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RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Because someone has to show society that you goddamn campers you can't just go around acting like my goddamn forest is yours. Making waves isn't the actual wording of mine actually but it does kind of fit my goal? Obviously I can't reveal the actual specifics but let's say that D1 was the most profitable day for my goal related interests.

Also konec0 I would point out that granola targeted Mirdini and saw a kill, but NOT a redirection ability? Given that he sees roles I'd highly expect he'd have seen something on that front (which means Cat is lying and never hit Ix at all).
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
EBWOP: Also konec0 Cat and myw thought she had been roleblocked, not that her kill had bounced.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Unless Granola is lying and that's the third piece of the puzzle.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
everyone is lying we're actually all mafia

im lying to myself

this is the only route that makes any sense anymore ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Solaris plz actually say things relevant to game here please this game is

also we have about a RL day until day end?

okay so teams I think are possible come to uh

cat/myw/agent or cat/myw/konec0??? or cat/myw/granola??????????? (no)

or agent/pala/granooooola or agent/pala/konec0 or agent/granola/konec0???????? oh god make it stop also then where are all the third kills that should be

yeah it's either cat/myw/notpalamedes or palamedes/notcatmyw

and looking at it from gameplay perspective which is the only rational thing left two vigmasons seems waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more unlikely than an SK re: game balance like jesus

solaris you are like 100% town ("what if the check was redirected?????" - he has flavor cop info for chrissakes that's a practically worthless maf role which especially considering all this town power seems even more unlikely than dual vigmasons actually being town. Also I'm pretty sure Seedy/pilot never redirected namboto which I guess would leave theoretical mafia redirector but then why was namboto danceblocked if they could just redirect him?????


okay so like cat says she didn't shoot me but someone shot me and pala says he shot ix but uh pala a. why isn't ix dead and b. why is seedy dead

because if mafia had a redirector why was Namboto blocked instead of redirected and we already had two town redirecting roles drop so I seriously doubt there's another one of those running around so

yeah okay I give up this is getting way too winey

waaaay too winey)

solaris tell me which way to vote I just

I just can't
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
pala why does that wincon make you sound like you want town gone

Cat, while Granola might be lying that makes his ridiculous dramatic reveal back on day like... 2? I forget. One of those days. make entirely no sense
that was not a thing that scum would have done
it's over here

Pala allow me to posit this:
cD's ability went through before she died. She redirected Cat to Mirdini. However, Granola never saw this because cD would likely have visited Cat, NOT Mirdini, for her ability to work. (Like, take a look at how her role describes it. I don't think she'd need to visit Mir at all.)

and Solaris. is. probably town? unless some crazy gambit is going on??

or just somehting crazy in general because Malkyfia
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
mods when's dayend
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
@Pala: Here's what Cat had to say about Bigfoot:

(04-16-2013, 11:55 PM)Cat Wrote: »Bigfoot stopped me.
(04-17-2013, 03:04 AM)Cat Wrote: »all I know is that I saw bigfoot and apparently freaked out and was scared away?

It was *me* who proposed Bigfoot might be a roleblocker, and how that would be ridiculous because it implied 3 blockers. myw actually thought I was lying about that:

(04-17-2013, 04:36 PM)myw Wrote: »Id rather think there were two role blockers and youre lying about something, but I can't confirm that, koneco.

soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeeeeeeaaaaaah......

Mirdini who did you visit on previous nights?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
dragons rings only lets me split into to and have two results in the night afaik

there isnt another redirector and we know that mirdini wasnt redirectors because if he's lying about his wincondition which i invesitagated him for he'd be counterclaimed because redirecteded

i still think it is catmyw/? because ignoring all of this stuff about town power and balance and who gives a shit basically all of the complex stuff is coming from their direction and complexity means uncertatinty and panic and getting shit wrong and what is it mylo oh yea ok

i dont think we have multiple vigs and moofio and siikills because that feels like a world where rn doesnt really matter and town probably loses anyway
l o l

votals are funny tho in that they tell us very little rn

anyway id say vote mywy because assuming somehow it isnt palacatsomeone else we'll probably wake up to me and pala dead or something
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
@Mir/Solaris: If we're positing cat/myw, what do you think happened last night w.r.t. to the two kills?
Like. What went down.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
*softly weeping*

(04-20-2013, 04:57 PM)konec0 Wrote: »mods when's dayend


(04-20-2013, 05:03 PM)konec0 Wrote: »Mirdini who did you visit on previous nights?

