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04-13-2013, 08:53 AM
((At least give me an' Dan Richardson/yd12k time so i can see this mysterious machine problem he has.
You can tentatively put Ryan down as helping with Dan's machine problems.))
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04-13-2013, 09:06 AM
Mavis is satisfied nobody on the streets is going to bother her; bundled up in a wool hat and a shawl and nice lambskin-lined leather gloves, she finally emerges from her house and makes tracks to Mr. Deveaux's.
Taking the time at the door to reacclimatise after the mountain evening air, Mavis finally hangs her layers on a coathook and heads to the counter, where she greets the barkeep and leaves some coin on the counter.
"Evening, Jason. A glass of your house red, please."
Pleasantries dealt with, she goes to her favourite seat with the nice lamp and pulls a book out of her pocket.
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04-13-2013, 01:19 PM
Violet watches Lilith walk off with a sigh. She supposed she had work to do. She got up, going over to Entilliumn and tapping him on the shoulder. "You made quite the mess today, don't you think? I'm going to go back and clean up the kitchen and close up shop. Feel free to come back whenever you like." Violet gives a polite wave to Camile and heads back to the restaurant to clean the place up for tomorrow.
(This is just me assuming that they work in the same place. Cause their jobs are similar. I don't know.)
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04-13-2013, 02:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2013, 02:48 PM by Entilliumn.)
Entilliumn realizes that the Tea Social had lasted all day. He turns to Camille.
"Well. It seems to me that this week's Whatever. It was a hit!"
He Bows his head to Camille and walks out. He remembers that he has to put up a sign about some new changes to the restaurant. He moseys on over to the restaurant and pulls out a sign talking about the Lobsterfest that he was hosting. He puts it up near the middle of the town. He looks around and decides that it would be best helping Violet clean up. Don't want to get on anybody's bad side. He heads toward the restaurant
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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04-13-2013, 05:37 PM
I guess I can extend it until I'll get most of the actions.
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04-13-2013, 06:17 PM
John Holtfreter complements life.
John Holtfreter decides it is time.
John Holtfreter realizes this is his destiny.
John Holtfreter cannot resist.
John Holtfreter MUST not resist.
John Holtfreter takes the dish of delicious sandwiches.
John Holtfreter goes to the library.
John Holtfreter decides to research up his family name.
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04-13-2013, 06:21 PM
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Spoiler (04-13-2013, 06:17 PM)Pharmacy Wrote: »John Holtfreter complements life.
John Holtfreter decides it is time.
John Holtfreter realizes this is his destiny.
John Holtfreter decides to research up his family name. But will he live up to his family name and face FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES?!
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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04-13-2013, 06:24 PM
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04-13-2013, 07:21 PM
The party seemed to be ending, so Jason decided to head home.
Seemed like a couple people were at the library already. He must have missed them when he was out.
Well, who was he to kick them out. Looks like the library is open late tonight.
Jason decides to keep the library open for the night, in case anybody wants to visit.
((I'm not sure if I'm allowed to take this action. Tell me if I'm doing it wrong.))
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04-13-2013, 07:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2013, 08:02 PM by Mirdini.)
Katja crawls out from underneath a mess of wiring, pipes and other mechanical bits. Wiping her hands on a nearby rag, she sighs and looks back at what she's been working on.
I just have to be missing that exact electrical socket. On Tea Social day of all days.
She supposes progress is worth risking a run-in with Camille and having to endure another half hour of "pleasant" conversation.
And thank you very much but no she is not interested in tea and sandwiches today maybe some other time.
Not to mention the incessant prying into "whatever you're doing cooped up all day in that... workshop of yours".
Not that Camille is the worst offender in the prying department. Katja has caught that Kameron fellow trying to break into her house several times already, and knowing him he'll try again soon enough.
At least the chances of running into anyone are rather slim considering she just has to swing around the block and most of the town should still be cooped up in the church or the bar.
Wrapping her greatcoat around her shoulders, she sneaks out to hurry over to Jack's store, hoping her latest order of parts has arrived.
It's only when she sees the sun on the horizon as she steps outside that she realizes she's been working all day, and that the chance of encountering unnecessary distractions is much higher than she'd anticipated.
Wavering between ducking back inside and pressing on, she eventually decides to slip into the alleyway and try to get into Jack's store from the back door. Hopefully he's learned to leave it unlocked by now.
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04-13-2013, 08:31 PM
"I know, I know, I just keep forgetting to use it, it's a habit. "
He turns and talks to Lilith.
