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04-08-2013, 11:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2013, 11:28 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Kameron forcibly takes the cup of god damn tea and splashes the searing liquid all over his face to diffuse his anger.
It is not enough.
But first things first. Kameron pushes Entilliumn out of his house. No one enters his house. He's not private investigator for nothin'. He then goes back in his house, face twitching because of the hot tea. He does not notice the pain though.
He spies a church, far off, WITH TEA! More scalding tea. He puts down his binoculars and runs out the door in the direction of Camille's party.
But not before putting an iron lock on his door. No one's going to know where he put the key. No one.
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Spoiler(It's not under the mat, there is no mat anyway).
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04-08-2013, 11:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2013, 11:17 PM by Granolaman.)
Bill skulks (about as well as you'd expect from a large, noticeable man) into the pub from the back. He's running late and won't have time to eat here; he'll just have to take his flapjacks with him. He glances around the empty foodplace before finally making his presence known.
"Deveaux, it's me. Do you have the goods?"
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04-08-2013, 11:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2013, 11:17 PM by Entilliumn.)
"Wait, oh SHIT! I must have gotten the address wrong!"
Entilliumn quickly brushes himself off and runs toward the church. Silently cursing to himself and looking around, hoping no one saw that.
He enters the church.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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04-08-2013, 11:45 PM
Camille gives Winston a hug, patting his back, then laughs somewhat hollowly with him.
"Well, you never know. It could be different this week. Bill at least should be here before long, and–"
It's about that time that a number of others begin to converge on the church.
She waves enthusiastically at Entilliumn and beckons towards the food and tables.
"Hello to you, and to everyone! Please, come in, have a seat, make yourselves comfortable."
"It's wonderful to see so many citizens of our lovely little town in one place. I'd love to see us all get to know one another better."
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04-09-2013, 12:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 12:16 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Kameron rushes into the church with fire in his eyes and spots a bowl full of water.
and then he splashes it on his face.
"Ahhhh much better. It felt pretty lukewarm but I'll take it."
And then he realizes it's not tea.
"Whoops. I think the Lord will forgive me. Or something. Yeah, so I got your invitation Camille!"
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04-09-2013, 12:17 AM
"Well Camille, it looks like you got your wish. This is probably the most people I've seen in this church! *Laughs Heartily*"
He drinks his tea and gabs another four sandwiches.
"I already know Entilliumn. The Best cook in this town, or so my stomach says! *Laughs*"
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04-09-2013, 12:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 12:21 AM by Coldblooded.)
Lilith smiles broadly as she enters the church.
"Hello there Camille! Good evening Winston; Entilliumn!
So sorry for the delay. Hopefully I won't be the last to show up tonight! I believe Violet should be coming along shortly, at least.
Now then, how have things been going with each of you
Oh er, hello there Kameron. Is this your first time coming to the weekly Tea Social?"
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04-09-2013, 12:21 AM
Violet steps into the church, greeting Camille with a nod. "Hello. This is a lot more people then normal, isn't it?" She takes a cup of tea, carefully cradling it. "It's really nice to see almost everyone here."
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04-09-2013, 12:26 AM
"Hi Lilith! Yes, I keep to myself most of the time, really. Though this is a nice change, being here."
Kameron notices a table with tea. "I wonder if there's chocolate tea..." and takes a cup.
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04-09-2013, 12:35 AM
Aiden stumbles out of his house clutching a stack of papers to his chest. "Need to get these graded... House is too messy to work in...," he mumbles to himself as he tries to straighten the pieces of paper into a more orderly pile. He utterly fails and the wind catches one of the papers and blows it away.
"Ah! I need that!" he yelps as he runs after the sheet of paper. The jostling caused from his running makes more papers fly out of his hands until he has none left and all are being torn away from him by the wind. He catches them one by one across the town until the last few blow into a building through a briefly open door.
He bursts through the door and catches the last few as he realizes that there are a multitude of people standing around. "Oh! Is this the... Misty Social? So sorry for bursting in, but I had to get these papers that were blown away by the wind and... why did I need them again?" he scratches his head confusedly as he tries to remember what he was doing.
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04-09-2013, 01:38 AM
"Misty social? No, this is the FUCKING tea time thing... or something."
Entilliumn takes a cup of green tea and sits down in an unnocupied seat.
He nonchalantly takes a sip as he looks around.
"Not now... I'm mingling... GO AWAY."
He turns and he smiles at Kameron.
"S-sorry for the intrusion earlier. I was mistaken on where this tea party was."
The grin is infectuous.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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04-09-2013, 01:45 AM
Kameron was already smiling. He picked the right cup, full of chocolate tea!
"Oh it's no problem. You weren't really the person I was angry at. It was that crazy janitor! Where is that guy anyway. He owes me a lot of money."
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04-09-2013, 02:04 AM
John Holtfreter is at one of the church windows.
John Holtfreter spies Kameron.
John Holtfreter spies Kameron spying him.
John Holtfreter ponders.
John Holtfreter shrugs.
