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03-24-2013, 06:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 06:13 PM by Yewchung.)
You know what?
Burst mage.
Name: Icarus
Spell: Fire ball
Spell: Dark pulse
Magic +3
Linked Ability: Shadowflame Burst (alt name: Icarus' Flame)
Icarus isn't concerned with battles. He hates the back and forth that's associated with them. To him, long drawn out battles take time, and time is something that he doesn't have a lot of. He much prefers to get things over with as quickly as possible, and move on.
Alt combos:
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SpoilerFire Ball + Dark Pulse + Ice Shot = Elemental Burst
Fire Ball + Hit All + Magic = Sea of Flame
Dark Pulse + Hit all + Magic = Wave of Darkness
Dark Pulse + Katana + Speed = Light's Bane
Dark Pulse + HP Attack + Magic = Blood Pulse
Dark Pulse + HP Attack + Katana = Blood Sword
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03-24-2013, 08:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 11:55 PM by Palamedes.)
I always thought the old game was exciting, let's see what I can do.
Defense +3 - pretty standard thing for a tank. I think more defence will work out better in the long run than an extra 10 HP.
Battle shield - good for a little bit of extra defence and attack, could replace with the hammer for more attack.
Iron armour Linked with Mini tornado = Rocket Suit. Basically just the Iron armour, but with a little extra boost to make up for the speed penalties. For the low low price of 5 MP, you'd be able to send your heavily armoured self wheresoever you'd want at extremely high speeds. I figure it could be used to get to hard to reach places, grab a powerup before an enemy can, dodge attacks (if for some reason it was necessary), or turning all that defence into an offensive weapon by flying right at an opponent and teaching them what it feels like to get hit by a train.
Oh right, a name... Bloor? Sure why not.
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03-25-2013, 01:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 06:30 PM by Clownmask Clock.)
Name: Drizzle Fo' Shizzle the Drow Pimp
Equipment:Purple Hat, Purple Cloak, Golden Money Necklace
Magic: Pimp Magic
Abilities: Swift, Swag
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03-25-2013, 01:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 01:57 AM by MasterBlade.)
Well since Agent stole my *fabulous* idea for power up farming, allow me to try something else.
Name: Rhygoth
Katana: Why? Because diskarmor. Any armor that can serve as a weapon simultaneously is OK in my book. Also, if I can find a whip down the road and extend its range, its an investment in impractically awesome. Have to invest for down the road.
Iron Armor: Armor's pretty standard for fighter characters. However, I didn't choose this for the initial benefits. In a game where anything and EVERYTHING can be linked, any equips you can take on can equate to passive bonuses down the road. I would rather a guaranteed bonus above a variable attack or spell any day. And the potential; fire armor, force field armor, (tentacle armor, I have no idea what you are planning for power ups o-o).
Spare, Unused Link: See above. If I find something worth combining down the road in the game, I would rather not have to wait on finding a link. They say one in the hand is better than two in the bush; what they don't say are how awesome those bush birds could be.
03-25-2013, 01:56 AM
Well... *reserved*
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03-25-2013, 02:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 10:34 PM by Discord The Hedgehog.)
Ok. Making an account here to try for this game.
Name: Chaos
I would take the:
This way I'd be able to fight, and hopefully heal off my attacks so that I can sustain myself in battle.
Following this I'd probably take the second link, and also connect the katana to a +3Speed in hopes it'll allow me an extra attack every know and then to help with keeping myself sustained in combat.
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Spoiler Since you never stated putting a second option was against the rules, my second option would probably be the:
And I'd just become the teams healer, being able to have 10 more mana, cast the spell for less, and heal more from the cast of the spell.
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03-25-2013, 02:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 03:03 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
(03-25-2013, 01:56 AM)aattss Wrote: »Well... *reserved*
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03-25-2013, 04:42 AM
So I never got a chance to try this on mspa. Let's see if I can do this thing here.
mp + 10
Hit all
The links would create the abilities:
mana channel
For this turn, nearby allies may transfer their mp to this character, and vice-versa. Usable in the same turn as another action. Two turn cooldown, four if used with a second action.
Heal all:
It heals all. All nearby allies, that is. 10 mp.