"Good Idea, I'll see you there."
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04-13-2013, 11:53 PM
Jack, as it were, had left his back door unlocked. After all, what is a back door but an alternate entrance?
He looks absolutely delighted when Katja walks in.
"Hey there, my favourite inventor! What can I do you for Katja?"
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04-14-2013, 01:19 AM
Having sampled most everything there was to offer on the table at the party, Mildred had deduced one thing: Better produce would not go amiss.
Mildred headed back home to tend to her vegetable garden, to grow the best damn cucumbers this town had ever seen!
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04-14-2013, 05:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 06:23 PM by Coldblooded.)
Lilith notices the crowd starting to disperse from the Tea Social, so she thanks Camille for hosting such a great party yet again and makes a quick round of goodbyes to the remaining guests before heading out towards Winston's place.
But as she exits the church, Lilith sees a familiar figure in the window of the shop across the street, wearing that same old greatcoat as always. Ah, this is perfect. Maybe she'll be able to knock out all of her errands for the day without ever even leaving sight of her front door.
*SLAM* "Katja! Just the girl I was hoping to see!"
Katja doesn't look very pleased to see her at all. Lilith continues anyway.
"I've got a project for you that I need done A-S-A-P. Oh er, do excuse us for just a minute Jack."
Lilith grabs Katja by the arm and quickly ushers her into the back corner of the store, then begins whispering quietly to her.
"Alright Kat, I've got a commission for you. So there's been a lot of troubling things going on in this town lately, right? Break-ins, attacks, robberies, unwanted moppings, it's been pretty bad all around. It's supposed to be my job to make sure to keep everyone in this town safe, but I don't I can handle this all on my own. We don't even have a real jail for Christ's sake!
So anyway, what I'm thinking of here is maybe some sort of town-wide security system. I don't care about the details. If you can figure out a useful, efficient, and cost-effective way of keeping this town safe, I'll make sure that you get handsomely compensated for it. Well, what do you say?"
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04-15-2013, 07:05 PM
Last Call for actions! Quote:1. Ryan Davidson: mechanic -- helping with Dan's machine problems
2. Kameron Donnover: private investigator -- Kameron gets home, gets his gear and canvases the entire town, takes pictures of anything he finds suspicious.
3. Aiden Sparks: teacher
4. Camille Dubois: minister
5. Winston WoodRose: carpenter -- makes a wooden statue
6. Lilith Rotenburg: seamstress GOVERNESS -- I've got a commission for you. maybe some sort of town-wide security system
7. Jack Johnson: shop keeper
8. Jason Deveaux: pub owner
9. John Holtfreter: janitor -- John Holtfreter goes to the library. John Holtfreter decides to research up his family name.
10. Jason Farruse: librarian -- Jason decides to keep the library open for the night, in case anybody wants to visit.
11. Katja Ragnarsdóttir: inventor
12. Violet Wetenski: waitress -- clean up the kitchen and close up shop
13. Bill Willes: lumberjack -- missing axe miniquest
14. Dan Richardson: barber
15. Mavis Cornell: hot air balloon pilot
16. Harper Graphite: haberdasher
17. Entilliumn Eonal: cook -- e has to put up a sign about some new changes to the restaurant. He moseys on over to the restaurant and pulls out a sign talking about the Lobsterfest that he was hosting. He puts it up near the middle of the town.
18. Mildred Deft: gardener -- Mildred headed back home to tend to her vegetable garden, to grow the best damn cucumbers this town had ever seen!
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04-15-2013, 07:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 10:44 PM by Palamedes.)
"Ah, uh, okay. Just let me know if either of you need anything."
Jack decides to check his inventory, since Katja seemed busy or something. It takes a while to find out the entire stock of a new shop, should take him the day.
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SpoilerEdited to reflect the fact that Katja didn't leave like I thought because I'm an idiot.
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04-15-2013, 07:30 PM
Aiden decides to neaten up his house, it's been getting messier and messier and it's gotten out of hand. Besides, he'll probably end up finding everything he's misplaced over the last month in the piles.
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04-16-2013, 12:51 AM
Harper finally gets home later then he wanted to. Sitting down at his work desk he goes over the orders for all haberdashery that he plans to do over the night. Seeing that he has no orders he promptly goes into his personal storage and begins drinking.
((action is getting trashed i guess))
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04-16-2013, 03:08 AM
Katja isn't particularly enthused with her kidnapping, but since it's the mayor - sorry, governess - she supposes she doesn't have a choice. As far as her fellow townsfolk go Lilith isn't one she really had a problem with either, so Katja supposes she can hear the woman out.
