
RE: Lucidshift
Goldsaw Rifle + Wasp Stinger; Discrete Mathmatics with Ducks + Telepathy for dummies; Your shirt + Wasp Shell

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While conversing with your dear sister and best friend, you ponder some more crafting ideas:

GOLDSAW RIFLE + WASP STINGER = VESPIDAE RIFLE, the stinger at the end makes it so that everything shot out of it has a half-chance of inflicting poison

DISCRETE MATHMATICS WITH DUCKS + TELEPATHY FOR DUMMIES = HOW TO INFLICT ANATIDAEPHOBIA, pretty self explanatory, ducks are evil, vicious creatures, after all, inciting the fear of ducks into other people is a powerful skill to be learned

YOUR SHIRT + WASP SHELL = WASPBEELIAM ARMOR, grants you an extra 50% defense on attacks targeted at your chest or arms

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RE: Lucidshift
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-after a few moments reorganizing, you and your friends complete all crafting recipes thought before:

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RE: Lucidshift

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Your party ascends to the second floor

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RE: Lucidshift

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RE: Lucidshift
>Tread with the upmost care
RE: Lucidshift

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William: Open door

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You encounter the WASP QUEEN.

(On MSPFA) Music: Aphex Twin - Shiny metal rods

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And so, your first boss battle commences

Tip: Your party has 2 moves per each move from the opposing party. Good Luck.
RE: Lucidshift
>william: strum the lute and say “there’s little you can do against our bunch”
>magali: say “besides face the rodent crunch” and use rodent crunch
RE: Lucidshift
>RAs: Scan.
RE: Lucidshift
>Tori:Sting the wasp to establish dominance
>Payton:Light the wasp with the gun
RE: Lucidshift
RAs: Scan.

[Image: waspbar.png]

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Tori:Sting the wasp to establish dominance

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Tori stings Wasp Queen for 9 damage! No poison effect is dealt, the Wasp Queen is Immune to poison!


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Wasp Queen slashes Payton for 6 damage! Half of the damage is absorbed by the helmet.
RE: Lucidshift
>Lohi:Try to use your slime to pin the wasp down.
>Payton: Light the wasp up with your gun.
RE: Lucidshift
Payton: Light the wasp with the gun. 

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Wasp Queen gets stun from the bright light!

William: strum the lute and say

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And with that, magali crunches Wasp Queen for 123 damage! 


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William's entire mana bar is depleted. Mana is used for dreamer title-specific attacks. 10% mana is recovered per action.


[Image: waspbar_2_fifths.png]

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Wasp Queen hits William for 8 damage. It also takes 12 passive damage from the bleed effect!
RE: Lucidshift
>Lohi:Try to pin the wasp down with slime.
>Magali: Commence another rodent crunch
RE: Lucidshift
Caroline: Use that intelligence stat of yours, starchild

[Image: waspbar_2_fifths.png]

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Joel: Get Screws

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Joel takes the screws from up the wardrobe, and you properly load Vespidae Rifle.


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Wasp Queen attempts to slash Baba. Caroline acts quickly and deflects Wasp Queen's attack using her portals, Saving Baba's life and hitting one of the hives instead. Sweet loot, also known as souls, pops out of them.

Caroline has learned a new ability on her own: Deflect. Costs 80% mana.
RE: Lucidshift
>Payton: Quickly, shoot through the back side of the lower portal. It's perfectly aligned w/ the Wasp Queen's head.
RE: Lucidshift
Payton: Quickly, shoot through the back side of the lower portal. It's perfectly aligned w/ the Wasp Queen's head.

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Payton shoots Wasp Queen for 58 damage! It's a critical hit!
RE: Lucidshift
>baba: parkour off payton to acquire soul
>payton: parkour off magali to chop the wasp queen, firing a bullet for extra saw momentum
RE: Lucidshift
>Joel: You see how the wasp queen's attached to the ceiling, no? Move past her, and get ready to yank her around like a puppet on strings the next time she attacks.
RE: Lucidshift
Payton: parkour off magali to chop the wasp queen, firing a bullet for extra saw momentum

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Payton saws Wasp Queen for 19 damage, and fires the rifle for extra momentum, it's another critical hit! Tallying 38 damage!

Caroline recalls the two portals, recycling 10% mana from each.


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Wasp queen summons Ghost Swarm, attacking payton for 11 damage and Magali for 20 damage. Magali is down. Wasp Queen takes 8 damage from bleed.

Baba: parkour off caroline to acquire soul

[Image: waspbar_4_fifths.png]

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You can't absorb souls while in-battle! Hang in there!

Caroline: Attempt something

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Caroline makes two portals. What could she be plotting? Caroline uses 20% mana for each portal. 10% mana is left


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Wasp Queen Paralyzes payton for 5 turns (actions). Wasp Queen takes 9 damage from bleed.

Joel: You see how the wasp queen's attached to the ceiling, no? Move past her, and get ready to yank her around like a puppet on strings the next time she attacks.

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Wasp Queen Paralyzes Joel for 5 turns (actions).

>Baba: Jump in portal loop

[Image: waspbar_5_fifths.png]

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Baba builds up speed.


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Wasp Queen goes quiet. And takes 7 damage from bleed.

Caroline: Shoot

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Caroline relocates a portal for 30 mana.

Baba's deals 90 damage! (9 x 10 speed bonus). Baba blasts through the wall. Baba is MIA.
RE: Lucidshift

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[S] FREELOAD: Coming april 15th
RE: Lucidshift

RE: Lucidshift
>Get up and ponder what exactly happened
RE: Lucidshift
>Woah what an absolutely wack-ass dream! Better write it down, lest you forget it!
RE: Lucidshift
RE: Lucidshift

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You are once again William Willford, and you currently seem to be inside your parents' bedroom. Not sure why or how, but you assume it is once again due to your sleepwalking. You might need to get that checked someday. For now, you are sitting on the floor. Awake, you think.

Your hand feels weird, though you're not sure why. Unless...

Woah what an absolutely wack-ass dream! Better write it down, lest you forget it!

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Oh my lord, you’re right, you just had the craziest dream! You quickly take your dad's tablet and note it down before it fades.

"Crazy dream. Dreamt I was in a different version of my house, with monsters and other creatures and stuff like that. Payton and Caroline were there too! I was first looking around with payton and uuh... her teddy bear?? Tori was alive and there as well, for some reason?? And i think there might have been even more people with us, then we explored the house, fought some monsters with cool music powers i had, and found caroline! She was with a green girl that didn’t seem to partake much in fights, then we explored a bit more and found this big scary wasp queen! My singing powers weren’t working so i used one of saitama’s gloves (yes, really) to finish her off, and the last thing I remember was also punching a wall because of that. I remember it being a lot more complex and very long, but the details are already foggy to me."