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Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
03-23-2013, 11:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2013, 06:43 AM by ProfessorLizzard.)
--a not mafia--
There is a quiet village in the mountains, filled with normal people. Shame that the definition of normal and average are so, so flexible. Welcome to Fog, the place where everybody has something to hide. Dark, terrible, or just simple confusing secrets lie in the cellars, ancient curses and heritages await on the attics.
The town is ruled by a Governor, but he is just a figurehead. Some jest that the real power is in the hands of a secret king; a king so secret, not even he knows that he has it.
They are not far off...
Some people think that the secret to rule the place, to control every mystery in the town. They are the Masterminds. Working alone, using their deepened connection with their secrets, they aim to pull the strings. The Cabalists, however, aim to conscript others to join their cause. They believe in the strength of numbers, for the numbers grant them powers. And then there are the little, less large scale plots of the everyday Citizens. Who knows what they are up to?
Why would anyone rule this place, you ask? The answer is uncertain. Only the secret masters know their own motives.
Due the nature of the game, the signups will be in two parts. First, fill out this form in this thread:
>Short description:
>Two professions you might take:
>Favourite animal:
And PM me your SECRET. The secret should be a minor, but outstanding thing. [judged by GM's discretion] Your father was a time traveller, or maybe you collect yeti heads in your basement? Only you'll know. Initially, at least...
For this experiment, I'll need 15 players. There shall be an unknown number of Cabalists (a conspiracy of many people) and Masterminds (the man behind the man). The game is about playing out a Not So Quiet life of a mountain village, with an emphasis on playing for Fun and Story Making. Events will mainly depend on the actions of the Cabalists and Masterminds, but everyday civilians have an impact on the game too!
Uncover the conspiracies, play prank on others, etc. Beware of outside threats too.
Each Game Day will lasts around 3 real life days, in which all actions have to be posted in the thread. Night will last 2 real life days. During this time,
most of the Secret Actions will happen. <note: these durations can change either way> At sunset, the GM will summarize the results of your actions in thread. Similarly, the results of the night will be revealed at dawn, but most of the action result will be only known by its performer.
People can whisper to each others in PMs any time during the game, but I'll recquire copies of such discussions.
I should have noted that the setting is in a mid-industrial era, so some jobs are not exactly appropriate. Also, Governorship is also randomly applied.
I am still unsure if murder could happen, since unless someone has a cloning machine, they will be removed from play, and that is rude! It will only happen if the players agree on it being the part of the game. If it is, they might join as a new character or become a force of nature.
Since I will be busy soon, the signup duration will be long, until April.
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03-23-2013, 12:24 PM
Name: Ryan Davidson
Gender: male
Description: a talkative intellectual, tends to jokingly insult or intentionally creep out anyone he can get away with doing it to. Son of a famous but late mechanic, He lives next to the local library for ease of access.
Possible jobs: librarian, mechanic.
Favorite Animal: Spiders
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03-23-2013, 12:44 PM
Don't forget to send a secret through PM!
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03-23-2013, 04:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 01:06 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Name: Kameron Donnover
Gender: Male
Short description: Likes to keep to himself but is a wealth of knowledge once you get to know him. Sadly, some of the knowledge is stuff people might not like knowing. He was an orphan but the parents who left him at the monastery also left him some cool stuff!
Two professions you might take: philanthropist, private investigator
Favourite animal: Impala
Posts: 56
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Location: Event Horizon
03-23-2013, 05:35 PM
Name: Aiden Sparks
Gender: Male
Short description: A scatterbrained, but smart individual whose most known for losing things in the most obvious of places. He might have a lot of knowledge, but not much common sense to go with it. His parents were both town doctors, although they didn't encourage him to follow their path since he'd be likely to do something like leave a scalpel in someone's body.
Two professions you might take: Teacher, Scientist
Favourite animal: Pufferfish
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Location: Disembowelled in a Ditch
03-23-2013, 06:54 PM
Name: Camille Dubois
Gender: Female
Short Description: Camille considers herself a bastion of faith and goodness in the darkness of Fog, and that really should tell you all you need to know about her. An ordained priest in the Anglican church and a registered nurse practitioner, she has always made it her business to improve everyone's lives the best way she sees fit. Of course, that also means knowing everything there is to know about other people's lives, but she'd be very upset if you called her nosy.