As Lilith rattles off her offer, Katja's mind starts mapping out the town in her head, quickly considering and rejecting different approaches to securing the various houses within. She'd been thinking of setting up some more stringent measures in her house (for obvious, PI-related reasons), but building something that would secure every house in town would be a much taller order.
Almost a minute later Katja realizes Lilith has stopped talking, and is waiting patiently for the inventor's response.
"Uh. A security system is possible. Difficult though. I do not have the resources or access to ensure every home is secured tonight. Within a week, maybe. Not sure what kind of level of security you want. I can come up with a few drafts overnight and bring them by tomorrow for you to review if you would like?"
Katja then turns to Jack before Lilith has a chance to respond.
"Jack, there should have been a crate delivered today. Marked for me. Did you get it?"
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SpoilerIn case PL wants my action ASAP, I'm presumably securing supplies, heading home and securing supplies, doing inventor shenanigans in my workshop and brainstorming security designs as my day action.
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04-16-2013, 03:44 AM
"Oh yeah of course, it's just in the back."
It was a shame that Lilith caught Katja before he could properly talk with her, as he had been hoping to get her to create some interesting new gadgets and gizmos for his shop (he did so love her newfangled inventions, heck a lot of them were actually useful too). He figured that whatever task the mayoress (or was it governess?) had set her to would take priority over any new project she might have had.
Returning from the back with a rather large crate he rattled off the price of the supplies - of course giving Katja a small 'discount' as she was his favourite inventor in town.
"So what's Lilith put you up to now Katja? Some new device for her personal use again, or something for the entire town?"
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SpoilerThis is all assuming I do have the supplies of course.
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04-16-2013, 04:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 06:24 PM by Coldblooded.)
Well, that went about as well as Lilith could have hoped. She inwardly congratulates herself on a job well done.
"Yes, great! Excellent! Just go ahead and stop by my place sometime tomorrow, and we'll see if we can't figure things out..... from..... there."
Lilith realizes that Katja has left and is already well into another conversation with the shopkeep. She stands around awkwardly for a few seconds before quietly excusing herself.
Alright then, with that done, it looks like all that she has left to do today is to go check up on that statue of Winston's. She hurries across the street to his house to catch up with him.
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04-16-2013, 03:23 PM
Winston is waiting in his house for Lilith. He had already said his goodbyes to Camille and given her a farewell hug. He would've had a plate of cucumber sandwiches next to him but it seemed that someone else had already taken it, much to Winston's disappointment.
He hears a knock on the door and goes to answer it.
"Ah, Lilith so glad you could make it. The statue is in the back, follow me."
He leads her through his cluttered house full of wooden shelfs, wooden things and pictures of badgers. The house gives off a warm and happy feel. They get to a door with a sign on it which says,"Winston's Workshop". He opens it and inside is a mess of chairs, tables and some little Badger statues. Tools and wood chippings litter the floor. The smell of wood of all different kinds fills the air. They move through and then come to something tall covered with a white cloth.
"Well, here it is..."
Winston pulls the cloth off to reveal a statue of Lilith holding an Otter. It looks pretty normal for a statue, some might even say beautiful, except for the face. It looked like it had been redone countless times and now was just a simple smiley face. The otter also looks more like a badger.
"So, what do you think?"
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04-20-2013, 06:56 PM
"Er... it looks like it's coming along nicely..."
Lilith scans over the statue silently for a few more seconds.
"Well... I can't say I know much about carpentry myself, but maybe you'd be able to get the face down a bit better if you had a live model to work with? I don't really have anywhere else to be right now anyway."
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SpoilerBy my count, everybody has their day actions in now except for Slorange, Schazer, yd12k, and Paradox.
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04-20-2013, 07:29 PM
Bill files out of the church with the rest of them, muttering some half-hearted pleasantries to Camille on the way out. He swings into Jason's bar to return the empty syrup jar and grab a little something heady to drink.
Maybe he can still get some lumbering done today, but it'll be a tough go without his #9 axe.
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04-21-2013, 11:06 PM
Winston pounders for a bit.
"You know, thats a good idea! I'll get my tools!"
He rushes over to his worktable and picks up his tools. He also picks up a newly made chair and goes back over to Lilith.
"Here you go. You can sit on this. Don't want you to get too tired while I do my work, Haha!"
He then gets to work with a smile on his face.