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[free]: Cry For Help (1/20) - Printable Version

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[free]: Cry For Help (1/20) - suffershack - 11-19-2018

You sit back as the universe begins to load.

Holy shit are you excited.
You've finally completed Fortuna's story mode, following Cyke's instructions, and unlocked Fortuna's freeroam mode. All of your other friends have gotten it, and they've been badgering you to join them in their hellraising. You remember what Cyke told you about freeroam:
1. You start at the beginning of the Space Age.
2. You can travel anywhere in the universe, to any point in time, though there is a risk of plotholes forming.
3. Though you can't create characters, you can control and view the stats of any character you can see. The only exceptions to this rule are v1 AIs and limbo gods.
4. You can freely use your Fortuna items whenever you want. (this rule doesn't really apply to you, since you deleted all your Fortuna items to start fresh.)

As the universe finally finishes loading, you hear a ding as a message comes in. Oh, cool, Queen is on.

101: sorry queen!!! i just got it hjgkdfghdfkj
TitanQueen91: omg cyke helped u didn't they
101: i'm bad at viddy games ok,,
TitanQueen91: that's valid
TitanQueen91: where are you gonna go first? :3c

You sit back. Huh. Where ARE you gonna go first?

RE: [free]: New Game+ - ShiningKatana - 11-19-2018

posses a random apidee
cause y n0t

RE: [free]: New Game+ - Kenshiago - 11-19-2018

(11-19-2018, 06:04 PM)ShiningKatana Wrote: »posses a random apidee
cause y n0t

Oops accidentally selected vespidee and got Vivian & Willa.

RE: [free]: New Game+ - Artem1s - 11-19-2018

lets be a random legendary!

RE: [free]: New Game+ - Will Phoenix - 11-19-2018

Become the original clockwork and C͇̥̞͖̭͂͒̈́̌̆ͯͫ̍̕͟Ȍ̢͓̻͈͍̞̯͂͋̍̀͘N̤͎ͭ̍S̰̫̰ͪ̆ͧ̆ͤ͌ͬ̚Uͮͩ҉͕͔̥̱͈̼̯M̡̢̤̥̠̳̓ͤ͑ͨ͆̚̚͜E̎̏͏̗̩͞ those filthy organics

RE: [free]: New Game+ - eerr - 11-20-2018

Visit Mors during the big bang.

RE: [free]: New Game+ - Apollov1 - 11-20-2018

pick a random planet and poke around!

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/20) - suffershack - 11-20-2018

101: i think i'm just gonna go to a random planet and poke around
TitanQueen91: that's valid! freeroam can be kinda overwhelming at first jfhgkj
TitanQueen91: lmk where you end up!

You look around for a little bit, and end up at Taialnondemi, homeplanet of the mialcsem. Since it's the beginning of the space age, they haven't made it into space yet, and 99.99% of the population worships Yhenang.
Where would you like to go on Taialnondemi?

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/20) - ShiningKatana - 11-20-2018

a pers0n tat d0esnt warship that thingy

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/20) - awkwardcarapace - 11-21-2018

Immediately burst into and interrupt a helming ritual

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/20) - wiltingMyosotis - 11-21-2018

> A temple!!! Let's learn more about their beliefs.

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/21) - suffershack - 11-21-2018

You search the planet for a temple to Yhenang. As you look around, you send a message to Queen.

101: ok ok im on taialnondemi rn
101: im lookin for a yhenang temple
101: oh fuck what happened
TitanQueen91: basically they made it so they didn't have to be missing any hp when the blood egg things started growing
TitanQueen91: no spoilers but it was not a good idea
101: AN truly do be out here

As you send that, you finally find a small temple. Looking inside, you can see about 6 mialcsem of various head shapes listening to what appears to be a priest with a book for a head, reciting something out of what you can only assume is some sort of religious text.

Priest: And as the snappers closed in on the young boy, the wounded turtle suddenly transformed into a mighty alligator, and chased the snappers away from the village.
Priest: Once the final snapper had fled, it's tail between it's legs, the alligator returned to the village, and changed once more into Yhenang themselves. 'The snappers will not eat any more of your children', Yhenang began, 'for you have shown yourselves to be pure of heart. From now on, this town and it's children will know nothing but peace and prosperity for as long as it stands.'

One of the mialcsem, one with what appears to be a stop sign for a head pipes up.

????: What if Yhenang had decided that the villagers weren't pure of heart?
Priest: I- well- the book doesn't-
????: I bet they would've let them all die.
Priest: Oh dear not this again.

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/20) - ShiningKatana - 11-21-2018

tell the man with the st0p sign head t0 let the preist c0ntinue his reciting.

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/22) - suffershack - 11-22-2018

You want to tell the stop sign mialcsem to be quiet, because this is adorable. But you know they won't hear you, since you're pretty sure none of them are AI or Limbo Gods in disguise. The priest continues.

Priest: Jazmin, I know that you do not subscribe to this temple's beliefs, but please, (cough cough), try to stop interrupting, the others are trying to listen.
Jazmin: Oh nooo, about to be kicked out of another temple, whatever will I do.
Priest: I am not, (cough), going to kick you out, I just politely ask that you stop.
Jazmin: And if I don't?
Priest: Then I suppose you'll have to live with the guilt of disturbing a session of worship.

