[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: (2) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
> There isn’t any DOWNSIDES to that combo, is there? It’s just an awkward neutral middle ground right?
RE: [Fortuna]: (2) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Do you have any ships, Speedy? How would you speedrun a ship?
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
(06-12-2018, 05:14 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Thanks for the advice Speedy. Unless you have any AI you recommend with Helios I think I'm gonna go

(06-12-2018, 04:42 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »
(06-12-2018, 04:25 PM)awkwardcarapace Wrote: »@CowBoy howdy

>Apologize to Cowboy about being a dunkhead
>Try to explain that the AI is extremely sophisticated and that they all try to stay in character, and you thought everyone had seen who they really are
>That doesn't make it ok why we were so angry and hurtful, but maybe it can be understood why we were so obtuse about it



[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [Fortuna]: (2) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: There isn’t any DOWNSIDES to that combo, is there? It’s just an awkward neutral middle ground right?

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Helios doesn't have any downsides or upsides so I do not believe so.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Oh that's good. I was worried because it seems like Helios seems to kind of hate Kratos.

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Must be the black background.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Is there something wrong about black backgrounds that I don't know about?

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Might even be something about the way he looks.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: There's nothing wrong about the way he looks. I mean, he does sort of have this.....uneasy look to him but I don't notice anything else.

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Or maybe, Helios judges Kratos due to his theme song?

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Ok, wait a moment, why is Kratos' theme song so intimidating? That's the sort of song a villain would use.

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Maybe this all leads to one thing, that Helios is the evil one.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Ok. Ok. Ok. You are going way too fast here! You took that into a completely different direction!!!!

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Judgement is one of the greatest evils, as Kratos would say.

[Image: 5TVD03F.png]
SpeedyPiPython: Anyway my next stream is starting now. See you.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Hey!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: You can't just say all of that and then go offline!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Dude!

Why does Speedy always have to say some nonsense and then leave? You shouldn't take everything they say to heart, after all, Speedy has mentioned before that they enjoy saying anything that comes to their mind even if it isn't true so that other people can make something out of nothing.

Jeez. What a weirdo.


You expect your conversation with notail facts to go the same way as always. You start typing, but as always your friend instantly notices and beats you to the punch. What is this dude? A bot? You've never been able to start a conversation with your friend before.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Hi! Hi! Welcome once again!
NotailFacts&More: If you're talking to me, it must mean one thing.....
NotailFacts&More: (facts)
NotailFacts&More: Facts!
NotailFacts&More: Here is one for you today. Some dragons are intelligent! Speak to them, and they'll speak back! Bards can even control some dragons with song alone! Wow!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Thanks for the fact. I just wanted to talk a little before I started my next game.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Then talk! Go on! What facts do you need today?
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>How about some limbo facts?

Or, failing that, murderfacts!
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>If Princess is the O-4, what is the best way to get Princess to more aggressively change Notail society for the better
>Is replacement truly necessary to achieve notail change?
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Do you have any facts about the game under Fortuna?
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>Do you have any Kratos facts?
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
> I know you're a fan of notails, so who's the gayest of them all?
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: (3) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Can you give me some Limbo god facts? I'm on a bit of a quest to attract a few onto my side.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Here's a Limbo god fact just! For! You!
NotailFacts&More: Limbo gods kill people!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I already knew that.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Limbo! Gods! Are! Big! =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I knew that as well.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: The Singer is the easiest to attract! Just play a little song using the right stuff!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I actually have a feeling I missed out on getting the Singer early. I had some sort of weird flute given to me by the future. Hopefully I can find it again.
You: Do you have any facts about the under game?

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Ooooooooooh. You shouldn't be there! I don't know what's there but it's bad! You'll mess up your game if you play in there!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I've heard as much. Looks like I won't get as many facts from that question. How about some Kratos facts? I just got him as a patron.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Here's a Kratos fact for you!
NotailFacts&More: Kratos is a cop! =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: That's......kind of obvious.....

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Kratos wants to be organic!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: This would have been a huge plot twist if someone didn't already spoil me about that.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Kratos spawns with a remote to a! Giant! Death! Laser!!!! (Giant death laser. =))

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: What?

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Kratos loves dogs! Kratos owns at least 3 dogs! =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Go back to the death laser please.

