[free]: Cry For Help (1/20)

[free]: Cry For Help (1/20)
RE: [free]: Group Chat Time (11/26)
>Visit Helios on his planet. Pet some horses.
RE: [free]: Gotcha (11/27)
101: helo yes it is i, the guy who turned my first vessel into a dragon
4P0C4LYP53N0W: can we get a big f
TitanQueen91: f
101: f
Encyclopaedica: F.
101: i think i'm gonna go explore other shit before i accidentally blow up taial
Encyclopaedica: Don't forget to save that vessel, so you can come back and check on it later.
101: ??
4P0C4LYP53N0W: lmao one boutta get mommed by cyke

Cyke quickly sends you an explanation on how to save vessels, and, to be fair, does mom you a little. Now, you only need to enter the name of a saved vessel to revisit it's current place in the universe, instead of having to hunt it down.

Saved VesselsShow

You decide to head to Helios' planet next. However, the game informs you that the planet doesn't exist. At first you're a tad confused, until you remember that you're still at the very beginning of the Space Age; Helios was likely only created recently, if at all, and thus doesn't have his planet yet.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Gotcha (11/27)
>Since we logically can't visit most v1, how about some state or species that hasn't been discovered by the universe yet, but still exists. Rile up the pot before anyone else gets there so to speak.
RE: [free]: Gotcha (11/27)

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [free]: Gotcha (11/27)
> Attempt to find a Horse vessel and try not to turn them into a dragon.
> Actually yes do turn them into a dragon, we need dragonhorse for ultimate air-land mobility.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [free]: Gotcha (11/27)
(11-27-2018, 11:10 PM)ProbablyNotRed Wrote: »> Attempt to find a Horse vessel and try not to turn them into a dragon.
> Actually yes do turn them into a dragon, we need dragonhorse for ultimate air-land mobility.
This time do it with the power of not anomalies, but necromancy. If that doesn't exist yet, use the power of clockworks.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/28)
Encyclopaedica: But yes, now that that is out of the way...
4P0C4LYP53N0W: welcome to the fuck house
Encyclopaedica: Welcome, One, to our humble group chat. I am the resident admin on here, as well as the official scheduler for all of our cooperative games. If you need help with anything related to the game, it would be my pleasure to answer your--
Encyclopaedica: ...
TitanQueen91: FUCK YOU
Encyclopaedica: Really? We're doing this?
TitanQueen91: oh cmon cyke lighten up, it's just one
Encyclopaedica: Fine.
Encyclopaedica: Howdy from the big bear.
TitanQueen91: HERE'S WHERE

They continue to recite the entire thing. God, you love your friends so much.

Deciding to mess with a few other species before you do any time travel, you go to the other Taia in the universe; Taiaptor, homeworld of the aftiks. The aftik are still, by a large, a mostly-tribal race, living in simple nests, with no knowledge of the stars. Where would you like to go on Taiaptor?
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/28)
Find a tribe of aftiks and start teaching them things as fast as you can. With luck, we can make their civilization more advanced than the notails. Aftik universal dominance, babey!
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/28)
I second aftik universal dominance.
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/28)
>Travel through space and time to the Aftik planet.
>Arrive at 500 years before the Notails arrive
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/29)
You fast-forward time to about 500 years before the notails arrive on Taiaptor. It is currently the year 237, in the twilight years of the Hope era. Very little about Taiaptor has changed in the 237 years that have passed, other than aftiks now living in slightly larger packs.

[Fortuna rolls a 10-sided dice. A 10 is rolled.]

You zoom in on a random patch of forest. It takes you a bit, but eventually you spot a quartet of aftiks hiding in the bushes, closing in on what appears to be a small flock of sharp-beaked birds, appearing to... graze? Can birds graze? While you're pondering it, all four aftiks suddenly dart out, throwing themselves at one of the birds. The rest of the flock panics, and begins to flee.

[Fortuna rolls 4 20-sided die. A 9, 17, 11, and 4 are rolled.]

One of the aftiks grabs onto the bird's tail, while another grabs the legs. A third lands directly where the neck meets the back, and the last misses entirely, skidding onto the ground. The aftik clinging to the bird's neck quickly breaks it, ceasing the bird's struggling. The aftik who missed their attack, beige and orange in coloration, streaks off after the retreating bird flock. The aftik who killed the bird, this one being tan and dark green, growled, and dashed off in hot pursuit. The smallest of the four aftiks, one of lavender and dark purple who'd grabbed onto the tail, squawked in surprise.