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/22) - ShiningKatana - 11-22-2018

p0sses jazmin s0 he shuts up f0r the rest 0f the thing. then g0 p0sses a pers0n with n0 freinds. we arnt imm0ral here

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/22) - Apollov1 - 11-23-2018

Possess Jasmin, freeze in place, twitch around for a bit, then start spouting mumbo jumbo about blasphemy and present yourself as the true god of this world. Light something on fire to get your point across.

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/22) - ShiningKatana - 11-23-2018

(11-23-2018, 01:48 AM)Apollov1 Wrote: »Possess Jasmin, freeze in place, twitch around for a bit, then start spouting mumbo jumbo about blasphemy and present yourself as the true god of this world. Light something on fire to get your point across.


RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/23) - suffershack - 11-23-2018

You take control of Jazmin.

Vessel InfoShow

Time to have some fun.
Jazmin freezes, and twitches slightly, and begins to rant.

Jazmin: Worship? You call this thing you're doing here worship?
Jazmin: This is blasphemy.
Priest: I, I don't-
Jazmin: You heard me.
Jazmin: This. Is. Blasphemy.
Jazmin: I am the true god of this world. You will present your prayers to ME.
Priest: Y-Yhenang?
Jazmin: Yhenang never wanted what was best for you. You should be glad I'm not them.

Fortuna rolls a 20-sided dice. A 1 was rolled.

Priest: I, (cough), changed my mind. [Charisma check failed]
Priest: Please leave.
Jazmin: Or what?
Priest: Or I'll, I'll humiliate you in front, (cough cough), of everyone.
Jazmin: What are you gonna say? "Everyone, laugh at this godless heathen"?
Priest: No.
Priest: If you truly, (cough), are a god, then prove it.
Jazmin: ...Fine then, I will.

Fortuna rolls a 20-sided dice. A 2 was rolled.
Now hungry for praise and adoration, Jazmin hopes to anything that may be listening that they can get as much worship as they desire.
And someone answers.
In the middle of Jazmin's metal back, a single salmon scale grows in.

(Jazmin's Charisma has raised to 10. Jazmin has gained the traits [Popular] and [God Complex].)

As you look upon your new creation, you get another message, this time from someone new.

Encyclopaedica: So, how is Freeroam going for you?

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/23) - ShiningKatana - 11-23-2018

wh0 are y0u. i d0nt remember y0u...

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/25) - suffershack - 11-25-2018

101: heyy cyke
101: funny story, actually
Encyclopaedica: Oh dear.
101: i may have accidentally turned my first vessel, thingy? into a monster??
Encyclopaedica: I see. Well, that's alright, it was going to happen eventually.
Encyclopaedica: If I may, what kind of monster, exactly? There's a lot of ways to create monsters in Fortuna; clockworks, anomalies, abominations, and that's only if you mean a literal monster.
101: well i'm playing with this mialcsem
101: and i tried to mess with their religion
101: and the mialcsem started growing scales???
Encyclopaedica: Hm. Did they ask for anything beforehand?
101: i made them want to be a god and be praised, ig?
Encyclopaedica: Okay, that explains it, thank you.
Encyclopaedica: Sounds as though you've got a budding Radical anomaly on your hands. They'll probably end up starting a cult or something like that when they mature.
101: mature??
Encyclopaedica: When they turn into a dragon.
101: ohhh ok

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/25) - ShiningKatana - 11-25-2018

well fuck we ruined this misaclems life (nailed the spelling)

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/25) - Thalia V1 - 11-25-2018

Excuse me katana I think you mean heavily improved, who wouldn’t want to be a dragon

RE: [free]: Planet of the Goops (11/25) - ProbablyNotRed - 11-25-2018

Of Course we improved their life, dragons are awesome.

RE: [free]: Group Chat Time (11/26) - suffershack - 11-26-2018

101: HELL yes, my first vessel and it's gonna be an awesome dragon
Encyclopaedica: I do agree. Radical anomalies can be hard to control, as she can be a tad possessive, but getting one to full maturity often greatly changes a situation.
Encyclopaedica: Do be careful though; the more you meddle with anomalies, the more likely you are to get the attention of the Limbo Gods, which can and most likely will end badly if you plan on having AI gods as patrons.
Encyclopaedica: I... may or may not have found that out the hard way. Rest in pieces, Helios #43.

While you're talking to Cyke about patrons, you get another message. Oh right, Queen. You quickly get her up to speed about what's been going on in your game, and after you're both done screaming and keysmashing over the surprising turn of events, she asks you a question.

TitanQueen91: hey
TitanQueen91: hey one
101: ye?
TitanQueen91: do u wanna join our group chat?? we mostly use it for talking about stuff we're doing in freeroam
101: WOULD I
TitanQueen91: sometimes we even schedule coop games--WOULD YOU
101: WOULD I
TitanQueen91: WOULD YOU
101: WOULD I

Queen sends you the link to the group chat. You click on it, and...

TitanQueen91: (banging pots and pans together) THE SWEET BOY IS HERE
TitanQueen91: why would i lie to you AN,,,,you wound me,,,,,,,,
Encyclopaedica: AN please don't call me that in public.
4P0C4LYP53N0W: whatever you say
4P0C4LYP53N0W: cyyyyyyyyyyyykeeeeeeyyyyyyyy
Encyclopaedica: Why are you like this.

RE: [free]: Group Chat Time (11/26) - Numbers - 11-26-2018

Heghlo people it is indeed I, the guy who is making a slimy dragon. Behold my slimy soon-to-be dragon.