since my b-day but not many.
Yyyyaaay for bday's! Mine was on the 8th. Highfive!
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

suddenly, a hand reaches though my computer screen, not knowing what else to do, I give it a high five.

yousodumb is only an insult if you view yourself as dumb.
Re: Battle Royale! (Or the blatant Grand Battle Clone)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Lord, that was an interesting phenomenon. It was as if somebody had just highfived me, but there's nobody here... Oh well.

(To author of thread, and any others questioning this: IF it's ok, I'm going to *attempt* to begin a small roleplay to pass the time)

You are a small mouse, living in constant fear of the house cat.

Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

construct an incredibly complex device to kill the cat, the device should make Goldberg proud.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

You don't have to fill up the thread with useless posts.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

cyber95 Wrote:You don't have to fill up the thread with useless posts.
Well, no... But... It provides for entertainment.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

And it looks to me like it's just going to end up as a lot of unnecessary thread clutter.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Alright, to alleviate any unnecessary thread clutter, we should all temporarily migrate to this thread; viewtopic.php?f=35&t=4943

*cough*No, I didn't make that thread*cough*
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

If you're gonna rp, I'd rather you rp'd as the Creators. Like so:
[background=#80BFFF:2lgcgq2u]The Composer welcomed its first two contributors into its own bit of multiverse.

Greetings, Kiren, You. I trust you found beings from your realms worthy of this fight?[/background:2lgcgq2u]

Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Schazer Wrote:If you're gonna rp, I'd rather you rp'd as the Creators. Like so:
[background=#80BFFF:29g8sqy3]The Composer welcomed its first two contributors into its own bit of multiverse.

Greetings, Kiren, You. I trust you found beings from your realms worthy of this fight?[/background:29g8sqy3]
Only one. His name is Cobra, I have seen him do many mass battles with countless foes, and he has always triumphed over any that opposed him.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

we feel it necessary don't we Kiren17? Oh and cyber just for you,

[Image: zeta010.jpg?t=1255424425]

The young Nicholas award, you get it for being awesome by putting up with my shenanigans. wear it with pride.

oh yes, I believe that this one will serve your purposes quite nicely. "what, who, where am I?" *whack!*
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

yousodumb Wrote:we feel it necessary don't we Kiren17? Oh and cyber just for you,

[Image: zeta010.jpg?t=1255424425]

The young Nicholas award, you get it for being awesome by putting up with my shenanigans. wear it with pride.

oh yes, I believe that this one will serve your purposes quite nicely. "what, who, where am I?" *whack!*
[img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img] I feel fuzzy inside :3
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

yes, yes you get one too. Kiren17, I present you with,

[Image: zeta001.jpg?t=1255424963]

The Zeta Chris award! for no other reason than that you are awake at this ungodly hour.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

IT IS an ungodly hour! 2 AM and I didn't even know it! HOOZAH!
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

k guys, for serious please stop cluttering up my thread with awards of congratulation for each other. We do have chat clients dontcha knkow.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

i'll put in a spoiler from now on.


Night all.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Username: cyber95

Player name: Gadget Solune

Race: Chib. The Chib race is small, with almost cartoonish proportions. Every member of the Chib race possesses a power, and it varies between individuals. These range from ultra powerful to mildly useful, and no two have the exact same power.

Gender: Male

Post colour: #0080FF

Weapon/Equipment: His backpack carries plenty of tools for building small creations, usually mechanical. Also his creation/friend, Whir.

Abilities: The power to give life and sentience. Basically he can give near anything a soul. Whir, a small robotic creation of his, is an example of this. What he gives life to doesn't have to be robotic, he just prefers that due to the ability to customize it easily. If he so wished, he could give a piece of cloth, or a stuffed animal sentience. For the first hours of a new soul's life, it has to live off of Gadget's spirit, though. After that it's life becomes it's own, but having too many souls relying on him at once can be extremely exhausting.

[Image: gadget.png]
His left eye and left arm are cybernetic. Steel toed boots, and armor on his torso, knees, and shoulders. To the right of the picture is Whir.
Gadget has a mostly upbeat personality. He will always try his hardest to do what he believes is right. He loves the idea of the fearless hero type, who never lets evil tarnish his thoughts, and tries his hardest to be like that, even if he hasn't completely gotten the entire 'fearless' thing down. Still, his bravery is admirable for a race as squishy as his.

Bio: Gadget grew up most of his life not knowing his power. In order to compensate for his lack of apparent ability, he spent a lot of time researching and dabbling in technology. By the time he reached adulthood, he had trained himself to have great mechanical and technological prowess. Yet, he was still unsatisfied. His power had never become apparent to him. While his friends had the ability to become a Chib fireball soaring through the sky, or conjure up storms, he still had none of this. He was told that it didn't matter, that he already showed more than enough talent to keep up, but it still wasn't enough for him.

Deciding to reflect on everything he had done, Gadget went to his home to look at his own personal gallery of achievements. He knew he was good. Somewhere inside him was something that was trying to tell him "You don't need any more. You're already great." He didn't listen, of course. He picked up one of his first creations, the Whir Heli-Grapple. A simple device, yes, but he poured his heart and soul into it's creation. Into all of his creations. He could almost feel the life in the device.
And then he could entirely feel the life in the device. After staring at it, the propeller started whirring around. And then it spoke to him.
Gadget had found his power.
Gadget was finally happy.

He spent the next few years practicing his abilities on various old devices of his, and creating new devices simply to use his power on. There were a few... accidents involved, which resulted in his cybernetic implants. However, many of these sentient devices were popular around his world, and most of them were sold off soon after creation, but the Whir stayed with him. The two were essentially best friends. Nothing tore them apart.

Not even being pulled into a battle without any consent.

Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


HEHEHE. REserved for later edit when I gets me some idears.
Re: Battle Royale! 6 Spots Free!
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Username: Lankie

Player name: Zeke

Race: Human

Gender: male

Post colour: #400080

Weapon/Equipment: Retractable blades from gauntlets and boots.

Abilities: Incredibly acrobatic and speedy. effectively like a ninja. ( I know, pretty cliche)

Description: Zeke is a tall man with a pale complexion, Black spikey hair and piercing green eyes. Wears a light blue t-shirt, dark green jacket and jeans. More importantly wears archaic metal Guantlets and boots, contained within them retractable blades which extend to 1.5 feet. He has a metal mask covering most of his mouth. Personality wise he is very calm and collected, a man of few words. Rarely shows any emotion.

Bio: Zeke grew up as an orphan in a small village. It was here up until he was 10 that he was trained in the art of ninjutsu. However when the small village refused to meet the demands of the Nelo Rose Empire, it was torched down by Alexander himself. Zeke tried to fight alexander one on one, however he was far too young and far too inexperienced, Alexander shruged off his attack effortlessly. Nevertheless he was intreaged by the small boys talent, he offered Zeke a place in his empire, where he could become 'more powerful than you could ever become here'. Zeke begrudgingly accepted and for 16 years Alexander trained him personally, becoming a fiece warrior. He is currently the 4th General of the Nelo Rose empire, Alexander sent Zeke to the battle royale so that he may become even stronger than before.