I suffer from a total lack of effort and also expecting the apparent mafia block to just keep happening to the cop and thus me needing protect the other claimed info role

N1: Para - because his shenanigans were the second-best after mine imo (well seedyart and solarisnake come close but also this was soon after madmaf ended iirc? iunno it's been a whiiiiiile)
N2: Para
N3: Para
N4: Para
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Must've missed that.
5PM in which timezone tho =I
Eagle Time?

RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Malky's timezone is EST.

I'd do votals here but I don't think they've changed since last time?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Day ends aboot 22 hours from now.

I'm going into a programming coma so I probably won't be back until 38 hours so the last things I'm just going to repeat all the little things I've said in short form and maybe like 1 or 2 new things?

The choices are me and cat vs palamendes, since there are both claims contradict.

Yeah our mason thing sounds weird and I kinda regret putting it out there but I figured it would be better to be honest from the start than explain why I know cat is innocent later.

Miri shouldn't you at least kinda favor cat, since you basically confirmed her as vig regardless of all the random ass blocking and maybe brainwashing that took place?

Solaris I dont follow your logic for lynching me but if your talking about a no lynch, it'll be either me or cat dead since vigs are pretty dangerous and we have a fairly obvious target(It's pal)

If a no lynch happens, Konec0 (Since you're probably definitely not scum) try to block whoever you think is the other blocker- I only read the day starts and ends so I really don't know who it is, I assume its Granola? But really I don't know. What is agent again, even? I don't know what his thing does.

Else, I seriously stand by the lack of bear markings (enough to draw pheonix wright) on the extra dead people as proof Palamendes is scum because it seems like a flavoring text that you'd put in if you had a bear killer, and Malky does put a little flavor so it doesn't have the excuse of being absent.

That's all Lynch palamendes
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I confirmed her as having a kill that does not mean she is a vig and you just being a broken record on that mark is nngh

also lack of bear murdertimes means nothing look at seedy's death flavor?

"and wso with trepidation you look around for bodies.

YOU FIND SEEDY....OH...NO.............."

basically 0 flavor there. Which makes sense! Anacreon was a bear-finder, if the bear-killings were obvious flavor Palamedes would've been pretty screwed from the get-go by anacreon-role, which would be rather unfair for an SK?

eurgh that is not a convincing enough post to make me want to lynch pala over you and also solaris is in with me on it so ????

really honestly I guess we need agent here if a lynch is to happen since I'm pretty sure cat is not going to lynch her scumbuddy bleh
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
mir what IS w/ you and solaris also

(04-20-2013, 05:09 PM)konec0 Wrote: »@Mir/Solaris: If we're positing cat/myw, what do you think happened last night w.r.t. to the two kills?
Like. What went down.

still waitin'
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
vote: palamedes

I think seedy redirected my ability to dratini last night. If that's true, all of the problems are solved EXCEPT where the kill on seedy came from and why pala's kill on Ix didn't go through.

So... I think those two are connected.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Hey Look, The Votals Changed

Myw -2 (Mirdini, Solaris)
Cat - 2 (Palamedes, Granolaman)
Palamedes - 2 (Myw, Cat)

Deadline is tentatively 5 PM EST on Sunday, April 21st. With 8 alive, it takes five to lynch. There is no soft lynch.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Maybe an NL is best. Then I'll be able to kill Pala tonight anyway.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-20-2013, 04:56 PM)konec0 Wrote: »pala why does that wincon make you sound like you want town gone
Because uh

You do remember my role right? How a SK wins?

(04-20-2013, 04:56 PM)konec0 Wrote: »Pala allow me to posit this:
cD's ability went through before she died. She redirected Cat to Mirdini. However, Granola never saw this because cD would likely have visited Cat, NOT Mirdini, for her ability to work. (Like, take a look at how her role describes it. I don't think she'd need to visit Mir at all.)
Well she still has to directly target him, so if you didn't count it based on the roleflavour then things get into a tricky spot entirely (what do we count what don't we count etc. because a couple other dropped roles don't specifically 'visit' their targets ever either). That's all mod shit though which could technically go any way.