Two professions you might take: Minister, Healer
Favorite animal: Camille loves birds of all feathers
Posts: 197
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03-23-2013, 07:26 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2013, 10:26 PM by Purple Walrus.)
>Name: Winston WoodRose
>Gender: Male
>Short description: A loud and jolly guy who is always friendly towards people. Though due to his strength his hugs can sometimes be backbreaking. He Likes to have a good hearty drink in the local pub. He also takes great pride in keeping the town in good condition.
>Possible jobs : Handy man, Carpenter
>Favourite animal: Badgers
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03-23-2013, 10:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 06:06 PM by Coldblooded.)
Name: Lilith Rotenburg
Gender: Female
Short description: A cheerful, light-hearted lady who always tries to go out of her way to make new friends. She has a tall, lanky build and dresses almost exclusively in various shades of purple and gray. She also likes to consider herself very well-read, and often writes exceptionally awful horror stories on her days off.
Two professions: Waitress, Seamstress. GOVERNESS.
Favourite animal: Otter
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Pronouns: Whatever floats your boat
Location: I can dig the Hell-Place
03-23-2013, 10:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 05:36 PM by Palamedes.)
>Name: Jack Johnson
>Gender: Guy
>Short description: Jack is a talkative guy. As in he rarely shuts up about whatever has happened to catch his attention, usually some foreign (and often useless this far away from real civilization) product of some kind. He loves new things and new people, and tends towards jobs that are in no way useful to such a small town. As such, he doesn't usually hold jobs down for very long.
>Two professions you might take: Shopkeeper, Inventor
>Favourite animal: The proud platypus
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03-24-2013, 08:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 11:09 PM by ParadoxGamer.)
>Name: Jason Deveaux
>Gender: Male
>Short description: A fairly laid back individual, Jason spends a lot of his time relaxing and gets along pretty well with others. He's mostly content with his lot, but there are two things can get him excited: His passion for his business, and a penchant for things others might consider 'weird'.
>Two professions you might take: Pub Owner, Book Store Owner
>Favourite animal: Chameleon
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03-24-2013, 10:35 AM
I should have noted that the setting is in a mid-industrial era, so some jobs are not exactly appropriate. Also, Governorship is also randomly applied.
Updating the OP with this, sorry.
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03-24-2013, 10:50 AM
Name: John Holtfreter
Gender: MAN
Short Description: Perfectly normal human in clothes. His skin is a bit too pale and pink in places. Kind of bland looking. Dresses nice but boringly. Did I mention he was a perfectly normal human because he totally is.
Profession: Shopkeeper, Janitor
Favorite Animal: Axolotls! God's little water monsters.
Posts: 89
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03-24-2013, 05:39 PM
Name: Jason Farruse
Gender: Male
Short Description: Jet black hair and bright gold eyes. A semi-social person, he tends to talk to people, but doesn't actively seek them out. He spends a lot of time indoors reading. He tends to wear big trenchcoats and such.
Profession: Librarian, Police
Favorite Animal: Owl
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03-26-2013, 05:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2013, 04:00 AM by Mirdini.)
Name: Katja Ragnarsdóttir
Gender: Female
Short Description: Green eyes, short brown bob haircut. 5'11'' tall, quite thin. Anti-social and introverted, prefers to keep conversations short and to the point. Has only been in Fog for a few years.
Two professions you might take: Inventor, Recluse.
Favourite animal: Reindeer
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Pronouns: she/her
Location: the incredulous residence of Our Great Runas
03-26-2013, 07:21 AM
Name: Violet Wetenski
Gender: Female
Short description: A young lady with long black hair and soft green eyes. She is very patient, willing to listen to anything someone has to say and always tries to relate to them to keep the conversation going. Loves to listen to people talk and to keep things organized. Has a tendency to constantly fiddle with her possessions while doing things, occasionally giving off the impression that she isn't paying attention to anything, which is anything but the case.
Two professions you might take: Waitress, Receptionist
Favourite animal: Gila Monster
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Location: Hungary
03-27-2013, 11:57 AM
Still one week left until the signups end! I guess twelve people works too, if we don't get more.