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Death! Death is what happens when your character loses all of their health points! =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: The....The laser! Tell me more about the laser!

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Lasers are a common weapon type! They do a lot of damage to things that are affected by it, but almost no damage to things that aren't!

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: The death laser! Tell me about the death laser!

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Death! =)
NotailFacts&More: Death! =)
NotailFacts&More: Death! =)
NotailFacts&More: Death! =)
NotailFacts&More: Laser! =)
NotailFacts&More: A death laser is a type of weapon that kills things! =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Stop! Tell me about Kratos' death laser!

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: I'll stop! I'll stop right now!
NotailFacts&More: Thank you for listening to my......

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Facts. =)

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: NO!

[Image: ZWKSJGL.png]
NotailFacts&More: Yes! =)
NotailFacts&More: Goodbye! Goodbye! I must go now! We will talk about the facts later!
NotailFacts&More: ( T h e C o s m o s F a c t s. =) )

Sigh. No use even bothering with your friend for now.


Pick another person to and a conversation starter. (that isn't just hello.)
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (4) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>Cowboy, Apology Items, Final Destination
RE: [Fortuna]: (4) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Cowboy, did you ever try to use a limbo god in order to defeat the sun god? if so what did go wrong
RE: [Fortuna]: (4) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
A B S O L U T E T R A S H ! ! ! !

“ayy how’s it going in the dumpster my fine trashy pal buddy chum home slice friend dawg bro”

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: [Fortuna]: (4) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Hey Ready4DeathTBH, wanna talk notails? Because I just made another one, and I never told you about my first...
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (5) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Pick Ananke. "Hey Ananke, how are you doing today?"
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: (4) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
(06-12-2018, 07:15 PM)Apo11o Wrote: »Hey Ready4DeathTBH, wanna talk notails? Because I just made another one, and I never told you about my first...

[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (5) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Hey Ananke, how are you doing today?

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: im literally just trying to destroy notails: buy the loga and the humans are also chilled.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: That's one way to start a conversation.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: I just woke up to that song.
Ananke#3997: oooh i really like whoever made the Marsue page.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: That page sure is something.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: Aw heck that sounds a bit dumb though. he got his gift in the future u all

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I don't want any gifts a marsue has to give to me. I don't even need to read the page to know that's a bad idea.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: 250 dragons is coming up with a lotta people right now, OR YOU CAN HEAD TO ROUND TWO AND TRY TO ROMANCE A GOD”
Ananke#3997: ..........
Ananke#3997: So, anyone want to get a pic of hawkmoth in a road runner episode

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Um.
You: Something about that sounds...off.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: just slide it over I must say despacito or robomantic will kill Iron today
Ananke#3997: it was some lego rts
Ananke#3997: Everyone knows we're really just here to help with storms because of my favs
Ananke#3997: If you're not a notail.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: I know you're just a chat bot but are you ok?

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: im so glad you enjoy some of the cosmosdex, truly calming
Ananke#3997: Been playing this dragon on me. 0ω0
Ananke#3997: They look really huggable

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Yeah, it sounds like I should leave maybe.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: So price of why would you expect!
Ananke#3997: Plus just generally the use of hands turning towards strangers to flip off strangers.
Ananke#3997: O-8 is evil goat man...
Ananke#3997: whos gonna stop you from making a Notail they would have to wait another 2 hours.
Ananke#3997: There was one but...
Ananke#3997: They! Went! To! Neo's Domain!
Ananke#3997: Yes, they were new.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: What did you do to them?

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: Notails will never see :> used passive aggressively.
Ananke#3997: Im working on the upside prosthetic limbs

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Ok, well, bye Ananke.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: this is my raffle entry or should I post in there! so go ahead if they spam Pogchamp
Ananke#3997: Well.... I'm not even the first half of O5's hang on i got a whole liter but he has no fingers on the street report observing those infested by it and i kno and i will!
Ananke#3997: i love ox and did two other versions
Ananke#3997: remind 12 hours until XXXX here

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: This may be a bit difficult
Ananke#3997: hhhhh this is their child, before all the time
Ananke#3997: ok so acutally tho, now that i don't have mouths.
Ananke#3997: I'm a dirty fanfic//
Ananke#3997: Well, that’s it. Have a wip for her?

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Stop.

[Image: JnWBDsy.png]
Ananke#3997: thanks for the shiny Q class.