Name: Kellander
Okay so, Kellander here is the party support essentially. He can do well teamed up with a mage to provide a bit of extra juice when needed, or teamed up with a tank in order to put their unused mp to good use, or a bit of both. I'd probably be looking to get him some offensive spells later on, as well as a wider variety of support spells, but at the very start we'll probably need healing and support more than anything, so this is what I'd go with for my first five. I might switch the locations of hit all and the mp + 10 in order to get villis heal instead of heal all, but that would probably be more of a thing I'd mess with until the abilities lock in at a level up, and at that point I'd decide based on whether we were going with big teams or small teams.
Also, you never said no multiple entries, but in case that was implied and just not outright stated, please feel free to ignore this spoiler, which is more creative but also possibly just outright loony:
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Dark pulse
mp + 10
health + 10
link ability:
Select two stats. The lower of those stats (both in case of a tie) gain +3 for X turns the when this spell is cast. The next time this spell is cast, the other two stats are used instead, and the same mp cost must be used. 2X mp, cannot be stacked.
Name: Kellander
This version of Kellander is a sort of warrior-monk. He has the ability of balance, which he usually splits into attack/speed and defense/magic to switch between a warrior and a healer/blaster archetype. He's pretty powerful, but he comes with the caveat that he has to keep his stats in sets of two in order to gain full benefit from balance. If his attack goes one point higher than his speed, for example, then suddenly balance stops affecting it when he uses that combination. Since equipment powerups usually alter multiple stats at once, this means that they are heavily restricted for him, although it isn't impossible for him to use them if he's careful.
Okay so, reason this isn't my primary submission is that, basically, this character is kinda crazy. Balance is either too powerful or too weak, not really sure which, and it's also almost definitely too complicated. Plus he doesn't really fit any clear role. He's kind of a generalist, but in a weird and crazy way where instead of doing everything adequately some of the time, he does everything better than adequately but not all at once. Still though, you did say be imaginative, and this was the most imaginative idea I could come up with.
Whether I get in or not, I plan to watch this with great interest. Your games on mspa were always awesome, I expect this one will be too, even as just a spectator.
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03-25-2013, 05:17 AM
Alright let's do this.
Name: EL FUEGO DE INFIERNO (Also known as Robert Barnes, to no one, ever)
Equip: Iron Armor - Link - Spell: Fire ball
EL FUEGO DE INFIERNO is already a man of imposing stature (or at least you can pretend he is), but his name would mean very little if he didn't routinely tackle his enemies to the ground while wearing armor WHICH IS ON FIRE. He needs no fancy long-range spells or weapons - EL FUEGO prefers his fighting up close and personal. And extra crispy. He can also punch people in the face pretty well but come on that's not nearly as cool as BURNING THEIR FACES TO A CRISP WITH HEAVY HEAT-CONDUCTIVE ARMOR.
Naturally, such armor would prove a hindrance to EL FUEGO's signature fighting style, were it not for...
Speed +3
In spite of all reason, EL FUEGO is exceptionally fast! Especially when he's fire-suplexing people. I do believe that was mentioned.
Also, Magic +3 for good measure. EL FUEGO doesn't mess around with any but the hottest of flames with his probably suicidal and certainly incredibly stupid feats of human endurance!
Note that EL FUEGO has never been an actual luchador and, in fact, doesn't even speak Spanish. Not that it matters when a certifiably crazy 300-pound man is tackling you off a building while on fire.
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03-25-2013, 04:48 PM
haha, wow, you certainly have your work cut out for you lankie. (that's such a weird saying. It makes it sound like the work has been removed, but means the opposite? what?)
Just so you don't have to stress over it, you can consider my submission withdrawn. I really just wanted to make an entry, but I am perfectly content watching.
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03-25-2013, 07:33 PM
Power ups... Live?
I have waited long for this day.
Name: Corin
Power ups:
Iron Armor
Mini Tornado
Resulting in a windy armor granting the power to deliver a quick physical attack fueled by the power of wind, in exchange for a mana cost. Also good for leaping chasms and quickly retreating from combat, if one can spare the mana.
Strength +3
This character would focus on the fine art of blademastery, fighting up close and using utility abilities as a supplement to a powerful attack in order to keep himself and his allies safe while he stabs things.
that one guy, that does that one thing.
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03-25-2013, 11:21 PM
Hello this is the part where I choose people.
And my god did this take longer/was more excruciating than than I previously thought it would be. It Certainly doesn't help that a lot more people showed up than what I first predicted.