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03-28-2013, 09:11 PM
Name: Bill Willes
Gender: Male
Short Description: Who you calling short? Bill is a 6' 6" mountain of muscle and MANLINESS. He's hot-tempered, an enormous braggart and extremely competitive. He's always only seconds away from tearing his flannel shirt in half and challenging random strangers to chest hair boxing.
Two profession you might take: Lumberjack, Woodsman
Favorite Animal: Grizzly Bear
Posts: 187
Joined: Mar 2013
03-28-2013, 09:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-28-2013, 10:27 PM by yd12k.)
>Name: Dan Richardson
>Gender: Male
>Short description:An amicable guy that always knows the latest gossip in town, he wants to see his customers leave with a smile on their face. He's 1m60 and weighs 68kg, has short hair the colour of chestnuts and usually wears an apron.
>Two professions you might take: Barkeep, barber.
>Favourite animal: The labradoodle
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04-01-2013, 12:44 PM
This will start around friday, once my horrible week of exams is over.
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04-02-2013, 01:25 AM
>Name: Mavis Cornell
>Gender: Female
>Short description: Older. Well-travelled. Grey hair, lots of layersKeeps correspondence with friends and contemporaries overseas the old-fashioned way, with hand-written letters. Polite but distant until you get to know her; keeps to herself for the most part. Likes birds more than people.
>Two professions you might take: Falconer, Hot air balloon pilot
>Favourite animal: red-crowned crane
Posts: 92
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Pronouns: He/Him/That damm alcoholic
Location: New Zealand
04-02-2013, 08:47 AM
>Name:Harper Graphite
>Short description:Young looking gentleman with short blonde hair, blue eyes and very well dressed and enjoys running around putting hats on peoples heads making them look fancy as himself ,He is very skinny despite having a huge appetite, his favorite food is anything imported.
>Two professions you might take: Haberdasher, Tailor
>Favourite animal:Cat
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Location: In a tree in your backyard. Living your life.
04-02-2013, 04:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-02-2013, 04:46 PM by Entilliumn.)
>Name: Entilliumn Eonal (I LOVE THIS NAME. SHUT UP.)
>Gender: Male
>Short Description: Tall, middle-aged man with long, bright brown hair and a goatee. He usually wears some sort of brown fedora and usually dresses in brown. He tends to stare off in the distance, phased out and also has very mild tourettes. Sometimes talks to himself and is very fun to be around.
>Two Professions: Engine Repair man, Cook.
>Favorite Animal: The Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster Tortoise
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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04-05-2013, 05:13 PM
>Name: Mildred Deft
>Gender: Female
>Short description: Mildred is short but well built, and loves to spend time tending to her garden. She's outgoing and friendly, willing to share advice and help others with whatever they need. Some say she's a bit nosy at times, trying to help with things that aren't any of her business.
>Two professions you might take: Gardener, Produce seller.
>Favourite animal: Bees!
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SpoilerLast minute entry goooooo
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04-05-2013, 06:34 PM
I was about to close the entires, hehehe.
Well, I shall do the Administrative Works, which will take some time, but it will be ready to start by Monday.
The secrets beckon...
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RE: Cryptocracy (Professions loaded, loading map) [loading 50%]
04-08-2013, 08:38 PM
![[Image: fogtown.png]](
Behold, your living spaces! Your houses contain your workplace too.
Assigned jobs and governor position
1. Ryan Davidson: mechanic
2. Kameron Donnover: private investigator
3. Aiden Sparks: teacher
4. Camille Dubois: minister
5. Winston WoodRose: carpenter
6. Lilith Rotenburg: seamstress GOVERNESS
7. Jack Johnson: shop keeper
8. Jason Deveaux: pub owner
9. John Holtfreter: janitor
10. Jason Farruse: librarian
11. Katja Ragnarsdóttir: inventor
12. Violet Wetenski: waitress
13. Bill Willes: lumberjack
14. Dan Richardson: barber
15. Mavis Cornell: hot air balloon pilot
16. Harper Graphite: haberdasher
17. Entilliumn Eonal: cook
18. Mildred Deft: gardener
SECRET ROLE PMs going out to the lucky ones! Meanwhile, it is Twillight in the town, get to know each other....
REMINDER: everyone will have one action they can do publicly during the day in the thread, but this does not limit RPing and flavour action.