John Holtfreter cleans the church windows with his mop.
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04-09-2013, 02:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 02:19 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Kameron slyly sips his cup.
Maybe even takes a picture of the Janitor.
For identifying & murdering suing purposes for later.
He also takes a picture of the tea because oh my god this is delicious.
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04-09-2013, 02:32 AM
John Holtfreter comes into the church.
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04-09-2013, 02:35 AM
Violet swivels her head. It's that... janitor guy. He busts, almost violently, into the church. She gives him a curt little wave.
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04-09-2013, 02:46 AM
John Holtfreter waves back.
John Holtfreter proceeds to mop the church.
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04-09-2013, 06:59 AM
Ryan dashes out of his house, muttering and cursing about delays and distractions. He's wearing something moderately acceptable for the social, and he's sure that he's gonna be twice scolded once he gets there. He doesn't want to miss a chance to discuss like the Social.
"So sorry I'm late - woah, when did we get this packed?"
Ryan smiles at everyone, then goes around shaking hands.
"Camille, lovely to see you as always. Winston, looks like we got more sandwich competition than the pair of us today, eh? Mrs. Rotenberg, are you okay? You seem to be in more of a mess than I am, and I slept in waaaaay too long today. Where's William? Ah, Violet. Looking fantastic today. Hey, John! Love your work!
"And you gentlemen are... well, you're the chef, right? Entillim or something? And I don't know you two at all, sorry to say."
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04-09-2013, 07:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 07:20 AM by Yewchung.)
Jason sees all this commotion going on outside. He watches out his window as everyone stumbles around and such. However, he doesn't go outside. After all, what point is there in going to a tea social when you don't actually want to be social.
Jason instead picks a book off of one of the library's many bookshelves, walks into his private backroom, and settles down in his big armchair, next to the fire, and also next to the perch of his pet owl, Frost. He opens the book and begins to read.
The book happens to be Sleepy Hollow.
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04-09-2013, 08:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 08:06 AM by Coldblooded.)
I-I look like a mess?! Oh no, oh dear, I knew I should have spent more time getting ready before rushing over here. Curse my boneheadedness!
Lilith tries to think up an appropriate response of some sort, but fortunately Ryan has already moved on to talk to someone else before giving her the chance to dig a deeper hole for herself. Probably for the best.
He's right though, she's hardly on top of her game today. Maybe it'd be a good idea to just hang back and let somebody else be the center of attention tonight. She thinks she'll go talk to Violet instead. The two of them always seemed to get along well.
"Good evening Violet! Any idea why this place is so popular tonight? Maybe Camille finally got around to writing up all those invitations she always keeps talking about, hm?"
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04-09-2013, 09:05 AM
Mildred eventually meandered her way over to where many of the others were congregating, covered in a fair bit of dirt.
"Ah, hello everybody. I would have arrived early, but as you can plainly see, I had quite a bit of work to do today."
She chuckled to herself.
"So, what's been going on here?"
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04-09-2013, 09:09 AM
Mavis set down her fountain-pen and glared at the letter in front of her. Donovan had a habit of knowing when her relayings of humdrum village life had been over-thought and over-wrought, which made correspondence trying even for a semi-retired air balloonist with all the spare time one needed. It was hard to sit at a desk for two hours and tell a young friend on a journey to Motuo how little had changed since the last letter.
Mavis had had enough, and a week or so's delay on her end wouldn't be felt in the months before the letter might reach Donovan. She switched off the desk lamp and headed over to the window, squinting through the evening gloom at goings-on in the town.
Ah. The Tea Social at the church. Another reason to stop by Jason's for a drink.
Mavis just pottered round her house for a bit, building up the fire and finding an extra scarf or pair of socks before even attempting things like outdoors or unsolicited company.
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04-09-2013, 09:41 AM
Some clarifications if you didn't get a PM, you are a normal civilian.
Actions are things that have exceptional results, and are not Everyday Routine. e.g. "I build a statue out of ham on the streets" This is a bit subjective at the moment, but I trust that it will become more concrete as time passes.
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04-09-2013, 10:13 AM
Violet cradles her cup of tea, sipping lightly and glancing around at all the people. My goodness, certainly the whole town wasn't coming? This was so many more people than she was used to. Not that that was a bad thing.
She perks up when she hears a familiar voice. "Ah! Lilith! Hello. I'm sorry I came late." She runs a hand through her hair. "I'm not too sure why everyone came tonight. But I suppose it's not too bad. The town doesn't get together like this everyday."
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04-09-2013, 10:42 AM
Harper wakes up after a heavy night of drinking still in the workshop part of his house under a pile of finely made hats. Yawning he pulls out a cheap looking pocket-watch out of his vest pocket and looks at the time.
"Oh no I am going to be late for the Social"
After getting ready and wondering how he even got so intoxicated the night before he is stopped right before leaving his house by a huge garish purple top-hat with a zebra strip and gears in it.
"......How much did i drink to make this....thing"
Harper takes the hat outside and sets fire to it in the street before heading towards the church.