Oh great, there's something wrong with the bot, it won't stop sending you messages. You put it on mute for now so you don't get pinged for every message.


[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Hey, I wanted to know if you wanted to talk about notails, I had a few questions about them.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: Hhhhhhhhhhhh. Not really tbh. I'm not feeling so good right now.
Ready4DeathTBH: Feel like I'm ready to be buried right now.
Ready4DeathTBH: I joined a new group chat and someone noticed my username as the person who made Y-35 and had to say some snarky shit about it.
Ready4DeathTBH: I can't tell when people are jealous or if they really think Y-35 is a dumb character. Kind of wish I didn't win that contest now TBH.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: I'm just overreacting. Sorry.
Ready4DeathTBH: There's more good people excited about my canon oc than there are snarky idiots. It just gets on my nerves sometimes.
Ready4DeathTBH: So what was your question, newbie?
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (5) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>I just made a notail, check them out (send a screenshot)

>Y35 sounds cool, is that your avatar rn then?
RE: [Fortuna]: (5) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Aww I'm sorry to hear that man. They're just jealous, I think - you wouldn't have won the contest if Y-35 really did suck, right?
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (6) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
Cringe culture is stupid anyway, you should be able to like and create stuff without people talking about how embarrassing it is! I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that.
hey let's date
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (6) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Y-35 sounds cool. I'm sure they were just jealous.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: But you haven't even heard about Y-35, how do you know if Y-35 is cool or not?

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Eerrrr.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: You really don't need to give me empty compliments, newbie. I don't need anyone to do that.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Well you wouldn't have won the contest if the character wasn't good, right?
You: So she has to be good.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: I don't know, the falouts won a contest too and they're just giant pink mantises.
Ready4DeathTBH: I don't know if winning automatically means your entry is better, just that the people who chose who won liked it better. I would like to think Y-35 is better but I don't know honestly.
Ready4DeathTBH: Like I said I'm just overreacting. It's just hard to not see the vocal minority as the majority. A lot of people like my oc, it's just that when one person says she's badly designed or offensive in some way it just causes me to think the worst.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: How long have I been harming the masses by perpetuating a stereotype with my tourist weeaboo anime lone wolf? How many people have I mislead?
Ready4DeathTBH: Then I remember this is a tourist weeaboo anime lone wolf oc created as a joke and think to myself how serious people are into all of this.

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: Tourist weeaboo anime lone wolf........

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: Yeah. I love her cause she is basically me but stronger. I'm using her as an icon right now.
Ready4DeathTBH: She thinks tourists are so amazing and she speaks all of their languages except she only knows a few words from each type....and she really doesn't know what she's saying, but she tosses in those words all the time.
Ready4DeathTBH: She's got a radical katana, and is a huge loner who has both a super deep voice and a really high pitched voice and no one is sure which one is fake.
Ready4DeathTBH: She was suppose to be the child of some super important notails who were then murdered before her very eyes but they removed that from the final. </3

[Image: gvfu6IZ.png]
You: That character is rather, unique.
You: To be honest I didn't understand most of what you said.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: You're one of those people who are like REALLY honest huh?
Ready4DeathTBH: Well it's ok, she's suppose to be overly complex and honestly just one big freaking mess of a character.
Ready4DeathTBH: People just don't understand her Deep Lore™ and that she's not a serious character, she just acts serious.
Ready4DeathTBH: But not everyone has to like everything. I just feel bad because it's my thing. I'm sure the arguments over giant pink mantises is bigger than whatever I got going on so I better just get over it.

[Image: bhmdHJ7.png]
Ready4DeathTBH: Anyway, enough about me, didn't you want to ask something? Or did you forget?
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: (7) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
I absolutely forgot.
RE: [Fortuna]: (7) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>To be honest, yes, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with notails, so I think we're good.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: (7) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
>I think we were going to ask for tips on stuff. Picked a notail for this crew after our first notail turning out to be The Future.
>Apologize for the unique comment.
>Unfortunately, been doing a blind run, on a sun god run. Wanting to save the universe and all that.
RE: [Fortuna]: (7) Lets talk to! Some! Friends! 6/12
> What no, I totally didn't forget! (I totally did though.) But on the subject of notails, would you like to hear about any of the absolutely crazy ones I've had, or will have on my crew?