????: Olive, wait! Don't try to stop her!

But the small aftik's cries landed on deaf earholes, as Olive continued to run after the orange aftik.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/29)
>Control Olive to actually stop.
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/29)
> Control Olive to go FASTER!!!!!
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/29)
be 0live then g0 and find l0ts 0f metal and stuff t0 build a gun

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/29)
(11-30-2018, 04:40 AM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »be 0live then g0 and find l0ts 0f metal and stuff t0 build a gun

I need an aftik with a gun

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/30)
You take control of Olive.

Vessel InfoShow

[Fortuna rolls a 100-sided die. A 41 was rolled.]
Olive lopes to a stop. Growling, she stomps back to the others as Flame uselessly chases the birds into the distance. Great. Just, great.

([Unstable] trait activated. Olive has lost 10 sanity.)

When Olive returns to the others, they're already begun attempting to lift the body. The lavender aftik looks up at Olive.

????: She'll come back, she just needs some time.
Olive: ...Sure.

Olive helps the other two bring the bird back to their seeming base of operations, which is made up of three nests touching each other, and one slightly off to the side. Through their random bits of conversation along the way, you learn that the lavender aftik is named Orchid, the brown and purple one who'd grabbed the bird's legs was named Violet, and the last aftik was named Flame.

As Violet got the bird cleaned and cooked, Olive began to get back up.

Olive: I'll go look for Flame.
Violet: Don't get lost.

Olive nods, and heads out into the forest. Instead of looking for Flame however, Olive begins to look for metal deposits.

[Fortuna rolls a 20-sided die. A 3 is rolled, which is bumped up to an 8 due to Olive's high luck.]

No dice. Olive honestly isn't sure why she expected to find metal out in a forest.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/30)
>Look for Flame
RE: [free]: Welcome (11/30)
> Scream "FLAME" while running around aimlessly in the forest
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
[Fortuna rolls a 100-sided die. A 41 was rolled.]

Olive sighs, and begins to search for Flame. Sure enough, Olive quickly finds her, laying on her belly, curled up and fuming. Olive approaches her.

Olive: Come on. Let's go.
Flame: ... [Charisma check passed]

Olive and Flame walk home in relative silence. Multiple times, Flame tries to strike up conversation, but Olive doesn't respond. Flame wrings her talons.

When they arrive, Violet is waiting for them.

Violet: Good to see you're back. Get something to eat, quick. Orchid's been worried.
Violet: And don't eat too much, Flame.
Flame: What? I never eat too much.
Violet: We both know that's a bald-headed lie, Flame.

Violet retreats to her nest, and lays down to take a nap. Olive and Flame hunch around the body and begin to eat.

Flame: ...
Flame: You're being quiet and weird again. What's wrong.
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
have 0live say they have al0t 0f techn0l0gy designs g0ing thr0ugh their head and they d0nt kn0w fr0m where, and they are having dreams ab0ut a race 0f evil aliens c0ming in 500 years and y0u think its c0nnected (we all kn0w it is)

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
>Have aftiks invented farming yet? If not, attempt to do so.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
>[unstable]: did you mention weird
>[unstable]: proceed to proc 7 times in a row
>olive: proceed to immediately feel the effects of this and screeeeeeech

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: [free]: Famous last words (12/9)
[Fortuna rolls a 100-sided die. A 33 was rolled.]

Olive: Thinking.
Flame: About..?
Olive: Things.
Flame: You'reBeingReallyReallyVague!
Olive: ...
Olive: It's probably nothing. Just of something coming and hurting our pack.
Flame: You worry too much.
Flame: And even if something did come, I'dJustBeatItUp!
Olive: ...

Olive doesn't say anything more, and neither does Flame. The two eat in silence, before returning to the nest, where Violet and Orchid are already resting. You decide to check back in on the group chat before the dream sequence starts.

Encyclopaedica: Are you proud of what you've created, AN?
[A screenshot from a different Fortuna game. At least, you think it is. Everything looks like it's been run through an image deep-frier multiple times. You think they're at Jade Park, but it's so bad that you're honest to god not sure.]
4P0C4LYP53N0W: yes cyke. yes i am
4P0C4LYP53N0W: oh, the wonders of hacking
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
>You know what this means? DEEP. FRY. THE. GAME.
> You just have to.
Local pidgeonmancer
RE: [free]: Welcome (12/1)
d0 that with an0ther file... n0t this 0ne.
we w0uldnt wanna mees up 0li... i mean.... 0ur demig0d

Egg It hatched.Show