Now I'll posit something back at you konec0:
1) Why would seedy, who by every right likely believed Cat a SK like the rest of you, choose to direct her towards Mirdini when she stated a couple of times that she found me more suspicious?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
EBWOP: Also a no-lynch would be terrible for town.

I mean, scum blocks me, scum kills someone else (probably Mirdini/Solaris/konec0) and we're literally back at this exact same spot but instead we're at LYLO and one of the stronger townfirms/important power roles (if konec0 takes the bullet) is gone.

I am good lynching either Cat or myw at this point and will settle for nothing less.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 12:21 AM)konec0 Wrote: »mir what IS w/ you and solaris

(04-20-2013, 04:41 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »solaris you are like 100% town ("what if the check was redirected?????" - he has flavor cop info for chrissakes that's a practically worthless maf role which especially considering all this town power seems even more unlikely than dual vigmasons actually being town. Also I'm pretty sure Seedy/pilot never redirected namboto which I guess would leave theoretical mafia redirector but then why was namboto danceblocked if they could just redirect him?????

solaris is the one person I can be 100% convinced is town here (I think? Am I missing something?) You're also pretty goddamn likely town but I could see an edge case where you have a choice between two block flavors or some wacky shit like that? Was there ever a night where people claimed circus AND dance blocked?

(04-20-2013, 05:09 PM)konec0 Wrote: »@Mir/Solaris: If we're positing cat/myw, what do you think happened last night w.r.t. to the two kills?
Like. What went down.

(04-20-2013, 04:41 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »okay so like cat says she didn't shoot me but someone shot me and pala says he shot ix but uh pala a. why isn't ix dead and b. why is seedy dead

because if mafia had a redirector why was Namboto blocked instead of redirected and we already had two town redirecting roles drop so I seriously doubt there's another one of those running around so

short answer: I have no clue

long answer: I have no fuckin' clue

hell if we're positing cat/myw are legit town and palamedes is presumably lying cat's scenario makes sense except then how did myw/cat get masoned why did it suddenly happen only last night? I don't think that was ever answered cat sort of just waves it away after pala asks about it in #115?

yeah wait really how

(04-17-2013, 11:53 PM)myw Wrote: »Guy, then anecron, then agent (Bad vibes this time), solaris, agent again.

because it wasn't myw straight shooting cat and if seedy redirected cat it wasn't a redirection role (mafia redirection makes no sense anyway because of aforementioned nambotothing? This is where I abandoned reasoning earlier because trying to guess whether/why maf would roleblock rather than redirect namboto opens a huge kettle of wine?)

this is sort of a huge hole? like I am getting comfortable with my vote here not going to lie

it still leaves the question of how cat saw me, pala apparently tried and failed to kill ixmyw and a kill still somehow hit seedy

which I have nooooooo clue as to


no that's some buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullshit if it's true

I'd almost expect it out of a malkygame though?

jesus I need to go check my flavor
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
am I wrong here or has the flavor this game been more revealing than you'd usually expect?

this may or may not be really relevant
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 05:45 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »Now I'll posit something back at you konec0:
1) Why would seedy, who by every right likely believed Cat a SK like the rest of you, choose to direct her towards Mirdini when she stated a couple of times that she found me more suspicious?

Hm good poi-

"I guess I could see you as scum Pala (especially if Agent is scum because yesterday). maybe Mirdini? Mirdini has been sort of eh and sticks out like a sore thumb and I feel like there should be at least one experienced player on there and you and/or him are most likely"

"you could be hellbussing each other but townPala is more likely than that? hmh"

*goes after Mirdini D5*

I think it's clear (after Boogey got lynched) that cD thought Mir was more likely to be scum. So:

[Image: 0y6Q9yT.png]

This is just about the only possibility that makes any sense anymore. If you're willing to come up with something else, which I've asked for MULTIPLE TIMES and not gotten, you're free to do so.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-21-2013, 06:21 AM)Mirdini Wrote: »this is sort of a huge hole?

and Pala's kill literally spontaneously disappearing isn't?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
also i guess that image was larger than I accounted for
sorry =I
permission to edit that out