First of all thank you all very much for showing an interest and enthusiasm for my silly game. Like, seriously, it still amazes me that you all like my games so much. Also let me just pre-emptively apologise to those who didn't get in to play. This was a pretty tough decision to make and in a perfect world you'd all be able to play but I'm only one man.
ANYWAY without further to do here is who got in, in no particular order!
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1: GenetiXientist as Ug-Grag
2: Ouroboros as Kellander
3: Qualien as Ralyk
4: Plet53 as Nathaniel
5: Schazer as Trout
6: ICan'tGiveCredit as Krawdrie
7: Not The Author as Jack
And there we go! Once again, sorry to those who I didn't pick. I hope that you'll at least stick around for the fun times! Also who knows: if anyone drops out I'll need someone to fill that gap!
The game for realsies will begin tomorrow!
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03-25-2013, 11:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 11:29 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
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Spoiler![[Image: tumblr_m29zmrhL5q1qkftavo1_r1_1280.png]](
*insert kira laugh here*
I couldn't have done this without you, Lil B, 420 swag, the proceeds from your movie were of great help.
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03-25-2013, 11:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2013, 11:35 PM by Purple Walrus.)
*Lurk Mode Activated*
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03-26-2013, 12:09 AM
Well. Congrats to all who got in. Time to lurk and watch and read as the games commence
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03-26-2013, 12:11 AM
Yus! I have obtain victoryfulness!
And on the topic of lots of people showing up... I always thought this was one of the more popular forum games at mspafora due mostly to consistency and concept. Oh well. Massive popularity aside, I'm glad I'll be fighting it out for all kinds of reward.
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03-26-2013, 10:07 AM
Lurking shall commence. Goodluck, y'all.
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03-26-2013, 05:49 PM
Oh, cool! I'm very much looking forward to this! I hope that I don't mess up anything
that one guy, that does that one thing.
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03-26-2013, 09:32 PM
You are a bunch of Power-Up People who have suddenly gained sentience! You don't know why! Time to get to the top of this tower and get some answers!
You find some Power-Ups right around you.
Map key:
Green dots are Power-Ups
Red dots are bad guys
The 'S' is a shop
Pink dots are you when the camera is looking at you
Blue dots are you when the camera is not looking at you.
Remember: Team friendliness is good time-liness!
Have fun!
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03-26-2013, 09:40 PM
Trout grabs the link as his first priority, followed by the MP+1.
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03-26-2013, 09:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2013, 09:45 PM by GenetiXientist.)
So, let's divy this stuff up. There looks to be enough for all but 2 people to get 2 power-ups.
I'd prefer to take the sword, and nothing else: I suggest that the other guy who gets 1 power up also get a weapon.
Ug-Grag immediately grabs the Sword.
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03-26-2013, 09:44 PM
Yessss, showtime!
Ralyk will go after that ice spell, and move west. Expansionism ahoy!
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03-26-2013, 09:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2013, 06:08 AM by Not The Author.)
Okay, 12 Powerups in the immediate vicinity. Gon' try balance this all for fair distribution.
Link is useless without two other Ups, so someone gets 3, leaving 9 to divide between 6.
Magic should be paired with a spell (Fireball, Ice Shard).
Ranged weapons (Fireball, Ice Shard, Bow) should not be paired.
The Bow could be paired with Attack or Speed.
Melee attackers should split Health, Defense, Attack, Speed, Ability: Jump(?), the Shield and the Sword between themselves.
...Oh, right, I forgot how little people care. Jack takes Ability: Jump(?) and head North.
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03-26-2013, 10:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2013, 10:10 PM by Ouroboros.)
I am so ready for this.
Kellander will take the jump powerup (or whatever that orange powerup actually is. It looks like a jump powerup) and the speed +1, and will head north.
Also, shouldn't the person with the link get two other powerups? It's not much use with only one other powerup, and we probably want to have maximum power right out of the gate.
Edit: Bluh. This is why I shouldn't take twenty minutes to make a three line post. Alright, I'll go with the shield and the attack up then, and head east.
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03-26-2013, 10:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-26-2013, 10:13 PM by Not The Author.)
I should take a moment to warn you all: I am a rampant edit whore and am liable to constantly edit my posts up to and sometimes after the point at which someone else posts. Bewaaaaare or something
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about